The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1956 9 OKLA. FUGITIVE IS FOUND DEAD AFTER SEARCH' Believed Shot Accidentally; Sought in Slaying Of Farmer EI 1 Reno, 21 (P)-A 200-pound Negro fugitive apparently shot himself to death accidentally tonight as he fled in his auto from the son of a lawman. Shot Once in The body of James Leroy Neal, 20. Bridgeport, was found in his car a quarter of a mile from the Redrock Church. 10 miles west of here.

He had been shot once in the head with a .270 magnum rifle, the highway patrol said. The finding of. Neal's body climaxed an all-day search by a party of lawmen after the wife of A slain Hinton, cotton farmer, Scott Smith, told of her ab-: duction and seven hours of terror. Homer Penwell, 37, the son of the Canadian County iff, was driving to sec relatives when he sported a car driven by Neal. Neanwelfasaidnthe the cars reached speeds of nearly 100 an hour.

When they came to a deadend county road; he said Neal's car went into a skid and stopped. Grabbing a shotgun, Penwell piled out of his car and called help. Penwell is not an officer. When troopers arrived they found the body in the car. They theorized the rifle had fallen to the floor of the car and discharged.

The search in the western Oklahoma area went on all day and the force of lawmen reached at time more than 100 patrolmen." crime bureau agents and county sheriffs. Lighted Yule Continued From Page 1 the refugees, again received some of its brightness. The Austrian border police, aided by volunteers from West Gormany, England and Norway, put up a large glittering tree in the center of the hall. It was surrounded by presents for every weary refugee who entered from the cold night outside. 'They were given hot grog and oranges and immediately bundled off to Andau, several miles distant, in carts pulled tractor.

When they found themselves in the reception hall, they stood in silence, the mothers and fathers hoiding their children, smiling again. Highway Toll Continued From Page 1 the council, pleaded with drivers to "think of what an accident would do to your Christmas, and I to your families', and drive accordingly. much more wonderful Christmas would be without this needless slaughter on the highway. We can stop it if we At 9.15 p. m.

EST, the United Press tabulated 470 traffic fatalitics since 6 p. m. Friday. In addition, there 29 deaths in fires, nine in plane crashes and 65 from miscellaneous causes for an overall toll of 573. California Record Worst California had the worst highWAY record with 51 deaths, while Illinois posted 38.

Texas reported 30. North Carolina 25. Ohio and Michigan 22 each, and New York 19. New York City police accidents reported there were 1402 city from 4 p. m.

Friday to.4 p. m. Monday. They said 5369 summonses were handed out for speeding, ignoring red lights and improper signaling while 60 persons were arrested for drunken driving. The Safety Council predicted one of the greatest--if not the greatest--traffic jams in the hation's history when great rush homeward starts Tuesday.

Until Monday traffic death rate was one every 10 minutes. Heavier traffic. particularJy when families break up after Christmas reunions, was expected to quicken the death count. 16 Killed On N. E.

Roads, Total Accident Toll 28 Boston, Dec. 21 -The New England death toll by accidents over the four-day holiday week end rose 28 tonight as travelers continued to rush home for Christmas. Sixteen persons were killed on highways, nine died in three fires; and three in miscellaneous accidents since 6 p. m. Friday.

Only Maine reported no traffic fatalitics as a two-day storm caused hazardous driving throughout much of the six-state area. The death total by states, traffic. fire and miscellaneous in that order: Massachusctts, 8-1-1: Connecticut, 4-5-0; Vermont. 2-0-0: Maine. 0-3-0; Rhode Island.

1-0-1; and New Hampshire, 1-0-1. Fog Blankets Continued From Page 1. where observers reported it to be the heaviest they had ever secn. Heavy fog also covered the Springfield vicinity and stretched as far south as Hartford. In Brattleboro, Memorial Hospital yesterday afternoon, Mrs.

Ruby Wells, 79, of Brattleboro, died of injuries suffered in a on automobile collision at Scarsburg Saturday. The mishap occurred during a snowstorm. It was the second fatal mishap in Vermont during the Christmas week end. Richard II. Morrison, 27, of Lasthampton, suffered multiple injuries when his car struck what police said was cither A pole or a tree in an accident in Northampton about 8.15 Defies State Department To Make Red China Visit Hong Kong, Dec.

24 UP An American Negro entered Communist China today in defiance of a State Department ban to interview three Negro turncoat GI's. Action "Deplored" William Worthy arrived here today by commercial airliner. He carried U. S. passport No.

558.363, issued in Washington. A Chinese visa he had applied was waiting for him at the border. Worthy represents the Baltimore Afro-American, a weekly news magazine, which said it had been trying to get the correspondent a visa for several' months. It finally was granted Dec. 1.

The State Department his entry into the country. Officials in Washington said privately his trip might "jeopardize" efforts to win the release of 10 American civilians still held captive by the Peiping regime. Before leaving Hong Kong, Worthy signed a statement absolving the United States government of any responsibility for his welfare and property. He said he planned to return home via Moscow. Worthy is the son of a Boston physician, Dr.

William Worthy, Christmas Messages Continued From Page 1 have learned from Christ--it good to be alive. "May the joy this concept of brings remain with us. Let us try to bring a bit of this Christmas spirit into every day of the year!" CHRISTOPHER J. WELDON Bishop of Springfield "On this Christmas morning we join with one another to wish the lasting joys of this holy Ilo. nemakers are busy with preparations family festivities.

In some 'homes, children are too excited over their presents to have any other thoughts. In others, there are memories of little ones now grown and gone away, perhaps memories of those loved long since and lost awhile. There are hospital beds where some are in pain, eagerly waiting to return home. Some are in prison where regrets are mingled with remembrance. Not though poor, are forgotten, for it is Christmasia.

let the Child be born not in honor but in dishonor; not among the rich but among the poor; not in a palace but in a stable. And what the familiar Christmas story decrees about God is what's all important. "He comes in weakness as a Babe, exposed to stable sounds and drafts, exposed to the neglect and the rejection of those who have their reservations at the inn -no palace guard, no police "Ilis goodness is A strange goodness that makes no claim to goodness. Love is here incarnate, not on parade or boastful or proud. It was as though God said, I shall come quietly into the world; let there be nothing to frighten or condemn or compel; I shall disarm them with love and weakness.

"The most important happenings are those which God sees in secret, as when a man truly alone prays in secret, or when a sinner repents, or when a nurse in a sick room watches late at night. Victories of says this message, are always unfulfilled for only final victories are victories of love and faith. "It is Christmas, and the magic meaning of the word is that there is no room so bright with earthly joy that the seentaand Bethlehem cannot be there is no room so dark that the light of Christmas can be put out. Christmas we gather around the manger with the ragged shepherds and the three wise men, and if we know where we are, we are brought with them to our knees. Could it be that 'the foolishness of God IS wiser than men and the weakness of God IS stronger than REV.

ABRAM W. SANGREY Council of Churches of Greater Springfield Three Brothers Perish in Blaze Allagash Plantation, Dec. 24 (UP)-Three young brothers burned to death today in a fire which swept their home situated deep in Maine woods. Dead are three-year-old Gary Goodboe, two-year-old Kelley, and David, two months. Their parents.

Leonards Goodboe, a woodsman, wife, Arlene, were hospitalized with severe burns. The parents said they tried to rescue the children but were beaten back by a wall of flames. All were asleep on a second floor of the two-story home. in Adams and North Adams. reached in Western Short distance, holiday travel Massachusetts yesterday afternoon, jamming highways and creating snarls that required police attention until well after dark.

Heavy Traffic State police at Troop headquarters in Northampton said heavy automobile traffic was reported from all substations western area. Travel northward in Route 5 to ski resorts of Vermont and New lampshire was virtually bumper-to-bumper times. Veteran service station attendalong the route said they couldn't remember when night, In Cooley Dickinson Hospital, his condition was listed as fair. In Monson, only a short distance from the state police barracks, a car went out of control and careened off the highway. The lone occupant of the car was injured but.

was not believed in serious condition at Wing Memorial Hospital. Locks Mishap A car off Route 75 in Windsor Locks, hurling the driver out onto ground and then struck A utility pole. The pole was snapped but the driver escaped uninjured. Ie was charged with reckless driving. Six hit and run accidents in Chicopee, all resulting only property damage, were attributed by police to the dog.

In Ilinsdale, a second power failure within week doused all of the town's lights. They were restored an hour later. Minor accidents were reported 'SILENT NIGHT' ON RED RADIO IN BUDAPEST Listeners Startled to Hcar Carol; Curfew Lifted For Catholics Budapest, Dec. 24 (P) The Communist Radio of Budapest tonight burst out with a recording of "'Silent Listeners were startled. Not Since War's End They said they had not heard this Christmas carol over the radio here since the Communists took control shortly after the end of World War II.

It was another sign the Russian-supported government of Premier Janos Kadar is trying to appease the people over the Christmas holidays. Tonight the government also lifted the military curfew to permit Catholics to hold their traditional midnight mass. Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty spent a Christmas Eve with his aged mother in the U. S. legation.

The cardinal took refuge there after the Nov. 4 attack on Budapest by the Russian army. Stays in Legation Mindszenty's mother stayed in the legation throughout the night to attend a Christmas Eve midnight mass conducted by the cardinal. The cardinal will conduct another mass Christmas Day with his mother and American Catholics attending. All churches in Budapest, Catholic and Protestant, were filled for Christmas The churches also will Christmas Day, for Hungarians not only will celebrate Christmas but will pray for their revolution dead and for the future of the nation.

Hungarians had to pay high prices for their Christmas trees, and hard times loomed, but they welcomed the promise of the Yuletide's peace. Hundreds in Continued From Page 1 find the purest light he can to symbolize the life of said Dr. Weinland. "For many years pure beeswax from bred bees has been used. The candle is handmade with a red ruff symbolizing that Christ is not only the pure light but was born the son of Man.

"We light the symbolical candies from the light of the altar showing that the light of our hearts comes the pure light of Christ." At a significant and beautiful midnight service in Bethesda Lu- V. theran Church, Rev. Charles Bergstrom, pastor, emphasized that only when man is down on his knees does he realize how close God is to him. He said that conditions today are much the same as they were at the time of Christ. "There is turmoil and injustice and social evil." he said.

"In my own heart I hold no hatred toward anyone," he said. "But where there are injustices, think we should point them out." A service which originated at King's College, Cambridge, England, was given at First Congregational Church. The adult choir sang and there was a meditation by Rev. Otis A. Maxfield.

The service closed with the lighting of the candles. A midnight Holy Communion service was conducted, in Christ Church Cathedral. Soviets Launch Continued From Page I planning chief, and Maxim Saburov, short-term planning comchairman, also submitted reports. Submit New Plan The committee decided to submit a new five-year plan to the Supreme Soviet (Parliament) within the first six months 1957, to be based on the decisions of the 20th party congress last February. The 20th congress gave priority to heavy industrial output in the Soviet economy.

Russia's sixth five-year plan began last Jan. 1. Several of the cast European Communist states started their own five-year plans simultaneously. Central directed officials responsible for drafting the new five-year plan to bear in mind that this is their main objective: "Within shortest historical period, the most advanced capitalist countries should be overtaken in per capita output." Singer Patti Page To Wed On Friday Palm Springs, Dec. 24 (P) -Singer Patti Page and dance director Charles O'Curran say they plan to marry next Friday in Las Vegas, Nev.

Miss Page said the ceremony will be held in the of Wilbur Clark, Las Vegas hotel owner, Friday night. wedding party of 10 will accompany the couple from here. Miss Page will be attended by Mrs. Edward Barrett of Chicago. Ray Ryan, Palm Springs hotelman.

be best man. This will be the first marriage for Miss Page. O'Curran formerly was married to actress Betty Hutton. New York, Dec. 24 (PAn allprisoner, cast traveled a Christmas across town today to stage play at New York City's tentiary on Rikers Island.

The performers were 44 inmates Women's House of Detention in Greenwich Village. The audience consisted of about 1900 men prisoners and Correction Department officials and guards. Christmas Play Staged By All-Prisoner Cast Weather Forecasts By U. S. Weather Bureau BOSTON Today consider.

able cloudiness cool with highest in upper 30s. Clearing and colder tonight low upper Wednesday fair and little warmer. CONNECTICUT- -Today considerable cloudiness in the morning, becoming partly cloudy and warmer br afternoon, except mostly cloudy with little change in temperature and snow flurries in the Berkshires. Partly cloudy and colder tonight. Wednesday, generally fair.

and a little colder. MASSACHUSETTS Today considerable cloudiness and little change in temperature with a few snow flurries in Berkshires. Clearing and colder tonight. Wednesday fair and little warmer. RHODE ISLAND Today considerable cloudiness and little change in temperature.

Clearing and colder tonight. Wednesday fair and 8 little warmer. VERMONT Considerable cloudiness with occasional light snow flurries and cold today. Clearing and colder 10- night. Wednesday fair and a little warmer.

NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAINE -Today cloudy and cold occasional snow flurries northern and mountain sections. Clearing and colder tonight. Wednesday fair and little warmer. World News Charge Egypt Raids Tel Aviv. Dec.

24 (P)-Israel charged today that Egypt was directing new' fedayeen suicide commando raids into Israeli ter. ritory in a "deliberate flouting" cf United Nations resolutions. The Israeli Foreign Office director, Gen. Walter Eytan, said Arab raiders had blown up a clinic at Yokneam in Galilee and carried out a "brutal murder" at Telmond, near Haifa. Recognize New Regime Washington, Dec.

24 -The United States today recognized the new government of Haiti. The government was formed earlier this mnth after former presiident Paul E. Magloire was ed from control. The State partment said the U. S.

Em-! Port Au Prince had informed the Haitian foreign minister that the United States formally recognizes the new government. Will Discuss Repairs Damascus, Dec. 24 (P -Geoffry Herridge, British managing director of the Iraq Petroleum will arrive here by air on Wednesday to negotiate with the Syrian government on repair of IPC's damaged oil pipelines, a company spokesman said today. The 600-mile long pipes were sabotaged in the Syrian Desert after the British-French and Israeli invasions of Egypt, cutting off flow of Iraqi oil to western Europe. Hits Arms Restriction Seoul, Dec.

25 (INS) (Tuesday) -The top United States ground commander in Japan and Korea said Monday that the combat effectiveness of American troops in Korea has been limited by armistice weapons restrictions. Gen. I. D. White, chief of the Far East Army forces declared it is known the Communists have been receiving new weapons in violation of the truce agreement while his troops are limited to World War I armaments.

Find Plane Victims Milan, Dec. '24 Search par-! ties today found the bodies of persons killed in Alpine crash of an Italian airliner. ican couple flying to a Christmas! Infant Are Saved After Bridge Leap to River Nashville. Dec. 24 (PA young mother to whom Christmas Eve brought only despair leaped 90 feet with her baby into the Cumberland River today hut an office worker dived into the icy stream and saved them both.

Floating in Blanket The baby, who was floating down the river in her blanket when John Knox grabbed the tiny form, was reported in good condition at Hospital. The mother, who swallowed some water and was given oxygen at the hospital, was technically listed in critical condition. was too despondent and incoherent to be questioned. She was identified as Mrs. Milton Hunt, 29.

Her baby, Judy, is three and one months old. The temperature was in 30's and an icy drizzle fell as the woman and child went off the bridge in a bitter repudiation of reunion with their two young daughters were among the victims. Harris Gray, 41, Coca-Cola company manager for Italy, and wife, Hedy, 36, of Greenwood, and Atlanta, had been in Rome on a business trip. Plan New Pipeline Tel Aviv, Dec. 24 (P)-French and Israeli engineers are surveying a route for a pipeline to funnel 25 million tons of oil a year from the Gulf of Akaba to the Mediterranean, it was announced today.

The 32-inch pipe would oil from the Red Sea ports directly to Mediterranean Moslems Hurl Bombs Algiers. Dec. 24 (P)-Moslem nationalists staged hit and run bombings in Constantine today. wounding 11 persons, including three children. Situation Tense Jakarta, Indonesia, Dec.

24 (P) -The Indonesian government may declare a state of war to pre vent the spread of military rethat already have seized volts, of the rich island of Sumatra, political sources said tc day. The sources said President Sukarno also might personally attempt to head a new presidential cabinet which would have dictatorial power to deal with the tense situation. Minister Nehru discussed Middle East difficulties informally with Prime Minister Eden today at Eden's country home, Chequers After the talks there was an impression in political circles that Nehru, on his way home after conferences with President senhower and Canadian officials might call on President Nasser in Cairo. Nehru, Eden Confer London, Dec. 24 (R) Prime Sees Continuing Threat by Reds Washington, Dec.

24 (INS)Secretary State John Foster Dulles warned today that Russia may take "risks" that will make the next decade one of real danger because of "stresses and strains" within the Communist world. Dulles, in a copyrighted interview in U. S. News World Report, said the second postwar decade "holds great promise for true peace." but also "may prove to be another decade of danger." He said both alternatives stem from increasing demands for more independence by Soviet satellites as well as from the Russian people themselves. Dulles said the forces for freedom are "in the long run irresistible." SHOP WED.

THE HALL 9:35 to 5:25 GALLERIES MARY CHESS CREAM BODY MASSAGE Reg. $3.00 $1.50 plus tax For a limited time only, save one half on this fragrant lotion. Smooths away roughness wonderful after-bath body rub. White Lilac. Yram, Tapestry, Strategy.

Carnation, Gardenia. 8 oz. size. Write or Phone RE 4-5611 4TH FLOOR Chou Ends Hopes For Release Soon Of 10 Americans the traditional Christmas theme of motherhood and hope. Looking Out Window Knox said he was looking out the window at the Nashville Bridge Co.

is on the draftsman river bank and where he a "the woman and baby in the water." Knox ran outside immediately and dived immediately from the bank. A lower leap than the one the woman took from the Cumberland Bridge. "I went to the Little girl first." Knox said. "The mother was? onto some pilings in the The husband of the bridge leaper, Hunt, is a 30-year-old freight line employee. At the hospital he asked "Are they alive?" and collapsed when informed his wife and daughter had been rescued.

Hunt told police his wife had threatened to kill herself several times in recent months. Knox handed the baby to other rescuers in a boat and then swam to the spot where the mother was clinging desperately with waning strength to a clump of skinny iron pilings in midstream. He held the weeping woman tightly, supported by the pilings, for 15 minutes until a small river launch could take them both London, Dec. 24 (P -Communist Chinese Premier Chou En-lai today squelched hopes for the early release of 10. American civilians still held captive behind the Bamboo Curtain.

Chou. currently wooing neutral and pro-Western nations on a Southeast Asian tour, assailed the United States for failing to confer with the Peiping regime on the foreign minister level, and accused the United States of breaking a bargain on prisoner exchange. The Communist premier spoke to newsmen in Karachi, capital of pro-Western Pakistan, in the midst of plans to extend his tour to Moscow and Warsaw. new -minded Polish government of Wladyslaw Gomulka announced today in Warsaw that Chou accepted an invitation for a state visit "in the middle of January." THIS SANTA TAKES, Plainwell, (P- There was nothing jolly about the old gent who showed up at John filling station early today wearing a Santa Claus suit. This imposter drew a small caliber revolver.

stuck out a paper bag, ordered May to empty the contents of his cash register and escaped in a dirty car with And yet, all these festivities are of value and meaning only as they are expressions of our joy in God's great Gift to us. "If this Christmas fails to bring us to our knees before the power and greatness of God's love this Christmas fails to stir us greater devotion and loyalty to Him, and genuine concern and care for all of God's children--it will have come and gone in vailshop WV. Appleton Lawrence Episcopal Bishop of Western Massachusetts "It was not into a perfect world that God sent His Son, but into a world of sin and darkness, a world of strife and hatreds. Even so, the song of the angels was heard above the violence of man, and hope was born in human hearts. "Louder than the cry of the cynic belief and greater than pres- I the disof the skeptic in the ent dark hour of human oppression will be the songs of joy and the confident hopes of millions of God's children.

Let us never be guilty of the presumption which assumes that nothing is being done unless we are doing it, and of the despair which feels that everything fails when we fail. These are the enemies of hope. no "Christmas assures the faithful that God is on the field when He is most invisible and that in everything He works for good with those who love Him. Let us be grateful for the human concern that is being expressed in new and greater ways today. Let us be thankful for every occasion that lifts us to higher and nobler levels of living and makes us better than AVe are.

This is the power of Christmas." BISHOP JOHN WESLEY LORD The Methodist Church Boston Area Poles Enjoying Real Christmas Warsaw, Dec. 24 (P)-The snow started falling today and soon rooftops were covered. "'It looks like a real Christmas," said the woman in grocery, "the first for many Streets were crowded with people making last minute Christmas purchases. But by late afternoon streets were empty. Christmas is a family occasion in Poland and for the children the highspot is Christmas Eve.

The traditional Christmas Eve meal was a meatless one the Christmas goose or turkey comes tomorrow. Few people could afford the traditional 11 courses, but this was more like a true Polish Christmas than any in the last eight years. Uninformed Parkers Hit Bags On Meters Victoria, 24 (P)-The city fathers each year place paper bags over parking meters from Dec. 21-25-their Christmas gift of frec parking to Yule shoppers. This year the usual number of persons didn't get the word.

City Hall received several complaints from shoppers in this vien: not only does the city demand a parking fee, but forces motorists to lift the bags to insert their nickels. was as heavy at Christmas time as it Proof was that yesterday. the Monday ing was being done by those ing short distances to or away from home for the holiday was seen in reports from airlines that the number of scheduled flights yesterday was smallest of the Christmas season and passenger destination for the most part was nearby metropolitan centers. in The passenger load on busses serving this area was above normal for Monday but railroad spokesmen said that most of the traffic yesterday was inbound. The few leaving the city.

they said, had either New York, Boston or way points as destinations. Railroad. bus and automobile travel was expected to be heavy again tonight as the fout-day hola iday approaches the end and many head for home and jobs they will have to return to Wednesday. However, because some of they preChristmas movement was those taking winter vacations spanning the New Year week end. the post-Christmas load is expected to be substantially lighter than last Friday and Saturday.

Airline officials said they look for no heavy traffic until after New Year's when vacationers at distant points will be returning. Tthe crush of last-minute shoppers yesterday added greatly to in the traffic woes in all cities and towns of the area. In Springfield from opening of store business hours until closing, downtown was at jammed with automobiles and pedestrians and extra police were required to unsnarl tieups. Similar conditions were reported in trafficlother cities in the area. aboard.

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The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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