The Best WWE WrestleMania Entrances of All Time (2024)

WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year for WWE programming, and this means the WWE superstars involved come with their biggest selves. As wrestling entertainment fans know all too well, this starts with the entrance. It's quite literally go big or go home for many of the superstars, and some take their already flashy entrances and magnifying them to a wild new degree. Because when the entrance is nailed just right, it can be enough to make the entire match more memorable. In fact, some of these entrances are still the best part of their respective pay-per-views.

The best WrestleMania entrances ever (so far) can vary in why they are the best. Either they take what was already there and amp it up to the next level, or they swing wildly for the fences and result in a completely new kind of adoration for the superstar themselves. Either way, they stood out in such a big fashion that fans can still fondly look back on those entrances alone.

Read on for our picks for the best WrestleMania entrances so far, and let us know your thoughts! What was your favorite entrance ever? Which superstar do you think has the best overall? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comments!

"Macho King" Randy Savage (WrestleMania VII)

WrestleMania VII is probably Randy Savage's biggest pay-per-view event ever really when you factor in all of the story heading into and out of this match. But it all kicked off in a huge way with Savage's entrance to the ring. The Macho King often came in with such a grand fashion, but it felt all the bigger with this entrance in particular. In terms of the classics, it's hard to beat this one especially when factoring in all of the more grandiose entrances to come in later years.

Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania XII)

WWE does not utilize any high wire stunts anymore (with good reason), but it's hard to deny just how cool they look in action. This was especially true for Shawn Michaels' entrance for WrestleMania 12. Michaels was at a real high as he was taking on then champion Bret Hart in an Iron-Man match, and this entrance was a stylish way into the ring for such a massive occasion. While these kinds of stunts are no longer the norm, the fact it's so rare also makes Michaels stand out in the terms of the pay-per-view's long history.

Ric Flair (WreslteMania XXIV)

Michaels, of course, would go on to have a ton of memorable WrestleMania moments such as his involvement in WrestleMania XXIV. Serving as Ric Flair's final opponent, there was already a lot to look forward to in the match. But it was Flair's entrance that really kicked it off in full. While his actual entrance was not really different from what he usually does, seeing a full fireworks display over the Florida Citrus Bowl was a sight to behold. It sold the grandeur nature of the Nature Boy one final time, and made the fireworks hit that much more.

Triple H (WrestleMania XXX)

You really can't make one of these lists without including Triple H as he pretty much makes a huge deal out of every single one of his big WrestleMania entrances. The tough part then is figuring out which one of them is the "best." His entrances are so varied that fans are likely to have their own respective favorites, but his arguable best is also the most outlandish. Coming out in a throne with his full kingly garb like in years past, Triple H's WrestleMania XXX entrance was boosted that much more with the addition of three future superstars, Charlotte Flair, Alexa Bliss, and Sasha Banks. It's the grandest entrance for the grandest stage of all.

Rusev (WrestleMania XXXI)

Rusev might have had his day after this (and after the WWE), but he arguably hit his highest peak with WrestleMania XXXI. Not only did he enter as the United States Champion, his entrance also stood out among all of the outlandish entrances for this year in particular. XXXI was a big year for big entrances (Triple H had a Terminator influenced entrance this year, for example), but Rusev got a whole actual factual tank. Shotzi Blackheart might have taken the tank fun in recent years, but it's hard to top seeing that real tank for the first time.

Shinsuke Nakamura (WrestleMania XXXIV)

Shinsuke Nakamura made his SmackDown debut with one of the most memorable entrances of all time, and the same can be said for his WrestleMania debut the next year. Coming off his win during the Men's Royal Rumble in 2018, Nakamura was as hot as he ever was for this entrance. Couple this with Alice Cooper guitarist Nina Strauss performing his theme together with a full band and violinists, it's probably the coolest Nakamura's entrances have ever been. There's just no matching it as one of the hypest WrestleMania entrances ever, really.

Undertaker (WrestleMania XXXIV)

Although it's not remembered fondly in terms of Undertaker's best performances at WrestleMania, nor was it too important in the overall grand scheme of WrestleMania that year, Undertaker's entrance at WrestleMania 34 might be his best one. Not only does he get a special revival (complete with nostalgic lightning striking the center of the ring), but the entire time you have John Cena putting on his best surprised face at such a return. Undertaker's WrestleMania entrances don't vary wildly, but this one allowed him to be a little more animated and fun.

The Best WWE WrestleMania Entrances of All Time (2024)
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