Terrestrial Impact - USGS · The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (2024)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (1)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (2)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (3)

Terrestrial Impact Structures-A Bibliography By JACQUELYN H. FREEBERG



Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (4)




William T. Pecora, Director

Library of Congress catalog-card No. GS 66-245

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printin~ Office Washin~ton, D.C. 20402 - Price 70 cents (paper cover)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (5)


Abstract---------------------------------------------------------- 1 Introduction-----------------~------------------------------------ 1 Classification of structures _____________________ ------_______________ 2

Seria~----------------------------------------------------------- 4 BibliographY------------------------------------------------------ 12

Distribution and general characteristics of impact structures________ 12 Impact sites ___ ----- _____________________________________ ---_- 21

AI Umchaimin Crater-------------------------------------_ 21 Amak Island Crater ____ ---------------------- __ ----------_ 21 Amguid Crater-------------------------------------------- 21 Aouelloul Crater------ ________________________ -----________ 21 Arnhem Land Crater_______________________________________ 22

Baghdad Craters------------------------------------------ 22 Barringer Crater__________________________________________ 22

Basra Crater------------------------~--------------------- 32 Boxhole Crater-------------------------------------------- 32 Brent Crater---------------------------------------------- 33 Campo del Cielo Craters ___ -------------------------------- 33 Carolina Bays_____________________________________________ 34 Carswell Lake structure____________________________________ 36 Chinge site ______________________________________ --------_ 37

Clearwater Lakes------------------------------------------ 37 Crater Elegante------------------------------------------- 38 Crestone Crater------------------------------------------- 38 Crooked Creek structure___________________________________ 38 Dalgaranga Crater_________________________________________ 38 Decaturville disturbance____________________________________ 39

Deep BaY--------------------------------------------~--- 39 Des Plaines disturbance _______________________________ ----- 40

Duckwater Crater----------------------------------------- 40 Dycus disturbance_________________________________________ 40 Dzioua Craters ___________________________________________ - 41

Ellef Ringnes Island Craters-------------------------------- 41 Eyre Peninsula Craters------------------------------------- 41 Flynn Creek structure______________________________________ 41

Franktown Crater----------------------------------------- 42 Glasford structure ___________________________________ ----_- 42 Glover Bluff structure______________________________________ 42 Gulf of St. Lawrence arc___________________________________ 42 Gwarkuh Crater___________________________________________ 42 IIagens Fjord Craters______________________________________ 43 IIaviland Crater___________________________________________ 43

IIenbury Craters------------------------------------------ 44 II era ul t Craters _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45


Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (6)



Holleford Crater___________________________________________ 46 Howell structure ___ --------------------------------------- 47 Hungarian Plain___________________________________________ 4 7 Ilumetsa Craters_------- ___ ------- __________ -------_______ 47 Jeptha Knob structure _____________ ---------_______________ 47 Ka-imu-hoku ______ ------------------ ____ _____ _ ___ _____ __ _ 48 Kaalijarv Craters__________________________________________ 48 Kalkkop structure_________________________________________ 50

Keeley Lake---------------------------------------------- 50 Kentland structure________________________________________ 50 Kilmichael structure_______________________________________ 51 Kofels site________________________________________________ 51

Lac Couture---------------------------------------------- 53 Lake Bosumtwi------------------------------------------- 53 Lake Del1en---------------------------------------------- 54 Lake El' gytkhyn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54 Lake Humeln_ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55 Lake Michikamau___________ _____ __ _____ _____ __ ___ __ ___ __ _ 55 Lake Mien________________________________________________ 55 LakeSiljan_______________________________________________ 55

Lonar Lake----------------------------------------------- 55 Macamic Lake-------------------------------------------- 56 Malha Crater_____________________________________________ 56 Manicouagan-Mushalagan Lakes area________________________ 56 Mansonstructure__________________________________________ 57 Mecatina Crater___________________________________________ 57 Melville Island Craters_____________________________________ 57 Menihek Lake area________________________________________ 57 Merewether Crater________________________________________ 57 Merriwell Lake____________________________________________ 58 Middlesboro Basin________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 58

Morasko Craters------------------------------------------ 58 Mount Doreen Crater field ______________ ------ ____ --------- 58 Murgab Craters___________________________________________ 59 Nastapoka Islands arc __________ ---------- _____ ----- ___ ---- 59 N ebiewale Crater ___________________ -------- __ -------______ 59 New Mexico Crater________________________________________ 59 New Quebec Crater________________________________________ 60 Odessa Craters____________________________________________ 62 Panamint Crater__________________________________________ 64 Paris (Sucy-en-Brie and Alentours) lakes_____________________ 64 Parry Sound Crater________________________________________ 65 Patomskii Crater __________________ ----- ___ ---- ______ ------ 65 Pilot Lake________________________________________________ 65 Pretoria Salt Pan__________________________________________ 65 Richat Crater_____________________________________________ 65 Rieskessel________________________________________________ 66

Sault au Cochons structure_-------------------------------- 71 Sayan Crater--------------------------------------------- 71 Semsiyat dome _________________________________ ----- ____ -- 71 Serpent Mound structure ____________ -------_--------------- 71 Sierra Madera structure ______________________ -- ___ -- ____ --- 72

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (7)



Sikhote-Alin Craters__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72

Socotra Crater-------------------------------------------- 76 Steinheim Basin___________________________________________ 76 Sudbury Basin____________________________________________ 77 Talemzane Crater_________________________________________ 77 Temimichat-Ghallaman Crater ______ ------- ____ ------_______ 78 Tenoumer Crater__________________________________________ 78

Tiflin Crater---------------------------------------------- 78 Tunguskaevent___________________________________________ 78

TvarenBaY----------------------------------------------- 81 Ungava BaY---------------------------------------------- 81 Upheaval Dome __ -----_------ ______ -----------____________ 82 Versailles structure________________________________________ 82 Vredefort structure _______________ -'--_______________________ 82 Wabar Craters_-------- ____________ .,._;:.. _____ ------_________ 84 Wells Creek area _____________ -~-~ f~ __ :_,..:___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ 84 West Hawk Lake__________________________________________ 85 Wilbarger dome__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 85 Wilkes Land structure _________ ---------------------------- 85 Winkler Crater-------------------------------------------- 85 Wolf Creek Crater_________________________________________ 85

Indexes---------------------------------------------------------- 87 Authorindex-------------------------------------------------- 87 Index of alternate names_-------------------------------------- 91


PLATE 1. Sketch map showing locations of terrestrial impact struc-tures---------------------------------------------- In pocket

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (8)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (9)




This bibliography lists 110 features for which origin by meteoritic impact has been suggested and gives a comprehensive group of references for each feature. Annotations for the more significant contributions to the literature are included. The structures are divided into six categories, and their geographic locations are indicated on a sketch map.


The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures was prompted by an increasing interest in meteoritic impact as a factor in the geologic process and by the analogy of these structures to similar features on the moon. The bibliography is comprehensive in order to serve as wide a range of public interest as possible. Some­thing of an attempt to evaluate the entries has been made by reviewing as many of the articles as possible and by including in the bibliography annotations for some of the more significant contributions to the litera­ture of each structure.

The first section of the bibliography lists the references on distribu­tion and general characteristics of impact structures in order to pro­vide information on a large number of structures; these papers are noted in the lists for specific structures by a "see also" reference. Otherwise, any set of citations for a particular structure is intended to constitute a complete bibliography of that structure. Cutoff date on entries included is December 1964.

Most structures for which an impact origin has been suggested in the literature are included and are alphabetically listed in the con­tents. Names by which features are known naturally vary; alternate names appear in the text and also in an index. Locations of the struc­tures are shown on the accompanying sketch map (pl. 1). The geo­graphical coordinates for each structure are given under its listing in the bibliography.

As search for undiscovered craters and research on the geology of those presently known continues, the list can be expected to change, perhaps rapidly.


Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (10)



Currently, only 11 of the 110 features listed here are universally accepted as meteorite craters. Some indication of the nature of, and reason for including, the others seems useful. A. classification using six categories adapted from Shoemaker and Eggleton,t with a list of structures belonging to each group, follows. The category to which each structure is assigned is also noted in the bibliography.

Category 1: Craters, or clusters of craters, with associated meteorites. Barringer Crater, Ariz. Boxhole Crater, Australia Campo del Cielo Craters, Argentina Dalgaranga Crater, Australia Haviland Crater, Kans. Henbury Craters, Australia Kaalijarv Craters, Estonia Odessa Craters, Tex. Sikhote-Alin Craters, U.S.S.R. Wabar Craters, Saudi Arabia Wolf Creek Crater, Australia

Category 2: Craters with form and structure of meteorite craters and asso-ciated phases probably of shock origin.

Aouelloul Crater, Mauritania Clearwater Lakes, Canada Holleford Grater, Canada Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana Richii.t Crater, Mauritania Rieskessel, Germany

Category 3: Craters with the form and structure of meteorite craters. Lonar Lake, India New Quebec Crater, Canada Pretoria Salt Pan, South Africa Steinheim Basin, Germany Talemzane Crater, Algeria

Category 4: Deeply eroded or buried structures possibly of impact origin. Brent Crater, Canada Crooked Creek structure, Mo. Decaturville disturbance, Mo. Flynn Creek structure, Tenn. Glasford structure, Ill. Howell structure, Tenn. Jeptha Knob structure, Ky. Kentland structure, Ind. Kilmichael structure, Miss. Manicouagan-Mushalagan Lakes area, Canada Manson structure, Iowa Middlesboro Basin, Ky.

1 Shoemaker, E. M., and Eggleton, R. E., 1961, Terrestrial features of impact origin, in Proceedings of the Geophysical Laboratory/Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Cratering Symposium, Washington, D.C., March 28-29, 1961 : California Univ., Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept. UCRL-6438, pt. 1, paper A, 27 p. (Report prepared for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (11)


Serpent Mound structure, Ohio Sierra Madera structure, Tex. Versailles structure, Ky. Vredefort structure, South Africa 'Yells Creek area (main structure), Tenn.

Category 5: Features probably of nonimpact origin. Al Umchaimin Crater, Iraq Arnhem Land Crater, Australia Carolina Bays, U.S. Crater Elegante, Mexico Crestone Crater, Colo. Duckwater Crater, Nev. Eyre Peninsula Craters, Australia Franktown Crater, Canada Gwarkuh Crater, Iran Hungarian Plain, Hungary-Romania Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. Semsiyat dome, Mauritania Socotra Crater, Socotra Tiffin Crater, Iowa Tunguska event, U.S.S.R. Upheaval Dome, Utah


Category 6: Structures for which more data are required for classification. Amak Island Crater, Alaska Amguid Crater, Algeria Baghdad Craters, Iraq Basra Crater, Iraq Carswell Lake structure, Canada Chinge site, U.S.'S.R. Deep Bay, Canada Des Plaines disturbance, Ill. Dycus disturbance, Tenn. Dzioua Craters, Algeria Ellef Ringnes Island Craters, Canada Glover Bluff structure, Wis. Gulf of St. Lawrence arc, Canada Hagens Fjord Craters, Greenland Herault Craters, France Ilumetsa Craters, Estonia Ka-imu-hoku, Hawaii Kalkkop structure, South Africa Keeley Lake, Canada Kofels site, Austria Lac Couture, Canada Lake Dellen, Sweden Lake El'gytkhyn, U.S.S.R. Lake Humeln, Sweden Lake Michikamau, Canada Lake Mien, Sweden Lake Siljan, Sweden

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (12)


Macamic Lake, Canada Mecatina Crater, Canada Melville Island Craters, Canada Menihek Lake area, Canada Merewether Crater, Canada Merriwell Lake, Canada Morasko Craters, Poland Murgab Craters, U.S.S.R. Nastapoka Islands arc, Canada Nebiewale Crater, Ghana New Mexico Crater, N.Mex. Paris ( Sucy-en-Brie and Alentours) lakes, France Parry Sound Crater, Canada Patomskii Crater, U.S.S.R. Pilot Lake, Canada Sault au Cochons structure, Canada Sayan Crater, U.S.S.R. Sudbury Basin, Canada Temimichat-Ghallaman Crater, Mauritania Tenoumer Crater, Mauritania Tvaren Bay, S,weden Ungava Bay, Canada ·wells Creek area (three era ters) , Tenn. West Hawk Lake, Canada Wilbarger dome, Tex. Wilkes Land structure, Antarctica Winkler Crater, Kans.


The following list gives abbreviated titles of serials cited in this bibliography, with complete titles as used in library catalogs and union lists of serials and place o:f publication. The issuing agency, if not a commercial publisher, is included.

Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc.-Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Proceedings. Philadelphia, Pa.

Acad. Sci. [Paris] Comptes Rendus-Comptes Rend us de 1' Academie des Sciences. Paris, France.

Acta Geog.-Acta Geographica. Geogra:fiska sallskapet i Finland. Helsinki, Finland.

Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy-Akademiya Nauk Estonskoy SSR, Institut Geologii, Trudy. Tallinn, Estonia.

Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR Vestnik-Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Vest-nik. Alma Ata, Kazakhskoy SSR.

Akad. Nauk SSSR Oomptes Rendus, Doklady­Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady-Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. ser. geog. i geo:fiz.­Akad. Nauk SSSR Vestnik-

Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Comptes Rendus, Doklady and Doklady and Izvestiya, seriya geogra:ficheskaya i geo:fizicheskaya and Vestnik. Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (13)


Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady, Earth Sci. Sec.-Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Doklady, Earth Science Section [translated]. American Geological Institute. Wash­ington, D.C.

Akad. Nauk SSSR, Lomonosovskogo Inst. Geokhimii, Kristallografii i Mineralogii, Trudy-Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Lomonosovskogo Institut Geokhimii, Kristallografii i Mineralogii, Trudy. Leningrad, U.S.S.R.

Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibir.skoe Otdelenie, Inst. Geologii i Geofiziki, Trudy-Akade­miya Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Trudy. Novosibirsk, U.S.S.R.

Akad. Nauk Tadzik. SSR Doklady-Akademiya Nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR, Doklady. Stalinabad, Tadzhik SSR.

Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys.-math. Kl., Abh.-Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin, Physikalische-mathematisch Klasse, Abhandlungen.

Akad. Wiss. Miinchen Sitzungsber.-Akademie der Wissenschaften in Miinchen. Sitzungsberichte. Munich, Germany.

Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Anz.-Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Sitzungsber.-

Akademie der Wissenscbaften in Wien, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Anzeiger and Sitzungsberichte. Vienna, Au.stria.

A!m. A.cad. Arts Sci. Proc.-American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings. Boston, Mass.

A.m. Assoc. A.dv. Sci. Proc.-A.merican Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings. Washington, D.C.

Am. A..ssoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull.-.American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin. Tulsa, Okla.

Am. Astron. Soc. Pub.-.American Astronomical Society, Publications. Ann Arbor, Mich.

Am. Geologist-American Geologist. Minneapolis, Minn. Am. Geophys. Union Trans.-American Geophysical Union, Transactions. Wash­

ington, D.C. Am. Inst. Mining Metal!. Petroleum Engineers Trans.-American Institute of

Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Transactions. New York, N.Y.

Am. Jour. Sci.-American Journal of Science. New Haven, Conn. A!m. Mineralogist-American Mineralogist. Mineralogical Society of America.

Washington, D.C. A.m. Philos. Soc. Proc.­.Am. Philos. Soc. Yearbook-

American Philosophical Society, Proceedings and Yearbook. Philadelphia, Pa.

Am. Scientist-American Scientist. Society of the Sigma Xi. New Haven, Conn. Annales Geographie-Annales Geographie. Bulletin de la Soci~te de Geographie.

Paris, France. Arctic-Arctic. Arctic In.stitute of North America. Ottawa, Canada. Argentina Dir. Minas Geol. Pub.-Argentina, Direcci6n de Minas y Geologia,

Publicaci6n. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Arizona Highways-Arizona Highways. Phoenix, Ariz. Arizona Mining Jour.-A.rizona Mining Journal. Phoenix, Ariz. Assoc. Am. Geographers Annals-Association of American Geographers, Annals.

Washington, D.C. Aster [Barcelona]-Aster. Barcelona, Spain.

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (14)


Astron. Jour.-Astronomical Journal. American Astronomical Society. New York, N.Y.

Astron. Kalendar' Gorkiy-Astronomicheskiy Kalendar'. Gorkiy, U.S.S.R. Astron. Soc. Pacific Pub.-Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications.

San Francisco, Calif. Astron. Tsirk.-Astronomicheskiy Tsirkuliar. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Mos­

cow, U.S.S.R. Astron. Zhur.-Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Moscow,

U.S.S.R. Astronomie--Astronomie et Bulletin de la Societe Astronomique de France.

Paris, France. Australia, Aerial, Geol. and Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia, Rept.,

Northern Territory-Australia, Aerial, Geological and Geophysical Survey of Northern Australia, Report, Northern Territory. Canberra, Australia.

Australian and New Zealand Assoc. Adv. Sci. Rept.-Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, Report. Sydney, Australia.

Australian Jour. Sci.-Australian Journal of Science. Sydney, Australia. Austria Geol. Bund. Verh.-Austria, Geologische Bundesanstalt, Verhandlungen.

Vienna, Austria. Bavaria Oberbergamt Geol. Land. Abh.-Bavaria, Oberbergamt, Geologische

Landesuntersuchung, Abhandlungen. Munich, Germany. Bayerische Akad. Wiss. Sitzungsber.-Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften,

Sitzungsberichte. Munich, Germany. Bayerische Staatssamml. Paliiont. Hist. Geol. Mitt.-Bayerische Staatssamm­

lung fiir PaUiontologie und Historische Geologie, Mitteilungen. Munich, Germany.

Beitr. Geophysik-Beitrage zur Geophysik (also Gerlands Beitriige zur Geo­physik). Leipzig, Germany.

British Astron. Assoc. Jour.-British Astronomical Association, Journal. Mid­dlesex, England.

British Interplanetary Soc. Jour.-British Interplanetary Society, Journal. London, England.

California Univ., Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept.-University of California, Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Report. Liver­more, Calif.

Canada Geol. Survey Bull.­Canada Geol. Survey Map­Canada Geol. Survey Paper-

Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin and Map and Paper. Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist-Canadian Mineralogist. Mineralogical Association of

Canada. Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist-Canadian Field-Naturalist. Ottawa Field-Natural­

ists' Club. Ottawa, Canada. Casopsis-Casopsis Ceskoslovenskych usta.vu astronomickych. Prague, Czecho­

slovakia. Chemie der Erde--Chemie der Erde. Jena, Germany. Colorado Mus. Nat. History Proc.-Colorado Museum of Natural History,

Proceedings. Denver, Colo. Compressed Air Mag.-Compressed Air Magazine. Easton, Pa. Copenhagen Univ. Mus. Mineralogie et Geologie Commun. Geol.-Copenhagen

University, Museum de Mineralogie et de Geologie, Communications Geolo­giques. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (15)


Current Sci.-Current Science. Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore, India. Dansk Geol. Foren. Meddel.-Dansk Geologisk Forening, Meddelelser. Copen­

hagen, Denmark. Desert Mag.-Desert Magazine. Palm Desert, Calif. Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr.-Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift.

Hannover, Germany. Earth Sci.-Earth Science. Chicago, Ill. Earth Sci. Digest-Earth Science Digest (also Earth Science). Chicago, Ill. Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae--->Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. Societe Geologique

Suisse. Basel, Switzerland. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Jour.-Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Journal.

Chapel Hill, N.C. Eng. Mining Jour.-Engineering and Mining Journal. Chicago, Ill. Eng. Mining Jour.-Pre·ss-Engineering and Mining Journal-Press. New York,

N.Y. Explorers Jour.-Explorers Journal. Explorers Club. New York, N.Y. Field and Laboratory-Field and Laboratory. Dallas, Tex. Forschung. und Fortschr.-Forschungen und Fortschritte. Berlin, Germany. Fortschr. Mineralogie-Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Kristallographie und

Petrographie. Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft. Berlin, Germany. France Centre Natl. Recherche Sci. Colloques Internat.-France, Centre National

de la Recherche Scientifique, Oolloques Internationaux. Paris, France. French West Africa Dir. Mines Bull.~French West Africa, Direction Federale

des Mines et de la Geologie, Bulletin. Dakar, French West Africa. Geochemistry [English translation]-Geochemistry [English translation]. Geo­

chemical S.ociety, Washington, D.C. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta-Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. London,

England. Geog. Jour. [London]-Geographical Journal. Royal Geographical Society.

London, England. Geog. Wochenschr.-Geographische Wochenschrift. Frankfurt, Germany. Geokhimiya-Geokhimiya. Akademiya Nauk, Moscow, U.S.S.R. Geol. Assoc. Canada Proc.-Geological Association of Canada, Proceedings.

Toronto, Canada. Geologists' Assoc. London Proc.-Geologists' Association, London, Proceedings.

London, England. Geol. Bavarica-Geologica Bavarica. Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt.

Munich, Germany. Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forh.-Geologiska Foreningen i Stockholm, FOrhan­

dlingar. Stockholm, Sweden. Geol. Gesell. Wien Mitt.-Geologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen.

Vienna, Austria. Geol. Jahrb.-Geologisches Jahrbuch. Geologischen Landesanstalten der Bun-

desrepublik Deutschland. Hannover, Germany. Geol. Mag. [London]-Geological Magazine. Hertford, England. Geol. Rundschau-Geologische Rundschau. Stuttgart, Germany. Geol. ,soc. America Bull.-Geol. Soc. America Guidebook for field trips­Geol. Soc. America Prac.-Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper-

Geological Society of America, Bulletin and Guidebook for field trips and Proceedings and Special Paper. New York, N.Y.

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (16)


Geol. Soc; London Quart. Jour.-Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal. London, England.

Geol. Soc. South Africa Proc.­Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans.-Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans. and Proc.-

Geological Society of ~south Africa, Proceedings and Transactions and Trans­actions and Proceedings. Johannesburg, South Africa.

Geologie und Bauwesen-Geologie und Bauwesen. Vienna, Austria. Geophysics-Geophysics. Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Tulsa, Okla. Georgia Geol. Survey BulL-Georgia, Geological Survey, Bulletin. Atlanta, Ga. Gerlands Beitr. Geophy;sik-Gerlands Beitrage Geophysik. Leipzig, Germany. Ghana Jour. Sci.-Ghana Journal.of Science. Accra, Ghana. Gold Coast Geol. Survey BulL-Gold Coast Geol. 1Survey Rept.-

Gold Coast, Geological Survey, Bulletin and Report. Accra, Gold Coast. Griffith Observer-Griffith Observer. Griffith Observatory. Los Angeles, Calif. Harvard Univ., Peabody Mus. Am. Archeology and Ethnology Papers-Harvard

University, Peabody Museum of American Archeology and Ethnology, ·Papers. Cambridge, Mass.

Illinois Water ·Survey Coop. Ground-Water Rept.-Illinois, State Water Survey, Cooperative Ground-Water Report. Urbana, Ill.

Ingenieur-De Ingenieur. Paris, France. India Geol. Survey Records-India, Geological Survey, Records. Calcutta, India. Indian Minerals-Indian Minerals. India, Geological Survey. Calcutta, India. Inst. Fran~ais Afrique Noire Bull.-Inst. Fran~ais d'Afrique Noire, Bulletin.

Paris, France. Internat. Geology Rev.-International Geology Review. American Geological

Institute. Washington, D.C. Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc.-Iowa Academy of Science, Proceedings. Des Moines,

Iowa. Irish Astron. Jour.-Irish Astronomical Journal. Armagh, Northern Ireland. Jour. Astronaut. Sci.-Journal of the Astronautical Sciences. American Astro­

nautical Society. New York, N.Y. Jour. Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Spec. Supp.-Journal of Atmos­

pheric and Terrestrial Physics, Special Supplement. New York, N.Y. Jour. Geology-Journal of Geology. Chicago, Ill. Jour. Geophys. Research-Journal of Geophysical Research. American Geo­

physical Union. Washington, D.C. Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans.-Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions. Law­

rence, Kans. Kentucky Geol. Survey, ser. 6-Kentucky Geological Survey, series 6. Lexing-

ton, Ky. Kommunist [Yerevan]-Kommunist. Yerevan, U.S.S.R. Kosmos [ Stuttgart]-Kosmos. Stuttgart, Germany. Kumamoto Jour. Sci.-Kumamoto Journal of Science. Kumamoto, Japan. Liverpool Geol. Soc. Proc.-Liverpool Geological Society, Proceedings. Liver-

pool, England. Meteoor-De Meteoor. Utrecht, The Netherlands. Meif:eorbeob:achter-Der Meteorbeobachter. Meteorbeobachtungsgruppe Mtin­

chen. Munich, Germany. Meteorit. Soc. Contr.-Meteoritical Society, Contributions. Los Angeles, Calif. Meteoritics-Meteoritics. Meteoritical Society. New Haven, Conn.

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (17)


Meteoritika-Meteoritika. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Mineralog. Mag. [London]-Mineralogical Magazine. Mineralogical Society.

London, England. Mineralogist-Mineralogist. Menstone, Calif. Mines Mag.-Mines Magazine. Golden, Colo. Mining Eng.-Mining Engineering. American Institute of Mining, Metallur-

gical, and Petroleum Engineers. New York, N.Y. Mining Jour. [Phoenix]-Mining Journal. Phoenix, Ariz. Mining Rev.-Mining Review. Salt Lake City, Utah. Mining Sci. Press--Mining and Scientific Press. San Francisco, Calif. Mississippi Acad. Sci. Proc.-Mississippi Academy of Science, Proceedings.

State College, Miss. Mississippi Geol. Survey BulL-Mississippi Geological Survey, Bulletin. Uni­

versity, Miss. Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources [Rept.]-Missouri Geological Sur­

vey and Water Resources, [Report]. Rolla, Mo. Mu:s. Northern Arizona Mus. Notes-Museum of Northern Arizona, Museum

Notes. Flagstaff, Ariz. Natl. Acad. Sci. Proc.-National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings. Washing­

ton, D.C. Natl. Acad. Sci.-Natl. Research Council Pub., Nuclear Sci. Ser. Rept.-National

Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Publication, Nuclear Science Series, Report. Washington, D.C.

Natl. Geog. Mag.-National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic So­ciety. Washington, D.C.

Nat. History-Natural History. American Museum of Natural History. New York, N.Y.

N:atur und Volk-Natur und Yolk. Senckenbergische Naturforscbende Gesell-schaft. Frankfurt, Germany.

Nature--London, England. Nature [Paris]-La Nature. Paris, France. Naturen-Naturen. Bergens Museum. Bergen, Norway. Naturwiss. Ver. Schwaben und Neuberg (e.v.) Augsburg Abb.-Naturwissen­

schaftlicher Verein fiir Schwaben und Neuberg (e.v.), Augsburg, Abband­lungen. Augsburg, Germany.

Naturwiss. Wochenschr.-Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift. Deutsches Gesellschaft fiir Volkstiimliche Naturkunde in Berlin. <Berlin, Germany.

N aturwissenschaften-Die N a turwissenschaften. Gesellschaft Deutsches N a tur­forscher und Arzte, und die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften. ,Berlin, Germany.

Nederlandse Akad. Wetensch. Verh.-Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geognosie Geologie und Petrefaktenk.-Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde. Stuttgart, Germany.

Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geologie und PaUiontologie, Beilage-Band­Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geologie und Paliiontologie, Monatsh.-

Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Paliiontologie, Beilage-Band ana Monatshefte. Stuttgart, Germany.

New Mexico Univ. Pub. Meteoritics-University of New l\Iexico Publications in Meteoritics. Albuquerque, N.Mex.

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New York Acad. Sci. Trans.-New York Academy of Sciences, Transactions. New York, N.Y.

Nordisk Astron. Tidsskr.-Nordisk Astronomisk Tidsskrift. Copenhagen, Den­mark.

Oberrheinischer Geol. Ver. Jahresber. und Mitt.-Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein, Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen. ,Stuttgart, Germany.

Observatory-Observatory, Royal Greenwich Observatory. Hailsham, England. Ontario Dept. Mines Ann. Rept.-Ontario, Department of Mines, Annual Report,

Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa Dominion Observatory Contr.­Otta wa Dominion Observatory Pub.-

Ottawa, Dominion Observatory, Contributions and Publications. Ottawa, Canada.

Pacific Discovery-Paci·fic Discovery. California Academy of Sciences. Berkeley, Calif.

Pan-Am. Geologist-Pan-American Geologist. Des Moines, Iowa. Pennsylvania State Univ., Mineral Industries-Pennsylvania State University,

Mineral Industries. State College, Pa. Petermanns Geog. lVlitt.-Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. Gotha,

Germany. Petermanns Mitt.-Petermanns Mitteilungen (also Petermanns Geographische

Mitteilungen). Gotha, Germany. Polar Times-Polar Times. American Polar Society. Rego Park, N.Y. Pop. Astronomy-Popular .A.stronomy. Goodsell Observatory, Northfield, Minn. Preuss. Geol. Landesanstalt und Bergakad. Sitzungsber.-Preussische Geolo-

gische Landesanstalt und Bergakademie, Sitzungsberichte. Berlin, Germany. Priroda-Priroda. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Priroda [Brno]-Priroda. Brno, Czechoslovakia. Problems of the North---'Problems of the North [translation of Problemy Severa].

National Research Council. Ottawa, Canada. Problemy Severa-Problemy Severa. Akademiya Nauk S'8SR. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Quebec Dept. Nat. Resources Prelim. Rept.-Quebec, Department of Natural

Resources, Preliminary Report. Quebec, Canada. Rev. Geog. Lyon-Revue de Geographie de Lyon. Lyon, France. Rocks and Minerals-Rocks and .Minerals. Peekskill, N.Y. Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour.-Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Jour­

nal. !Toronto, Canada. Royal Central Asian Soc. Jour.-Royal Central Asian Society, Journal. London,

England. Royal Geog. Soc. Australasia, South Australian Branch, Proc.-Royal Geo­

graphical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch, Proceedings. Adelaide, Australia.

Royal Meteorol. Soc. Quart. Jour.-Royal Meteorological Society, Quarterly Journal. ,London, England.

Royal Soc. Canada Minutes Proc.­Royal Soc. Canada Trans.-

Royal Society of Canada, Minutes and Proceedings and Transactions. Ottawa, Canada.

Royal -Soc. London Philos. Trans.-Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions. ·London, England.

Royal Soc. South Australia Trans. and Proc.-Royal Soci~ty of South Australia, Transactions and Proceedings. Adelaide, Australia.

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Schwaben-Schwaben. Gesellschaft der Freunde des Wiirtembergischen Landes­amts fiir Denkmalpflege. Stuttgart, Germany.

Science-Science. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Washington, D.C.

Sci. Am.-Scientific American. New York, N.Y. Sci. Monthly-Scientific Monthly. Washington, D.C. Sky and 'Telescope-Sky and Telescope. Cambridge, Mass. Smithsonian Oontr. Astrophysics-Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics.

Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept.-Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report. Wash­

ington, D.C. Smithsonian Misc. Colln.-Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Smithsonian

Institution. Washington, D.O. Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr.-Society for Research on Meteorites,

Contributions. Los Angeles, Calif. South Africa Dept. Mines Expl. of Sheet-South Africa, Department of Mines,

Explanation of Sheet. Pretoria, South Africa. South Africa Geol. Survey Mem.-South Africa, Geological Survey, Memoir.

Pretoria, South Africa. South Australian Mus. Rec.-South Australian Museum, Records. Adelaide,

Australia. South Carolina Acad. Sci. BulL-South Carolina Academy of Science, Bulletin.

Oolumbia, S.C. Soviet Astron.-AJ-Soviet Astronomy-AJ [a translation of Astronomischeskiy

Zhurnal]. American Institute of Physics. New York, N.Y. Soviet-bloc Research in Geophysics, Astronomy, and Space-Soviet-bloc Research

in Geophysics, Astronomy, and Space. Office of Technical Services. Wash­ington, D•C.

Space Sci.-Space Science. Silver Spring, Md. Space Technology Labs., Inc., Research Bibliography-Space Technology Labs, Inc., Translation-Space Technology Laboratories,

Inc., Research Bibliography and Translation. Redondo Beach, Calif. Stella----Stella. Budapest, Hungary. Sterne-Die Sterne. Leipzig, Germany. Sternenwe~t---'Sternenwelt. Munich, Germany. Studia Geol. Polonica-Studia Geologica Polonica. Polska Akademia Nauk.

Warsaw, Poland. Sudan Notes and Records-Sudan Notes and Records. Khartoum, Sudan. Svensk Naturvetensk.-Svensk Ntaturvetenskap. Stockholm, Sweden. Svenska V etensk.-akad. Handl.-Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Handlingar.

Stockh()lm, Sweden. Tal"tu Univ., Geol.-Inst. To:imetused-Tartu University, Geoloogia-Instituudi,

Toimetused. Tartu, U.S.S.R. Tartu Univ., Lood. Seltsi, Aruand.-Tartu University, juures oleva Loodusuuri-

jate 1Seltsi, Aruanded. Tartu, U.S.S.R. Terra---'Terra. Helsinki, Finland. Texas Univ. Bull.-University of Texas, Bulletin. Austin, Tex. Tschermaks Mineralog. Petrog. Mitt.-Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petro­

goophische Mitteilungen. Leipzig, Germany. Tulsa Geol. Soc. Digest-Tulsa Geological Society, Digest. Tulsa, Okla. Umschau-Umschau. Frankfurt, Germany.


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U.S. Air Force Cambridge Research Labs. Geophys. Paper-U.S. Air Force, Cambridge Research Laboratories, Geophysical Paper. Bedford, Mass.

U.S. Geol. Survey Bull.-U.S. Geol. ~survey Prof. Paper-U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper-

U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin and Professional Paper ·and Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper. Washington, D.C.

U.S. Natl. Aeronautics and Space Adm. Tech. Translation-U.S. National Aero­nautics and Space Administration, Technical 'Translation. Washington, D.C.

Universo-El Universo. Sociedad Astronomica de Mexico. Mexico, D.F., Mexico.

Urania Kpbenhavn-Urania. Urania Observatoriet. Copenhagen, Denmark. Urania Krakow-Urania. Polskiego Towa.rzystwa MH6snik6w Astronomii.

Krak6w, Poland. Vega-Vega. Boughton, Chester, England. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg Jahresh.-Verein fiir vaterliindische Natur­

kunde in Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte. Stuttgart, Germany. Walkabout-Walkabout. Australian National Travel A:ssociation. Melbourne,

Australia. Washington Acad. Sci. Jour.-Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal.

Washington, D.C. Weltall-Weltall. Berlin, Germany. Weltraumfahrt-Weltraumfahrt. Frankfurt, Germany. West Texas Geol. Soc. Guid('fuook-West Texas Geological Society, Guidebook.

Midland, ·Tex. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Trans.-Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Transactions.

Madison, Wis. Zeitschr. Naturforschung-Zeitschrift fiir Naturforschung. Tiibingen, Germany. Zentralbl. Mineralogie-Zentralblatt fiir Mineralogie. Stuttgart, Germany. Zentralbl. Mineralogie Geologie und PaUiontologie-Zentralblatt fiir Mineralogie,

Geologie und Palliontologie. Stuttgart, Germany. Zvaigznota Debess-ZVlaigznota Debess. Riga, Latvia.



Ref. 1 Albritton, C. C., Jr., and Boon, J. D., 1937, Meteoritic craters and structures;

Pan-Am. Geologist, v. 68, p. 304-305.

2 Baldwin, R. B., 1963, The measure of the Moon: Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago Press, 488 p.

Almost half this book is given to a comprehensive survey of sites of known or suspected impact origin. Most structures treated in the present bibliography are mentioned.

3 Barringer, R. W., 1964, World's meteorite craters, "astroblemes"; Meteorit­ics, v. 2, no. 2, p.169-174.

This list was prompted by discussion at the 1960 meeting of the Meteorit­ical Society of the advisability of maintaining an official list of meteorite craters. Barringer gives location, size, and evidence for 27 "meteorite cra­ters," 13 "suspected meteorite craters," and 12 "large fall sites."

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Ref. 4 Beals, C. S., 1955, Problems of geophysics in the Canadian Arctic : Arctic, v.

7, nos. 3-4, p.176-187.

5 --- 1957, Comments concerning the J. E. Hill and J. J. Gilvarry article, "Application of the Baldwin crater relation to the scaling of explosion craters": Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 72, no. 2, p.166.

6 --- 1958a, Canadian meteorite craters: Royal.A.stron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 52, p.18-19.

7 --- 1958b, Fossil meteorite craters : Sci. .A.m., v. 199, no. 1, p. 32-39.

8 --- 1958c, .A. survey of terrestrial craters: Nature, v.181, no. 4608, p. 559.

9 Beals, C. S. Ferguson, G. M., and Landau, .A.., 1956a, .A. search for lunar-type craters on photographs of the Canadian Shield: .A.stron. Jour., v. 61, no. 1238, p. 171.

10 ---1956b, .A. search for analogies between lunar and terrestrial topog­raphy on photographs of the Canadian Shield: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 50, no. 5, p. 203-211 ; no. 6, p. 250-261 ; reprinted in Ottawa Dominion Observatory Contr., v. 2, no. 21, p. 203-211,250-261.

11 Beals, C. S., and Innes, M. J. S., 1961, The study of fossil meteorite craters with the aid of geophysical and diamond drilling techniques, in Pro­ceedings of the Geophysical Laboratory /Lawrence Radiation Labora­tory Cratering Symposium, Washington, D.C., March 28-29, 1961: California Univ., Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept., UCRL-6438, pt. 1, paper C, 44 p. (Report prepared for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.)

12 --- 1964, Oproznaniye drevnikh meteoritnikh kraterov [Identification of ancient meteorite craters] : Meteoritika, no. 25, p. 3-39.

13 Beals, C. S., Innes, M. J. S., and Rottenberg, J . .A.., 1960, The search for fossil meteorite craters: Current Sci. [India], v. 29, p. 205-218, 249-262; reprinted in Ottawa Dominion Observatory Contr., v. 4, no. 4, 31 p.

14 --- 1963, FossH meteorite craters, in Middlehurst, Barbara, and Kuiper, G. P., eds., The Moon, meteorites, and comets-The solar system, vol. 4: Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago Press, p. 235-284.

The authors point out that the existence of fossil craters was first sug­gested in connection with cryptovolcanic structures and review evidence for impact origin of eight structures in the Canadian Shield ; they are particu­larly interested in the theory and mechai:tics of crater formation.

15 Boon, J. D., 1936, The impact of meteors: Field and Laboratory, v. 4, no. 2, p. ·56-59.

16 --- 1938, Meteorite craters and structures [abs.]: Geol. Soc . .America Proc.1937,p.305-306.

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Ref. 17 Boon, J.D., and Albritton, C. C., Jr., 1936, Meteorite craters and their possi­

ble relationship to "cryptovolcanic structures" : Field and Laboratory, v. 5, no.l, p.l-9.

In three papers cited here (refs.17, 18, 19), Boon and A[britton point out that the type of structure expected beneath large meteorite craters is strik­ingly similar to certain "cryptovolcanic structures" and that certain explo­sion structures previously attributed to volcanism might, in fact, be of meteoritic origin. (See also ref. 105.)

18 ---1937, Meteorite scars in ancient rocks: Field and Laboratory, v. 5, no. 2, p. 53-64.

This article attempts to show how underlying structures of meteorite craters might be preserved and to evaluate the meteoritic hypothesis as an explanation for the Flynn Creek, Sierra Madera, and Vredefort struc­tures, previously designated as cryptovolcanic.

19 ---1938, Established and supposed examples of meteoritic craters and structures: Field and Laboratory, v. 6, no. 2, p. 44-56.

20 Bucher, W. H., 1936, Cryptovolcanic structures in the United States: In­ternat. Geol. Cong., 16th, Washington, D.C., 1933, Rept., v. 2, p. 1055-1084.

Cryptovolcanic structures, as a structural type, are "characterized by a nearly circular outline; a central uplift with intense structural derange­ment; and a marginal, ring-shaped depression with irregular and local faulting. Evidence of explosive action is seen in the intensely disordered structure and local brecciation of the central, uplifted portion ; the presence (in two of the structures described) of peculiar fracture patterns, the 'shatter cones' and the presence and character of folding in the marginal zone." The structures are thought to be the result of a sudden liberation of pent-up volcanic gases.

21 ---1963a, Are cryptovolcanic structures due to meteorite impact? : Nature, v. 197, no. 4874, p. 1241-1245.

22 ---1963b, Cryptoexplosion structures caused from without or from within the Earth? ("astroblemes" or "geoblemes"): Am. Jour. Sci., v. 261,no.7,p.597-649.

Bucher reviews and evaluates developments in the cryptovolcanic-me­teoritic hypothesis, with application to the Ries, Wells Creek, and Vrede­fort problems.

23 BUlow, Kurd von, 1937, Riesenmeteoriten und ihre Spuren im Antlitz der Erde [Great meteorites and their traces on Earth] : Kosmos [ Stutt­gart],v.34,no.l,p.21-24.

24 Canadian Scientific Committee for Upper Mantle, International Upper Mantle Project, 1963, Meteorite crater studies, in Canadian progress report, June 1963: p. 36-39.

This report details work in progress by C. S. Beals and colleagues, of the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa.

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Ref. 25 Chao, E. C. T., 1963, Meteorite impact, an astrogeologic phenomenon: Natl.

Acad. Sci.-Natl. Research Council Pub. 1075, Nuclear Sci. Ser. Rept. no. 38, p. 219-232.

26 Cohen, A. J., 1963, Fossil meteorite craters: Natl. Acad. Sci.-Natl. Research Council Pub. 1075, Nuclear Sci. Ser. Rept. no. 38, p. 233-238.

27 Cohen, A. J., Bunch, T. E., and Reid, A. M., 1961, Coesite discoveries es­tablish cryptovolcanics as fossil meteorite craters : Science, v. 134, no.3490,p.l624-1625.

28 Collins, A. F., 1959, Meteor craters: British Interplanetary Soc. Jour., v. 17, p. 99.

29 Currie, K. L., 1964, On the origin of some "recent" craters on the Canadian Shield: Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 2, p. 93-110.

This paper compares New Quebec, Clearwater Lakes, and Manicouagan and notes that none of the craters can be explained by the classical impact theory or by analogy with known volcanic areas.

30 Dachille, Frank, 1962, Interactions of the earth with very large meteorites : South Carolina Acad. Sci. Bull., no. 24, p.l-19.

31 Dence, M. R., 1964, A comparative structural and petrographic study of probable Canadian meteorite craters: Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 3, p. 249-270.

32 Didco*ck, H. R., 1934, Meteorites in geological formations: British Astron. Assoc. Jour., v. 44, no. 4, p. 168-169.

33 Dietz, R. S., 1946, Geological structures possibly related to lunar craters: Pop. Astronomy, v. 54, p. 465-467.

34 ---1959a, Point d'impact des asteroids comme ongme des bassins oceaniques--nne hypothese [Asteroid impact as origin of ocean basins­a hypothesis]: France Centre Natl. Recherche Sci. Colloques Internat., no. 83, p. 265-275.

35 --- 1959b, Shatter cones in cryptoexplosion structures (meteorite im­pact?) :Jour. Geology, v. 67, no. 5, p. 496-505.

36 ---1960, Meteorite impact suggested by shatter cones in rock: Science, v. 131, no. 3416, p. 1781-1784.

The presence of shatter cones at Sierra Madera, Flynn Creek, and Ser­pent Mound is reviewed.

37 ---1961, Astroblemes: Sci. Am., v. 205, no. 2, p. 51-58.

"This newly coined word refers to ancient scars left in the earth's crust by huge meteorites. The evidence for such impacts is largely the high­pressure mineral coesite and 'shatter cones' in the rocks."

38 ---1963a, Astroblemes, ancient meteorite-impact structures on the Earth, in Middlehurst, Barbara, and Kuiper, G. P., eds., The Moon,

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Ref. meteorites, and comets-The solar system, vol. 4: Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago Press, p. 285-300.

Dietz makes a case for shatter cones as a criterion for recognition of the formation of certain geologic structures by intense shock.

39 Dietz, R. S., 1963b, Cryptoexplosion structures, a discussion : Am. Jour. Sci., v. 261, no. 7, p. 650-664.

The author replies to the objections of ,V. H. Bucher (ref. 22) and dis­cusses his objections to the concept that cryptoexplosion structures such as the Steinheim and Wells Creek type are "astroblemes."

40 Diggelen, J. van, 19·54, Maankraters en meteoorkraters [Moon craters and meteor craters]: Meteoor, v.lO, p.17-19.

41 Drejsin, R. L., 1952, Meteorites as a factor in formation of the Earth's relief: Meteoritika, no. 10, p.ll0--111 [in Russian].

42 Eskola, Pentti, 1937, Meteorikraatereista [Meteorite craters]: Terra, v. 49, no. 1, p. 45-58.

43 Fisher, W. J., 1933, The penetration of iron meteorites into the ground: Natl. Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 19, p. 286-291.

44 --- 1934, Excavated meteorites: Pop. Astronomy, v. 42, p. 501-504.

45 Flammarion, G. C., 1932, Le secret des pierres •tom bees du ciel [Secret of stones from the sky]: Astronomie, v. 46, p. 549-558.

46 Gale, S. I., 1949, Laboratory craters: Sky and Telescope, v. 8, no. 7, p. 174.

47 Garstang, R. H., 1958, Probable meteorite craters: British Astron. Assoc. Jour., v. 68, no. 2, p. 75-76.

48 Goguel, Jean, 1963, A hypothesis on the origin of the "cryptovolcanic struc­tures" of the central platform of the United States: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 261,no.7,p.665-667.

Goguel proposes an alternate theory to that of Bucher (ref. 22) and Dietz (ref. 39). "If the hydraulic pressure of water and other fluids con­tained in a permeable formation should locally exceed the lithostatic pres­sure, the overlying strata would be lifted into an arch, but the fluid would rapidly escape and the arch would then collapse, producing the chaotic structure and the shatter cones observed."

49 Halliday, Ian, 1964, The variation in the frequency of meteorite impact with geographic latitude: Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 3, p. 271-278.

50 Halliday, Ian, and Griffin, A. A., 1964, Application of the scientific method to problems of crater recognition: Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 2, p. 79-84; re­printed in Ottawa Dominion Observatory Contr., v. 4, no. 10, p. 79-84.

51 Hardy, C. T., 1954, Major craters attributed to meteoritic impact: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 38, no. 5, p. 917-923.

This work briefly summarizes information on 12 craters.

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Ref. 52 Harrison, E. R., 1960, Origin of the Pacific Basin-A meteorite impact

hypothesis: Nature, v.188, no. 4756, p.1064-1067.

53 Hawkins, G. S., 1963, Impacts on the Earth and Moon: Nature, v. 197, no. 4869, p. 781.

54 Healy, P. W., LaPaz, Lincoln, and Leonard, F. C., 1953, On the identifica­tion of terrestrial meteorite craters: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 47, p. 160-161; reviewed by E. J. Opik in Irish Astron. Jour., v. 3, p.29-30.

55 Heide, Fritz, 1933a, Meteoritenkrater [Meteorite craters] : Forschung u. Fortschr., v. 9, no. 26, p. 379-381.

56 ---1933b, Uber Riesenmeteoriten [On giant meteorites]: Chemie der Erde,v.8,no.1-2,p.224-251.

57 ---1964, Meteorites, translated from the German by Edward Anders in collaboration with Eugene R. DuFresne: Chicago, III., Univ. of Chicago Press, 144 p.

58 Hennig, R., 1934, Meteorkrater auf der Erde-Eine neuentdeckte Naturer­scheinung [Meteorite craters on the Earth-A newly discovered phe­nomenon of nature]: Geog. Wochenschr., v. 2, no. 28, p. 730-734.

59 Hey, M. H., 1957, Bombardment of the earth by meteors: Nature, v. 179, no. 4551, p. 121-124.

60 Heybroek, W., 1934, Zur Kenntnis von Meteoriten und Meteorkratern [Knowledge of meteorites and meteor craters] : Sterne, v. 14, p. 51-57.

61 HofHeit, Dorrit, 1951a, Meteorite crater formation: Sky and Telescope, v. 10, no. 4, p. 87.

62 ---1951b, New meteorite craters?: Sky and Telescope, v. 11, no. 1, p. 2,9.

63 Inglis, S. J., 1945, Lack of impact craters on the earth: Pop. Astronomy, v. 53, p. 520.

64 Innes, M. J. S., 1961, The use of gravity methods to study the underground structure and impact energy of meteorite craters : Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 66, no. 7, p. 2225-2239; reprinted in Ottawa Dominion Observatory Contr., v. 5, no. 6, 17 p.

Gravity data were used to calculate the mass deficiency and hence the amount of shattered rock under the Deep Bay, Brent, and Holleford Craters.

65 ---1964, Recent advances in meteoritic research at Dominion Observa­tory, Ottawa, Canada: Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 3, p. 219-242.

66 Irish Astronomical Journal, 1958, Meteor craters: Irish Astron. Jour., v. 5, p. 112-113.

67 ---1963, Meteor craters: Irish Astron. Jour., v. 6, p. 39.

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68 Kelly, A. 0., 1963, Meteoritic kettle lakes-a consideration of their origin: Carlsbad, Calif., published privately, 29 p.

69 Kelly, A. 0., and Dachille, Frank, 1953, Target, Earth-The role of large meteors in earth science : Pensacola, Fla., Pensacola Engraving Co., 263p.

70 Kornhauser, Murray, 1958, Prediction of cratering caused by meteoroid impacts: Jour. Astronaut. Sci., v. 5, p. 58--63.

71 Krinov, E. L., 1960, Principles of meteoritics, translated from the Russian by Irene Vidziunas and edited by Harrison Brown: New York, Perga­mon Press, 535 p.

In a short chapter on crater-producing meteorites, Krinov relates the problem of craters to the bigger problem of meteoritics.

72 ---1962, Meteoritnyye kratery ua poverkhnosti zemli [Meteorite ~raters on the Earth's surface]: Meteoritika, no. 22, p. 3-30.

73 ---1963a, Meteorite craters on the Earth's surface, in Middlehurst, Barbara, and Kuiper, G. P., eds., The Moon, meteorites, and comets­The solar system, vol. 4: Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago Press, p. 183-207.

Kriuov discusses two types of meteorite craters (explosion and impact); he defines 14 structures as authentic craters, 10 as probable ones.

74 ---1963b, Meteoritnyye kratery na poverkhnosti zemli [Meteorite craters on the Earth's surface]: Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR lust. Geologii Trudy, no. 11, p. 11-24 [with Estonian and English summaries].

75 LaPaz, Lincoln, 1941, Meteorite craters and the hypothesis of the existence of contraterrene meteorites: Pop. Astronomy, v. 49, p. 99-102.

76 ---1953, The discovery and interpretation of nickel-iron granules asso­ciated with meteorite craters: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 47, p. 191-194.

77 Leonard, F. C., 1946, Authenticated meteorite craters of the world, in A catalog of provisional coordinate numbers for the meteorite falls of the world: New Mexico Univ. Pub. Meteoritics, no. 1, p. 54.

Eleven craters are given as "authentic."

78 Ley, Willy, 1937, How the moon got its craters-Expedments duplicate the scars on the face of the moon and support the evidence yielded by the earth's own meteor craters: Nat. History, v. 39, no. 4, p. 275-279.

79 McCall, G. J. H., 1964, Are cryptovolcanic structures due to meteoritic impact?: Nature, v. 201, no. 4916, p. 251-254.

McCall rejects Dietz's impact hypothesis, and adds arguments to support Bucher's interpretation of the Vredefort and other structures.

80 Nature, 1937, Meteorite craters: Nature, v. 140, no. 3549, p. 801.

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Ref. 81 Nekrasov, I. A., and Raudonis, P. A., 1963, Meteoritnyye kratery [Meteorite

craters]: Priroda, 1963, no. 1, p. 102-104; translated by E. R. Hope as Canada Directorate Sci. Inf. Service Translation 385R, 5 p.

82 Nininger, H. H., 1933a, "Meteor craters" v.s. "steam blowouts" : Mines Mag., v. 23, no. 12, p. 7-8; abs. in Pan-Am. Geologist, v. 60, no. 4, p. 308-310; 1934, Mining Rev., v. 36, no. 2, p. 9-11.

83 --- 1933b, Our stone-pelted planet-A book about meteors and mete­orites: Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 235 p.

84 ---1938, Observations and suggestions regarding meteorite craters [abs.] : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 49, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1956.

85 ---1948, Geological significance of meteorites: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 246, no. 2, p. 101-108.

86 ---1952, Meteorite craters, in Out of the sky-An introduction to meteoritics: Denver, Colo., Univ. of Denver Press, p. 205-229.

This is a concise review of the development of scientific acceptance of the meteoritic theory and of opinion on eight craters currently believed to be meteoritic in origin.

87 Opik, E. J., 1958, Meteor impact on solid surface: Irish Astron. Jour., v. 5, p. 14-33.

Taking the Barringer crater Vi'<ith its meteoric fragments as an example,

Opik reviews the physical conditions prevailing at high-velocity impact of a solid projectile into a solid surface.

88 ---1964, Circular depressions as suspected meteor craters : Irish Astron. Jour., v. 6, no. 5, p. 198-199.

Opik has received letters citing craters in Maputaland, Northern Zulu­land; on North Andaman Island, Bay of Bengal (?);near Fairplay, Colo.; in New Mexico, near the Arizona border; and 112 km eaHt of Winslow, Ariz.

89 Prior, G. T., 1953, Meteoritic craters, in Catalogue of meteorites [2d ed.], revised and enlarged by Max H. Hey : London, British Museum, p. 417-426.

Thirty-eight sites are mentioned here, with bibliographic detail.

90 Redman, R. 0., 1932, Meteorite craters: Observatory, v. 55, p. 224-225.

91 Rinehart, J. S., 1950, Some observations on high-speed impact : Pop. Astron­omy, v. 58, p. 458-464; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, p. 299-305.

92 ---1962, Stresses associated with lunar landings: British Interplanetary Soc. Jour., v. 17, no. 12, p. 431-436.

93 Rosicky, Vojtech, 1004, 0 velikych povetronich [On large meteorites and their craters]: Priroda [Brno], v. 27, no. 7, p. 209-213.

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Ref. 94. Rostoker, Norman, 1953, The formation of craters by high-speed particles:

Meteoritics, v. 1, no. 1, p. 11-27.

95 Sandner, W., 1951, Verzeichnis der bis jetzt bekannten Meteorkrater [List of currently known meteorite craters]: Meteorbeobachter, 1951, no. 4, p. 4.

96 Scheffler, H., 1959, Crateros meteoriticos [Meteorite craters]: Universo, v. 13, p. 157-162.

97 Shoemaker, E. M., and Eggleton, R. E., 1961, Terrestrial features of im­pact origin, in Proceedings of the Geophysical Laboratory /Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Cratering Symposium, Washington, D.C., March 28-29, 1961 : California Univ., Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept. UCRL-6438, pt. 1, paper A, 27 p. (Report prepared for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.)

This summary is intended to help systematize the recognition and in­vestigation of terrestrial impact structures and to serve as a guide to sources of data for the nonspecialist. Tables listing structures by type and an index map to loeation are included.

98 Simon, R., 1957, A register of meteorite crater localities: Casopis, v. 7, p. 71-72 [in Czechoslovakian].

99 Spencer, L. J., 1932, Meteorite craters: Nature, v. 129, no. 3265, p. 781-784.

100 ---1933, Meteorite craters as topographical features on the earth's surface: Geog. Jour. [London], v. 81, no. 3, p. 227-248; reprinted in Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1933, p. 307-325.

In one of the earliest surveys of meteorite craters as a geological prob­lem, Spencer discusses eight examples, five of which he concludes to be meteoritic.

101 --- 1934, Meteorite craters : Geologists' Assoc. London Proc., v. 45, pt. 4, p. 407-411.

102 Struve, Otto, 1956, Meteorites, ·and their effects: Sky and Telescope, v. 15, no. 7, pp. 292-295.

103 Szczepkowski, B., 1957, 0 proporcjach rozmiar6w krater6w meteorytowych [On the proportions of the dimensions of meteor craters]: Urania Krakow, v. 28, p. 100-103.

104 Trusheim, F., 1940, Fliegerbomben und Geologie-kleine geologische Beobachtungen an Fliegerbomben-Einschlagen [Aerial bombs and geology----43. small geological observation on aerial bomb impacts]: Natur und Volk, v. 70, no. 7, p. 317-321.

105 Washburne, C. W., 1937, Salt domes, meteor craters, and cryptovolcanic structures: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 21, no. 5, p. 629-630.

Washburne replies to Boon and Albritton (ref. 17).

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Ref. 106 Wills, R. G., 1936, Some effects of meteorites (presidential address) : Liver­

pool Geol. Soc. Proc., v. 17, pt. 1, p. 2-9.

107 Wylie, C. C., 1933, On the formation of meteoric craters: Pop. Astronomy, v. 41, p. 211-214.

108 --- 1934, Meteoric craters, meteors, and bullets: Pop. Astronomy, v. 42, p. 469-471.



(See Wabar Craters)


(Lat 32°50' N.; long 39°50' E. Category 5)

109 Merriam, Richard, 'and Holwerda, J. G., 1957, AI Umchaimin, a crater of possible meteoritic origin in western 'Iraq: Geog. Jour. [London], v. 123, pt. 2, p. 231-233.

Merriam tentatively attributes the origin of this extensive, nearly cireular depression to meteoritic impact rather than to solution processes, wind erosion, or volcanism.


(Lat 55°44' N.; long 163°09' W. Category 6)

110 Hoflleit, Dorrit, 1947, Alaskan crater: Sky and Telescope, v. 6, no. 8, p. 7.

111 LaPaz, Lincoln, 1947, A possible meteorite crater in the Aleutians: Pop. Astronomy, v. 55, p. 156-168; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 1, p. 20-31.

Letters from Charles Keenan, of the U.S. Army, describe a crater on Amak Island ; LaPaz, interested in a program to search for new meteorite craters by air, speculates on the effectiveness of such a program.


(Lat 26°31' N.; long 5°21' E. Category 6)

112 Karpoff, Roman, 1953, The meteorite crater of Talemzane in southern Algeria (CN=±0041,333): Meteoritics, v.1, no.l, p. 31-38.


(Lat 20°15' N.; long 12°41' W. Category 2)

113 Monod, Theodore, 1954, 'Sur quelques accidents circulaire ou crateriformes du Sahara occidental [On some circular or crateriform irregularities of the western Sahara]: Internat. Geol. Cong., 19th, Algiers 1952, Comptes rendus, pt. 20, p. 85-93.

Five structures are discussed (Aouelloul, Temimichat-Ghallaman, Tenoumer, Richa.t, and SemsiyA.t) ; Aouelloul is considered the only probable meteorite crater.

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114 Monod, Theodore, and Pourquie, A., 1951, Le cratere d'.A!ouelloul (Adrar, Sahara occidental) [The Aouelloul crater (Adrar, western Sahara)]: Inst. Fran~ais Afrique Noire Bull., v.13, no. 2, p. 294-311.

115 Smith, W. C., and Hey, M. H., 1952, The silica-glass from the crater of Aouelloul (Adrar, western Sahara) : Inst. Fran~ais Afrique Noire Bull., v. 14, no. 3, p. 762-776.

Fragments of silica glass found in and near the crater are considered the products of fusion of meteoritic material. Chemical analyses are included.

See also ref. 73.


(Lat 13°10' S.; long 135°40' E. Category 5)

116 Wilson, A. F., 1947, Depressions resembling meteorite craters: Royal Geog. Soc. Australasia, South Australian Branch, Proc., v. 48, p. 25.

See also ref. 89.


(See Lake Bosumtwi)


(Lat 33°20' N.; long 44°25' E. Two craters. Category 6)

117 Knetsch, G., 1954, Zwei neue Meteoritenkrater? [Two new meteorite craters?] : Sterne, v. 30, p. 66.


(Alternate name: Meteor Crater. Lat 35°02' N.; long 111 °01' W. Category 1)

118 Adler, Isidore, and Dwornik, E. J., 1961, Electronprobe analysis of schrei­_bersite (rhabdite) in the Canyon Diablo meteorite: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424-B, Art. 112, p. B263-B265.

119 Almor, F., 1962, Meteoros y meteoritos [Meteors and meteorites]: Aster [Barcelona], v.14, no.123, p. 94-97.

120 Barnes, W. C., 1934, The "discovery" of Meteor Crater: Mus. Northern Arizona Mus. Notes, v. 7, no. 2, p. 5-8.

121 Barringer, D. M., 1905, Coon Mountain and its crater: Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc., v. 57, p. 861-886.

In this paper Barringer refutes the steam explosion theory for the origin of Meteor Crater, as accepted by Gilbert (ref. 162), and details his reasons for supporting a meteoritic hypothesis. This conviction, further .stated in supplementary articles (refs. 123, 124), was aided by W. F. Magie (ref. 197) and B. C. Tilghman (ref. 249).

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BARRINGER CRATER, ARIZONA 23 Ref. 122 Barringer, D. M., 1909, Meteor Crater (formerly called Coon Mountain or

Goon Butte) in northern central Arizona: Published privately, 24 p., 18 pls.

123 --- 1914, Further notes on Meteor Crater, Arizona: Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc., v. 66, p. 556-565.

124 --- 1924, Further notes on Meteor Crater in northern central Arizona : Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc., v. 76, p. 275-278.

125 ---1926, Exploration at Meteor Crater: Eng. Mining Jour.-Press, v. 121, no. 2, p. 59; no. 11, p. 450-451 ; no. 19, p. 771.

126 Barringer, D. M., and Tilghman, B. C., 1906, The geology of Coon Butte, Arizona [abs.]: Science, new ser., v. 24, p. 370--371; 1907, A.m. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 5&-57, p. 271.

127 Barringer, D. M., Jr., 1927, The most fascinating spot on earth (Meteor Crater, Arizona): Sci. Am., v. 137, no. 1, p. 52-54; no. 2, p. 144-146; no. 3, p. 244--246.

128 --- 1931, The Barringer meteorite: Science, new ser., v. 73, p. 66-67.

129 Beals, C. S., and Millman, P.M., 1959, A comparison of subsurface materials from two meteorite craters: Astron. Jour., v. 64, no. 1273, p. 324.

130 Bingham, W. F., 1937, Summary of :findings from exploration, geophysical survey, and test-drilling at Meteor Grater, Arizona: Pan-Am. Geologist, v. 68, no. 3, p. 196-198; abs. in Pan-Am. Geologist, v. 68, no. 4, p. 306; 1938, Geol. Soc. America Proc. 1937, p. 305.

131 Bjork, R. L., 1961, Analysis of the formation of Meteor Crater, Arizona, a preliminary report: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 66, no. 10, p. 3379-3387; also in Proceedings of the Geophysical Laboratory /Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Cratering Symposium, Washington, D.C., March 28-29, 1961, California Univ., Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept. UCRL-6438, pt. 2, paper M, 21 p. (Report prepared for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.)

A theoretical study was made of the cratering process accompanying the impact of a 12,000-ton iron projectile on a semi-infinite half space of soft rock at a velocity of 30 kilometers per second, the constituents and velocity approximating those involved in the formation of Meteor Crater. Bjork concludes that the meteorite had a mass between 30,000 and 194,000 tons, the range being due to uncertainty concerning the impact velocity.

132 Blackwelder, Eliot, 1932, The age of Meteor Crater: Science, new ser., v. 76, p. 557-560; 1933, abs. in Pan-Am. Geologist, v. 58, no. 1, p. 69-70; Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 44, no. 1, p. 156.

The author estimates the age of Meteor Crater at 40,000 to 75,000 years.

133 ---1946a, Meteor Crater, Arizona : Science, v. 104, no. 2689, p. 38-39.

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Ref. 134 Blackwelder, Eliot, 1946b, Origin of the Arizona meteorite crater: Pop.

Astronomy, v. 54, p. 427-428; 1947, reprinted in Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., v. 3, no. 5, p. 284-285.

135 ---1953, Crater Mound-Meteor Crater : Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geolo­gists Bull., v. 37, no. 11, p. 2577-2580.

136 Boot, D. H., 1920, Meteor Mountain: Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 26, p. 379--383.

137 Boutwell, W. D., 1928, The mysterious tomb of a giant meteorite: Natl. Geog. Mag., v. 53, no. 6, p. 720-730.

138 Buddhue, J.D., 1945, Some observations on the soil near the Canyon Diablo, Arizona, meteorite crater [abs.] : Pop. Astronomy, v. 53, p. 287-289; reprinted in 'Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., v. 3, no. 4, p. 203.

139 ---1948, A sieve analysis of crushed sandstone from the Oanyon Diablo, Arizona, meteorite crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 56, p. 387-389; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 2, p.134-135.

140 ---1950, New chemical analyses of the Canyon Diablo, Arizona, and Arispe, Sonora, Mexico, siderites: Pop. Astronomy, v. 58, p. 190; reprinted in Meteorit. 'Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, p. 258-259.

141 Bunch, T. E., and Cohen, A. J., 1964, Shock deformation of quartz from two meteorite craters: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 75, no. 12, p. 1263-1266.

142 Campbell, W. W., 1920, Notes on the problem of lunar craters (including notes on Meteor Crater, Arizona) : Astron. Soc. Pacific Pub., v. 32, no. 186, p. 126-138.

143 Chao, E. C. T., Fahey, J. J., Littler, Janet, and Milton, D. J., 1962, Stisho­vite, Si02, a very high pressure new mineral from Meteor Crater, Arizona: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 67, no. 1, p. 419-421.

Stis·hovite, a recently synthesized high-density polymorph of Si02, has been identified in the coesite-bearing Coconino Sandstone of Meteor Crater.

144 Chao, E. C. T., Shoemaker, E. M., and Madsen, B. M., 1960, First natural occurrence of coesite: 1Science, v. 132, no. 3421, p. 220-222.

The natural occurrence of coesite has an important bearing on the recog­nition of meteorite impact craters in quartz-bearing geological formations.

145 Colvocoresses, G. M., 1936, Meteor Crater: Rocks and Minerals, v.ll, no. 8, p. 113-117.

146 Darton, N.H., 1916, Explosion craters: Sci. Monthly, v. 3, no. 5, p. 417-430.

147 ---1945, Crater Mound, Arizona [abs.] : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 56, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1154; 1946, Assoc. Am. Geographers Annals, v. 36, no. 1, p.86.

148 Davison, J. M., 1910, A contribution to the problem of Coon Butte: Science, new ser., v. 32, p. 724-726.

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BAR•RINGER CRATER, ARIZONA 25 Ref. 149 Dellenbaugh, F. S., 1931, Meteor Butte: Science, new ser., v. 73, no. 1880,

p. 38-39.

150 Dickey, D. D., and Johnson, R. B., 1961, Intluence of natural fractures on the shape of explosion-produced craters, in Short papers in the geologic and hydrologic sciences : U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424-C, p. 0361-0363.

151 Dodge, N. N., 1955, The most interesting spot on earth : Pacific Discovery, v. 8, no. 4, p. 24-26.

152 Dublin, J., 1932, A Ia recherche du Dieu de feu des Navajoes [In search of the Navajo god of fire] : Astronomie, v. 46, p. 94-96.

153 Fairchild, H. L., 1907a, A meteoric crater of Arizona : Internat. Geol. Cong., lOth, Mexico 1906, Comptes rendus, p. 147-151.

154 ---1907b, Origin of Meteor erater (Coon Butte), Arizona : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 18, p. 493-504.

155 ---1930, Nature and fate of the Meteor Crater bolide: Science, new ser., v. 72, no. 1871, p. 463-467.

Fairchild concludes that the Barringer meteorite was a large stony mass, with metallic inclusions.

156 ---1931, Nature and fate of the Meteor Crater bolide: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 25, p.17-26.

157 Fisher, Clyde, 1934, Where a comet struck the earth: Nat. History, v. 34, no. 8, p. 754-762.

158 Foote, A. E., 1891, Geological features of the meteoric locality in Arizona : Acad. Nat. Sci. PhHadelphria Proc., v. 43, p. 407.

159 --- 1892, A new locality for meteoric iron with a preliminary notice of the discovery of diamonds in the iron: Am. A8Soc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 40, p. 279-283; 1893, abs. in Am. Geologist, v. 8, no. 3, p. 192.

160 Foster, G. E., 1955, A siderite found inside the Barringer meteorite crater: Meteoritics, v. 1, no. 3, p. 35~359.

161 --- 1957, The Barringer (Arizona) meteorite crater: Meteor Crater, Ariz., published privately, 31 p.

162 Gilbert, G. K., 1896, The origin of hypotheses, illustrated by the discussion of a topographic problem: Science, new ser., v. 3, p.1-13.

A classic, th-is paper provides the first detailed geological description of the Arizona crater.

163 Gilbert, G. K., and Baker, Marcus, 1891, A meteoric crater: Astron. Soc. Pacific Pub., v. 4, no. 21, p. 37.

In a telegram to the San Francisco Examiner, Tuesday, December 1, 1891, Gilbert and Baker describe the first examination of Meteor Crater and the finding of meteoric iron.

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Ref. 164 Guild, F. N., 1907, Coon Mountain crater: Science, new ser., v. 26, p. 24-25.

165 Hack, J. T., 1942, The changing environment of the Hopi Indians of Arizona: Harvard Univ., Peabody Mus. Am. Archeology and Ethnology Papers, v. 35, no. 1, 85 p.

166 Hager, Dorsey, 1926, Meteor Crater [Arizona]: Eng. Mining Jour.-Press, v. 12, no. 9, p. 374.

167 --- 1949, Crater Mound ("Meteor Crater"), Arizona-Is its origin geo­logic or meteoritic? [abs.]: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57, p. 457-458; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 3, p. 223-224.

168 --- 1953, Crater Mound (Meteor Crater), Arizona, a geologic feature: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 37, no. 4, p. 821-857; discus­sion by E. Blackwelder and reply by author, no. 11, p. 2577-2579; com­menit by C. T. Hardy, no. 11, p. 2580; 1956, additional notes by author, v.40,no.1,p.161-162.

The writer finds the crater and the mound to be two separate, but inter­related, geologic features and supports a geologic, rather than meteoritic, origin for the mound.

169 --- 1954, Notes on Crater Mound in answer to some points raised by H. H. Nininger: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 252, no. 11, p. 695-697.

170 Harding, Norman, and Miller, Roswell, 3d, 1953, A gravity survey of Meteor Crater, Arizona [abs.]: Geophysics, v. 18, no. 3, p. 742.

171 Hardy, C. T., 1953, Structural dissimilarity of Meteor Crater and Odessa meteorite crater: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Buil., v. 37, no. 11, p. 2580.

172 Hastings, J. B., 1909, Meteor Crater: Mining Sci. Press, v. 98, p. 523-525.

173 Heald, W. F., 1959, Meteor Crruter: Arizona Highways, v. 35, no. 4, p. 6-9.

174 Hoffieit, Dorrit, 1943, Meteor Crater meteorite: Sky and Telescope, v. 2, no. 5, p. 6.

175 --- 1949a, Meteor Crater is square: Sky and Telescope, v. 8, no. 3, p. 62.

176 --- 1949b. Meteorites in the rim of Meteor Crater: Sky and Telescope, v. 9, no. 1, p. 10.

177 --- 1955, Ill wind at Meteor Crater: Sky and Telescope, v. 14, no. 10, p. 418.

178 Holland, L. F. S., 1925, Meteor Mountain crater, Arizona: Eng. Mining Jour.­Press,v.119,no.6,p.253-254.

179 Jakosky, J. J., 1932, Geophysical methods locate meteorite: Eng. Mining Jour., v.133, no. 7, p. 392-393.

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Ref. 180 Jakosky, J. J., Wilson, C. H., and Daly, J. W., 1932, Geophysical examina­

tion of Meteor Crater, Arizona: Am. Inst. Mining Metall. Petroleum Engineers Trans., v. 97, p. 63-98.

181 Johnson, G. W., 1960, Note on estimating the energies of the Arizona and Ungava meteorite craters: California Univ., Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept. UCRL-6227, 18 p. (Report prepared for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.)

Crater dimensions derived from the high explosive experience of the Plowshare program are used to estimate equivalent depths of burst and energies of the Arizona and New Quebec Craters.

182 Keyes, C. R., 1910, Coon Butte and meteoritic falls of the desert [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 21, no. 12, p. 773-774.

183 --- 1911, Volcanic phenomena of Coon Butte region, Arizona [abs.]: Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 18, p. 99-100; also in Science, new ser., v. 34, no. 862, p. 29.

184 Kreins, E. R., 1953, Results of a systematic study of the ratio of meteorite to oxidite at the Barringer meteorite crater of Arizona: Meteoritics, v. 1, no. 1, p. 29-30.

185 Ksanda, C. J., and Henderson, E. P., 1939, Identification of diamond in the Canyon Diablo iron: Am. Mineralogist, v. 24, no. 11, p. 677-680.

186 Kutscher, M., 1938, Neues vom Arizonakrater [News from the Arizona crater]: Weltall, v. 38, p. 282-283.

187 LaPaz, Lincoln, 1948a, A comet strikes the earth-review : Meteorit. Soc. C.ontr., v. 4, no. 2, p. 103-104.

188 --- 1948b, An announcement concerning future explorations at the Canyon Diablo, Arizona, meteorite crater; Pop. Astronomy, v. 56, p. 559-560; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 2, p. 164-165.

189 --- 1950, A preliminary report on Indian ruins discovered near the crest of the Barringer meteorite crater, Arizona: Pop. Astronomy, v. 58, p. 400-401; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, p. 285-286,

190 --- 1950, The discovery and interpretation of nickel-iron granules as­sociated with meteorite craters: Royal Astr.on. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 47, p.191-11)4.

191 Lassovszky, K., 1930, On the meteor crater in Arizona: Stella, v. 5, p. 48-50 [in Hungarian].

192 Leonard, F. C., 1946, "Crater Mound, Arizona": Pop. Astronomy, v. 54, p. 152-153; reprinted in Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., v. 3, no. 5, p. 249.

193 --- 1950, The name of the Barringer meteorite crater of Arizona: Pop. Astronomy, v. 58, p. 469; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, p. 309.


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Ref. 194 Lewis, W. S., 1946, Origin of the crater: Desert Mag., v. 9, no. 11, p. 29.

195 Longwell, C. R., 1931, Meteor Crater is not a limestone sink: Science, new ser., v. 73, no. 1887, p. 234-235.

196 Lundberg, Hans, 1938, Some geophysical data on the Meteor Crater in Ari.wna [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 49, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1953.

11:-t7 Magie, W. F., 1910, Physical notes on Meteor Crater, Arizona: Am. Pbilos. Soc. Proc., v. 49, p. 41-48; abs. in Science, new ser., v. 31, no. 805, p. 872-873.

198 Mallet, J. W., 1908, A stony meteorite from Coon Butte, Arizona: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 4, v. 21, p. 347-355.

199 Margerie, Emmanuel de, 1913, Deux accidents crateriformes-Crater Lake (Oreg.) et Meteor Crater (Ariz.) [Two crateriform irregularities­Crater Lake (Oreg.) and Meteor Crater (Ariz.)] : Annales Geograpbie, v. 22, p.172-184.

200 Mead, C. W., Chao, E. C. T., and Littler, Janet, 1963, Metallic spheroids from Meteor Crater, Arizona, in Astrogeologic studies annual progress report, August 25, 1961, to August 24, 1962: U.S. Geol. Survey .open­file rept., pt. C, p. 150-162; abs. in Am. Geopbys. Union Trans., v. 44, no.1, p.87.

201 Meinecke, Franz, 1909, Der Meteorkrater von Canyon Diablo in Arizona und seine Bedeutung fur die Entstebung der Mondkrater [The Canyon Diablo meteor crater and its significance for the origin of Moon craters]: Naturwiss. Wocbenschr., new ser., v. 8, p. 801-810.

202 Merrill, G. P., 1908, The meteor crater of Canyon Diablo, Arizona-Its history, origin, and associated meteoritic irons: Smithsonian Misc. Colin., v. 50, p. 461-498.

203 ---1909, Coon Butte or Meteor Crater [abs.] : Science, new ser., v. 29, no.736,p.239-240.

204 ---1920, A retrospective view of the origin of Meteor Crater, Arizona : Astron. Soc. Pacific Pub., v. 32, no. 189, p. 259-264.

205 Merrill, G. P., and Tassin, Wirt, 1907, Contributions to the study of Canyon Diablo meteorites : Smithsonian Misc. Conn., v. 50, p. 203-215.

206 Monnig, 0. E., 1941, The Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, meteorite proved identical with Canyon Diablo, Arizona : Pop. Astronomy, v. 49, p. 560-562.

207 Mulder, M. E., 1911, De explosive van meteoren en bet ontstaan van den meteorkrater van Canyon Diablo [Explosion of meteorites and the origin of the Canyon Diablo meteor crater]: Ingenieur, v. 26, p. 880-899.

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Ref. 208 Namba, Munetosi, 1954, Geophysical study of Arizona meteorite crater, in

Some studies on volcano Aso and Kujiu: Kumamoto Jour. Sci., ser. A, v. 2, no. 1, p. 85-89.

209 Nature, 1924, The Meteor Crater of Arizona: Nature, v.115, p. 244.

210 ---1958, Arizona meteorite crater: Nature, v. 181, no. 4626, p. 1777.

211 Newton, A. M., 1946, A cosmic bomb destroys a civilization [ abs.] : Pop. Astronomy, v. 54, p. 484; reprinted in Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., v. 3, no. 5, p. 294.

212 Niermeyer, J. F., 1913, Kraters in sedimentair Gesteente in Arizona en Nieuw-Mexico [Craters in sedimentary rocks in Arizona and New Mexico]: Nederlandsch Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres, 14th, Delft 1913, Hand 14, p. 430-436.

213 ---1939, Diamonds in Canyon Diablo, Ariz., meteorites: Pop. Astron~ omy, v. 47, p. 504-507; reprinted in Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., v. 2, no. 2, p. 142-145.

214 ---1940, A new type of nickel-iron meteorite from the vicinity of the Arizona meteorite crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 48, p. 328-332.

215 ---1947, The Barringer meteorite crater [abs.]: Pop. Astronomy, v. 55, p. 49; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 1, p. 19.

216 ---1949a, Meteorites in as well as on the crater rim: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57. p. 333-334.

217 ---1949b, A new type of magnetometer survey of Barringer meteorite crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57, p.l-5.

218 Nininger, H. H., 1949c, Oxidation studies at Barringer crater-Metal-center pellets and oxide droplets: Am. Philos. Soc. Yearbook 1949, p. 126-133.

219 ---1950, Structure and composition of Canyon Diablo meteorites as r& lated to zonal distribution of fragments: Pop. Astronomy, v. 58, p. 169-173.

220 ---1951a, Condensation globules at Meteor Crater: Science, v. 113, no. 2948, p. 755-756.

221 ---1951b, A resume of researches at the Arizona meteorite crater: Sci. Monthly, v. 72, no. 2, p. 75-86.

222 ---1953, Symmetries and asymmetries jn Barringer Crater: Earth Sci., v. 7, no.l, p.17-19.

223 ---1954a, Further notes on metallic spheroids at the Arizona meteorite crater [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 65, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1397-1398.

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Ref. 224 Nininger, H. H., 1954b, Impactite slag at Barringer Crater: Am. Jour. Sci.,

v. 252, no. 5, p. 277-200; discussion by D. Hager and reply by author in no.ll, p. 695--700.

This paper, with its attendant discussions, represents a difference of opinion with Dorsey Hager. (See ref. 168.)

225 ---1956, Arizona's meteorite crater, past, present, future: Sedona, Ariz., Am. Meteorite Mus., 232 p.

Nininger describes researches and surveys made since the discovery of the era ter and critically reviews findings to date.

226 Norton, 0. R., 1959, The Barringer meteorite crater: Griffith Observer, v. 23, no. 5, p. 62-73.

227 Pickering, W. H., 1909, The chance of collision with a comet, iron meteorites and Coon Butte: Pop. Astronomy, v. 17, p. 329-339.

228 Rinehart, J. S., 1957a, Distribution of meteoritic debris about the Arizona meteorite crater [abs.] : Astron. Jour., v. 62, no. 1247, p. 96.

229 ---1957b, A soil survey around the Barringer crater: Sky and Telescope, v. 16, no. 8, p. 366-369.

230 ---1958a, Distribution of meteoritic debris about the Arizona meteorite crater: Smithsonian Contr. Astrophy.sics, v. 2, p. 145--160; discussion by H. C. Dake in Mineralogist, v. 26, no. 9, p. 216, 218.

The object of this survey was to systematically investigate distribution of minuscule bits of material scattered through the mantle of soil sur­rounding the crater, with a view to fixing more closely the ma.ss of the meteorite and the direction of its flight.

231 ---1958b, On the nature of the meteoritic debris at the Arizona meteorite crater [abs.]: Astron. Jour., v. 63, no. 1262, p. 310.

232 Roach, C. H., Johnson, G. R., McGrath, J. G., and Sterrett, T. S., 1962, Thermoluminescence investigations at Meteor Crater, Arizona, in Short papers in geology, hydrology, and topography: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 450-D, p. D98-D103.

233 Robie, E. H., 1928, The Meteor Crater project [Arizona]: Eng. Mining Jour., v. 125, no. 21, p. 850-852.

234 Rogers, A. F., 1930, A unique occurrence of lechatelierite or silica glass : Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., v. 19, p. 195--202.

235 Rohleder, H. P. T., 1933, Meteor-Krater (Arizona)-Salzpfanne (Trans­vaal) -S teinheimer Becken [Meteor Ora ter (Arizona) -Salzpfanne (Tran.svaal)-Steinheim Basin]: Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 85, p. 463-468.

236 Russell, H. N., 1931, Meteor Crater: Mus. Northern Arizona Mus. Notes, v. 4, no. 3, p. 1-3.

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Ref. 237 Shoemaker, E. M., 1959, Structure and Quaternary stratigraphy of Meteor

Crater, Arizona, in the light of shock-wave mechanics [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 70, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 17 48.

238 ---1960, Penetration mechanics of high velocity meteorites, illustrated by Meteor Crater, Arizona: Internat. Geol. Cong., 21st, Copenhagen 1960, Rept., pt. 18, p. 418-434.

"Studies of craters formed by detonation of nuclear devices ·at .shallow depth in alluvium show that structures of the crater rims are related to the depth of explosion and the yield of the device. The penetration mechanics for Meteor Crater, Arizona, are derived by scaling relationships from nuclear explosion craters, based on detailed geologic mapping of both types of crater.s."

239 ---1963, Impact mechanics at Meteor Crater, Arizona, in Middlehurst, Barbara, and Kuiper, G. P., eds., The Moon, meteorites, and comets­The solar system, vol. 4: Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago Press, p. 301-336.

This paper reverses the usual procedure of attacking the cratering problem on theoretical grounds and applying the re.sults to Meteor Crater by deducing requirements for theory from the geology of the crater and its structural similarity to a nuclear explosion crater.

240 Sjogren, Hjalmar, 1911, Om kratorn vid Canyon Diablo, Arizona [On the Canyon Diablo Crater, Arizona]: Svenska Vetensk.-akad. Hand!., Stockholm Arsbok 1911, p. 237-262.

241 Skerrett, R. G., 1929, Meteor Crater again a scene of activity: Compressed Air Mag. v. 34, no. 6, pt. 1, p. 2,773-2,778; pt. 2, p. 2,809-2,813.

242 8ky and Telescope, 1956, At Barringer meteorite crater: Sky and Telescope, v. 16, no. 1, p. 21.

243 8truve, Otto, 1959, :The making of the Barringer meteorite crater: Sky and Telescope, v.18, no. 4, p.187-189.

244 8tutzer, Otto, 1936a, Der Meteor-Krater in Arizona [The meteor crater in Arizona]: Naturund Volk, v. 66, no. 9, p. 442-453.

245 ---1936b, "Meteor Crater" (Arizona) u. Nordlinger Ries ["Meteor Crater" (Arizona) and Nordlingen Ries] : Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 88, p. 510-523; discussion by E. Hennig, A. Bentz, and Wilhelm Ahrens, p. 588-591.

246 ~rhomas, Kirby, 1924, Exploring in Arizona for a super meteorite: Arizona Mining Jour., v. 8, no. 4, p.16.

247 ~rhomson, Elihu, 1912, The fall of a meteorite: Am. Acad. Arts Sci. Proc., v. 47, p. 721-733.

248 ~rhurmond, F. L., 1926, Is there a Canyon Diablo meteorite?: Eng. Mining Jour., v.122, no. 21, p. 817-818.

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249 Tilghman, B. C., 1900, Coon Butte, Arizona: Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc., v. 57, p. 887-914.

250 Tilghman, B. C., and Barringer, D. M., 1906, The geology of Coon Butte, Arizona [abs.] : Science, new ser., v. 24, p. 370-371; 1907, Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc., v. 57, p. 271.

251 Walton, Matt, 1959, The Arizona meteor crater controversy: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 53, p.162-171.

252 Watson, Fletcher, Jr., 1936, Meteor Crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 44, p. 2-17.

253 Wilson, C. H., 1932, Drilling proves existence of meteoric mass : Mining Jour. (Phoenix), v.15, no. 23, p. 7.

254 Wylie, C. C., 1934, Meteor craters, meteors, and bullets: Pop. Astronomy, v. 42, p. 469-471.

255 ---1943a, Applying mine-crater formulas to Meteor Crater in Arizona: Pop. Astronomy, v. 51, p. 220-222.

256 ---1943b, Calculations on the probable mass of the object which formed Meteor Crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 51, p. 97-99.

Wylie, using data from explosion and World War I mine craters, proposes a meteorite 35 to 50 feet in diameter, with a mass of 5,000 to 15,000 tons.

257 ---1943c, Second note on the probable mass of the object which formed Meteor Crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 51, p.158-161.

258 Zimmerman, W. W., 1948, The non-circularity of the Canyon Diablo, Arizona, meteorite crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 56, p. 496-498; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 2, p. 148-150.

Aerial photographs show Meteor Crater to be square, with rounded corners.

See also refs. 38, 82, 87, 100.


(Lat 30° N.; long 47° E. Category 6) See ref. 57.


(Lat 22°37' S.; long 135°12' E. Category 1)

259 Madigan, C. T., 1937, The Boxhole crater and the Huckitta meteorite (central Australia): Royal Soc. South Australia Trans. and Proc., v. 61, p. 187-190.

The Boxhole Crater was discovered in June 1937. No impactite was found ; iron fragments found closely resemble those from the Henbury Crater.

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Ref. 260 Madigan, C. T., 1940, The Boxhole meteoritic iron, central Australia: Min­

eralog. Mag. [London], v. 25, no. 168, p. 481-486.

See also ref. 73.


(Lat 46°04' N.; long 78°29' W. Category 4)

261 Beck, A. E., and Logis, Z., 1964, Terrestrial flow of heat in the Brent crater: Nature, v. 201, no. 4917, p. 383.

262 Innes, M. J. S., and Beals, C. S., 1961, Profile of the fossil crater at Brent, Ontario: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 55, p. 258.

263 Millman, P. M., Liberty, B. A., Clark, J. F., Willmore, P. L., and Innes, M. J. S., 1960, The Brent crater: Ottawa Dominion Observatory Pub., v. 24, no. 1, 43 p.

Brent Crater was first observed on aerial photographs as a circular de­pression approximately 2 miles in diameter. Geological, magnetic, and seismic investigations lead the authors to conclude that the crater was formed by meteorite impact, possibly in late Precambrian time, and that its present state is a consequence of subsequent erosion and deposition within it of Paleozoic sediments.

See also refs.14, 31, 64.


(Lat 27°40' S.; long 61 °40' W. Category 1)

264 Alvarez, Antenor, 1926, El meteorito del Chaco [The Chaco meteorite]: Buenos Aires, Jacobo Peuser, 222 p.

This is a detailed history of early explorations.

265 Milton, D. J ., 1964, The Campo del Cielo meteorite crater field, Argentina, in Astrogeologic studies annual progress report, August 25, 1962, to July 1, 1963: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., pt. B, p. 91-97.

This is a preliminary report on the 1962 expedition which made the first detailed examination of the Campo del Cielo meteorite field.

266 Nagera, J. J., 1926, Los hoyos del Campo del Cielo y el meteorito [The Campo del Cielo craters and meteorite] : Argentina Dir. Minas Geol. Pub. no. 19, p. 1-9, pls. 1-23.

Nagera describes and includes photographs of four craters which he be­lieved to be artificial excavations.

267 Parish, Woodbine, 1833, Notice as to the supposed identity of the large mass of meteoric iron now in the British Museum, with the celebrated Otumpa iron described by Rubin de Celis in the Philosophical Trans­actions for 1786: Royal Soc. London Philos. Trans., v. 128, p. 53-54.

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Ref. 268 Rubin de Celis, Michael, 1788, Of a mass of native iron, found in South

America: Royal Soc. London Philos. Trans., v. 128, p. 369-372.

See .also refs. 73, 100.


(Lat 33°45' N., long 78°45' W. (center of area). Category 5)

269 Barringer, Brandon, 1947, Observations on the Carolina "craters" or "bays": Pop. Astronomy, v. 55, p. 215-217.

270 Cooke, C. W., 1933, Discussion of the origin of the supposed meteorite scars of South Carolina: Jour. Geology, v. 42, no. 1, p. 88-96; abs. in Wash­ington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 23, no. 12, p. 569-570.

271 ---1936, Geology of the coastal plain of South Carolina: U.S. Geol. Sur­vey Bull. 867, 196 p.

272 ---1940, Elliptical bays in South Carolina and the shape of eddies: Jour. Geology, v. 48, no. 2, p. 205--211.

273 ---1943, Elliptical bays: Jour. Geology, v. 51, no. 6, p. 419, 427.

274 ---1954, Carolina Bay's and the shapes of eddies: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 254-I, p.195--207.

275 Grant, Chapman, 1948, Meteoritic origin of the "Carolina Bays" questioned: Pop. Astronomy, v. 56, p. 511-527.

276 ---1955, Shape of the Sikhote-Alinsk meteoritic craters in relation to the "Carolina Bays" : Pop. Astronomy, v. 59, p. 225.

277 Hoffieit, Dorrit, 1946, Origin of the Carolina Bays: Sky and Telescope, v. 5, no. 5, p. 11.

278 Johnson, D. W., 1936, Origin of the supposed meteorite scars of South Carolina: Science, new ser., v. 84, no. 2166, p. 15-18; 1934, abs. in Science, new ser., v. 79, no. 2055, p. 461 ; 1936, Geol. Soc. America Proc. 1935, p. 83-84.

279 ---1942, The origin of the Carolina Bays: New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 341 p.

280 ---1944, Mysterious craters of the Carolina coast: Am. Scientist, v. 32, no.1, p.1-22.

281 Johnson, W. R., Jr., Straley, H. W., 3d, and Straley, H. W., 4th, 1953, Depth to anomaly sorurce for Carolina Bays: Georgia Geol. Survey Bull. 60, p. 125-130.

282 Jones, W. H., 1952, The mysterious Carolina Bays: Mineralogist, v. 20, no. 5, p. 195-199.

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Ref. 283 Kelley, A. 0., 1951, The origin of the Carolina Bays and the oriented lakes

of Alaska: Pop. Astronomy, v. 59, p.199-205.

284 LeGrand, H. E., 1951, Streamlining the Carolina Bays [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 62, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1459; Pop. Astronomy, v. 59, p. 539; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Oontr., v. 5, no. 1, p. 98.

285 Leonard, F. C., 1947, On the origin of the Carolina "bays": Pop. Astronomy, v. 55, p. 276.

286 MacCarthy, G. R., 1937, The Carolina Bays: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 48,no.9,p. 1211-1225.

MacCarthy presents six conclusions from a University of North Carolina survey. He feels that the Carolina Bays were formed by shock waves accompanying the meteorite shower and that the meteoritic materials were mostly volatilized. An analogy is made to the 1908 Tunguska event.

287 Melton, F. A., 1934, Reply to article by C. W. Cooke, "Discussion of the origin of the supposed meteortte scars": Jour. Geology, v. 42, no. 1, p. 97-104.

288 ---1938a, Possible late Cretaceous origin of the Carolina "bays" [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 49, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1954.

289 ---1938b, Geological t,heories on the origin of the Carolina "bays" [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Proc.1937, p. 312.

290 ---1950, The Carolina "bays": J·our. Geology, v. 58, no. 2, p. 128-134.

291 Melton, F. A., and Sehriever, William, 1933a, The Carolina ''bays"-Are they meteorite scars?: Jour. Geology, v. 41, no. 1, p. 52-66; abs. in Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 44, no. 1, p. 94; Sci. Am., v. 149, no. 3, p. 106-107, and no. 4, p. 158-159, 188-189; Tulsa Geol. Soc. Digest, 1933, p.12.

This is the first suggestion of a cosmic origin for the bays; the authors propose a theory involving impact by a large cluster of meteorites.

292 ---1933b, Meteoric scars in the Carolinas: Am. Astron. 'Soc. Pub., v. 7, p. 179.

293 Odum, H. T., 1952, The Carolina Bays and a Pleistocene weather map: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 250, no. 4, p. 263-270.

294 Prouty, W. F., 1934, The Carolina Bays: Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Jour., v. 50,no.1-2,p.59-60.

295 ---1935, The Carolina Bays and elliptical lake basins: Jour. Geology, v. 43,no.4,p.200-207.

296 --- 1936, Further evidence in regard to the origin of Carolina Bays and elliptical lake basins: Geol. Soc. America Proc. 1935, p. 96-97.

297 --- 1938, Later evidence concerning the meteoritic origin of Carolina Bays [abs.]: Science, v. 88, no. 2290, p. 476-477.

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Ref. 298 Prouty, W. F., 1948, A reply to an article by Mr. Brandon Barringer on the

origin of the "Carolina Bays": Pop. Astronomy, v. 56, p. 499-501.

299 ---1950, Origin of Carolina Bays: Pop. Astronomy, v. 58, p. 17-21.

300 --- 1952, Carolina Bays and +their origin: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 63,no.2,p.167-224.

This is the final article of a series in which Prouty develops a modified meteoritic ~theory for the origin of the Carolina Bays.

301 Prouty, W. F., MacCarthy, G. R., and Alexander, J. A., 1933, Some mag­netometer observations in the coastal plain area of South Carolina : Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Jour., v. 49, no. 1, p. 20-21.

302 Prouty, W. F., and Straley, H. W., 3d, 1938, Further studies of Carolina Bays: Geol. Soc. America Proc.1937, p.104-105.

303 Robertson, E. C., 1962, The Carolina Bays and emergence of the coastal plain of the Carolinas and Georgia, in Short papers in geology and hydrology: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 450-C, p. C87-C90.

304 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 1936, ·The Carolina Bays and their supposed meteoric origin: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 30, p. 57-60.

305 Schriever, William, 1951, On the origin of the Carolina Bays: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 32, no. 1, p. 87-95; discussion fby J. S. Rinehart, 1952, in v. 33, no. 1, p.126-127.

306 Straley, H. W., 3d, and Straley, Wilt, 1954, Depth to the anomaly source of Carolina Bays : Meteoritics, v. 1, no. 2, p. 207.

307 Wells, B. W., and Boyce, S. G., 1953, Carolina Bays-Additional data on rtheir origin, age and history : Elisha Mitchell :Sci. Soc. Jour., v. 69, no. 2, p.119-141.

308 Wylie, C. C., 1933, Iron meteorites and Carolina "bays" : Pop. Astronomy, v. 41, p. 410-412.


(Lat 58°27' N.; long 109°30' W. Category 6)

See ref. 14.

The authors point out that this structure shows the kind of deformation expected for a meteorite crater formed in sedimentary rock.

309 Fahrig, W. F., 1961, The geology of the Athabasca formation: Canada Geol. Survey Bull. 68, 41 p.

In describing the general geology of the Carswell formation, Fahrig ~tentatively classifies the lake feature as a "cryptovolcanic" structure.

See also refs. 13, 65.

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(See Wells Creek area)


(Lat 51 oN.; long 94° E. Category 6)

See ref. 73.


Krinov lists the Chinge site as a "probable meteorite crater," although no crater or traces of it have been found. He draws attention to the original shape of the meteorite samples.

310 Lutskiy, Valeriy, 1963, Expedition to seek supermeteorite: Kommunist [Yerevan], August 18, p. 3 [in Russian]; translated abstract titled "Expedition to see crater of Chinga meteorite," Soviet-bloc Research in Geophysics, Astronomy, and Space, no. 72, p. 29.


(See New Quebec Crater)


(Lat 56°10' N.; long 74°20' W. Two craters. Category 2)

311 Dence, M. R., Innes, M. J. S., and Beals, C. S., 1963, New meteor crater: Space Sci., v. 13, no. 1, p. 8.

312 E:x:plorers Journal, 1954, Much larger crater than Chubb believed to exist in area N.E. of Hudson Bay post of Great Whale: Explorers Jour., v.32,no.l-2,p.15.

313 Heywood, W. W., Brett, S. E., Currie, K. L., and Eade, K. E., 1958, La Grande-Lac Bienville: Canada Geol. Survey Map 23-1958.

314 Kranck, S. H., 1951, On the geology of the east coast of Hudson Bay and James Bay: Acta Geog., v. 11, no. 2, p. 1-71.

315 Kranck, S. H., and Sinclair, G. W., 1963, Clearwater Lake, New Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Bull. 100, 25 p.

Clearwater Lakes consist of two circular depressions located on a high­land of Precambrian granitic gneiss. Geological evidence suggests that the lakes are of volcanic-tectonic origin ; the structure of the islands suggest that they represent volcanoes, formed by extrusion of la v·a along a circular fracture, probably concurrent with caldera collapse.

316 Mcintyre, D. B., 1962, Impact metamorphism at Clearwater Lake, Quebec [abs.] : Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 67, no. 4, p.1647.

During a 1958 gravity survey east of Hudson Bay, a Dominion Observa­tory party collected unusual metamo:rrphic rocks on islands in Clearwater Lakes; they consider these rocks to be the product of meteorite impact.

317 Sky and Telescope, 1963, Two more ancient Canadian meteorite craters: Sky and Telescope, v. 26, no. 4, p.198.

See also refs.14, 29.

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(Lat 32°40' N.; long 112°55' W. Category 5) Ref. 318 Kelly, A. 0., 1952, Mysterious Crater Elegante: Sci. Monthly, v. 74, no. 5,

p. 291-200. 319 Leonard, F. C., 1952, Crater Elegante-A caldera: Royal Astron. Soc.

Canada Jour., v. 46, p. 252.


(Alternate name: San Luis Maria Baca Grant Crater. Lat 38°52' N.; long

105°39' W. Category 5) See ref. 3.


(Lat 37°50' N.; ·long 9P23' W. Category 4)

320 Amstutz, G. C., 1960, Polygonal and ring tectonic patterns in the Pre­cambrian and Paleozoic of Missouri, U.S.A.: Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae, v.52,no.2,p.904-913.

321 --- 1964, Impact, cryptoexplosion or diapiric movements? : Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 67, no. 2, p. 343-356.

322 Fox, J. H., Allen, V. T., and Heinrich, Ross, 1954, Crooked Creek "crypto­volcanic" structure, Steelville, Missouri [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 65, no.12, pt. 2, p.1252-1253.

323 Hendricks, H. E., 1954, The geology of the Steelville quadrangle, Missouri: Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources [Rept.], 2d ser., v. 36, 88 p.

Detailed mapping suggests impact as the most probable origin of the Crooked Creek structure.

324 Kilsgaard, T. H., Heyi, A. V., and Brock, M. R., 1963, The Crooked Creek disturbance, southeast Missouri, in Short papers in geology, hydrology, and topography: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 450-E, p. E14-E19.

The authors detail evidence which suggests that the Crooked Creek dis­turbance originated from a subterranean gaseous explosion.

See also ref. 13.


(Lat 27°45' S.; long 117°05' E. Category 1)

325 Huss, G. I., 1962, Australia's Dalgaranga crater: Mineralogist, v. 30, no. 9/10, p. 4-7; no. 11/12, p. 12-14, 16.

This article, together with the Nininger and Huss report (ref. 327), describes the first scientific examination of the Dalgaranga Crater. The unusual character and variety of structures hitherto unknown in connec­tion with other meteorite craters is discussed. The meteorite is judged to be largely stony ; the age of the crater is es'timated to be 25,000 years.

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Ref. 326 Nininger, H. H., 1959, Another meteorite crater studied : Science, v. 130, no.

3384, p. 1251-1252.

327 Nlninger, H. H., and Huss, G. I., 1960, The unique meteorite crater at Dal­garanga, Western Australia: Mineralog. Mag. [London], v. 32, no. 251, p. 619-639.

328 Simpson, E. S., 1938, Some new and little-known meteorites found in Western Australia: Mineralog. Mag. [London], v. 25, no. 163, p. 157-171.

This report, based on observations of G. E. Willard of the Dalgaranga Station, became the basis for the description of the Dalgaranga Crater and m«~teorite.

See also ref. 73.


(Lat 37°54' N.; long 92°43' W. Category 4)

329 Krishnaswamy, D. S., and Amstutz, G. C., 1960, Geology of the Decaturville disturbance in Missouri [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1910.

"The tectonic history and the presence of the pegmatite(s) appear to sup­port the conclusion that the Decaturville disturbance may be caused by poly­gonal or ring tectonic movements in the basem*nt, connected with or caused by igneous activity."

330 Shepard, E. M., 1904, Spring system of the Decaturville Dome, Camden Coun­ty, Missouri: U.S. Geol. Survey Wwter-Supply and Irrigation Paper 110, p. 113-125.

See also refs. 2, 26, 321.


(Lat 56°24' N.; long 103°00' W. Category 6)

331 Innes, M. J. S., 1957a, A possible meteorite crater at Deep Bay, Saskatche­wan: Roya.l Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 51, p. 235-240; reprinted in Ottawa Dominion Observatory Contr., v. 3, no. 8, 8 p.

Deep Bay, the southeastern part of Reindeer Lake, is a circular depression wlth an average diameter of about 8% miles and a depth, from highest point on the rim to [ake bed, of about 1,130 feet. Evidence strongly suggests that it was formed by explosion.

332 ---1957b, A possible meteorite crater at Deep Bay, Saskatchewan: Astron. Jour., v. 62, no. 1247, p. 92-93.

333 ---1959, A gravity investigation of the Deep Bay crater [abs.]: Royal Soc. Oanada Minutes Proc., 3d ser., v. 53, app. C, p. 20.

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Ref. 334 Innes, M. J. S., Pearson, W. J., and Geuer, J. W., 1964, The Deep Bay

crater: Ottawa Dominion Observatory Pub., v. 31, no. 2, 52 p.

"Topographical, geological and geophysical studies, combined with the results of diamond drilling strongly indicate an origin by meteoritic impact, and lend no support to the thesis that the Deep Bay depression is geologi­cally or structurally controlled."

See also refs. 6, 14, 64, 65.


(Lat 42°02' N.; long 87°56' W. Category 6)

335 Emrich, G. H., and Bergstrom, R. E., 1959, Intense faulting at Des Plaines, northeastern Illinois [abs.]: Geol. S·oc. America Bull., v. 70, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1596.

336 ---1962, Des Plaines disturbance, northeastern Illinois : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 73, no. 8, p. 959-968.

The Des Plaines disturbance is here called a "cryptoexplosion structure" -a term implying no specific explosion mechanism. Drilling of wells ha.s yielded data about structural movement which, with information of a negative gravity anomaly, lead the authors to suggest that the disturbance is the "root" of an old impact structure.

337 Suter, Max, Bergstrom, R. E., Smith, H. F., Emrich, G. H., Walton, W. C., and Larson, T. E., 1959, Preliminary report on ground-water resources of the Chicago region, Illinois: Illinoi.s Water Survey Cooperative Ground-Water Rept. 1, 89 p.


(Lat 38°50' N.; long 115°50' W. Category 5)

338 Rinehart, J. S., and Elvey, C. T., 1951, A possible meteorite crater near Duckwater, Nye County, Nevada (ECN=±1157,387) : Pop. Astronomy, v. 59, p. 209-211; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 5, no. 1, p. 44-45.

A crater, 225 feet in diameter and from 10 to 15 feet deep, was inves­tigated. The authors found no meteoritic material but cannot ascribe origin of this crater to a nonimpact cause.

See also ref. 97.


(Lat 36°22' N.; long 85°45' W. Category 6)

See ref. 97. Shoemaker and Eggleton include this structure in their study primarily

on evidence presented by R. M. Mitchum, Jr., in an M.S. thesis, Vanderbilt University, 1951. .A:ctually, Mitchum finds difficulty with both cryptovol­canic and meteoritic hypotheses.

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See ref. 120.


(Lat 33°19' N.; long 5°17' W. Category 6)



(Lat.78°30' N.; long 102°30' W. Four craters. Category 6)

339 Brown, I. C., 1951, Circular structures in the Arctic Islands: Am. Jour. Sci., v.249,no.11,p.785-794.


(Lat 34° S.; long 136° E. Category 5)

See ref. 89.


(See Herault Craters)


(Lat 36°17' N.; long 85°40' W. Category 4)

340 Conant, L. C., and Swanson, V. E., 1961, Chattanooga shale and related rocks of central Tennessee and nearby areas: U:S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 357, 91 p.

341 Roddy, D. J., 1963, Flynn Creek structure, Tennessee, in Astrogeologic studies annual progress report, August 25, 1961, to August 24, 1962: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., pt. B, p.118-126.

This and the following are preliminary reports on fieldwork in progress.

342 ---1964a, Geologic section across the Flynn Creek structure, in Astrog~ logic studies annual progress report, August 25, 1962, to July 1, 1963 : U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., pt B, p. 53-76.

343 ---1964b, Recent investigations of the Flynn Creek structure, with a section on geophysical studies by Shawn Biehler and D. J. Roddy, in Astrogeologic studies annual progress report, July 1, 1963, to July 1, 1964: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., pt. B, p.163-180.

344 Wilson, C. W., Jr., 1948, Channels and channel-filling sediments of Richmond age in south-central Tennessee: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 59, no. 8, p. 733-766.

345 Wilson, C. W., Jr., and Born, K. E., 1936, The Flynn Creek disturbance, Jackson County, Tennessee: Jour. Geology, v. 44, no. 7, p. 815-835.

Data accumulated on this small, intensely disturbed area indicate a cryp­tovolcanic origin.

See also refs. 18, 20, 36.

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(Lat 45°03' N.; long 76°04' W. Category 5)

See ref.14.

Drilling results have substantially eliminated a meteoritic origin for the Franktown .Crater.


(Lat 40°35' N.; long 89°49' W. Category 4)

346 Buschbach, T. C., and Ryan, Robert, 1963, Ordovician explosion structure at Glasford, Illinois: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 47, no.12,p.2015-2022.

The authors interpret this dome, about 2~ miles in diameter, to be an astrobleme.


(Lat 44°11' N.; long 89°22' W. Category 6)

347 Ekern, G. L., and Thwaites, F. T., 1930, The Glover Bluff ,structure, a dis­turbed area in the Paleozoics of Wisconsin: Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 25, p. 89-97.

This is the rewrite of an M.S'. thesis which Ekern presented to the Uni­versity of Wisconsin in 1928. Origin of the Glover Bluff structure remains unsettled.


(Lat 47°06' N.; long 63°03' W. Category 6)

348 Willmore, P. L., and Scheidegger, A. E., 1956, Seismic observations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in Canadian Comm. Oceanography, Ocean floors around Canada: Royal Soc. Canada Trans., 3d ser., v. 50, p. 21-38; reprinted in Ottawa Dominion Observatory Contr., v. 1, no. 30, p. 3-19.

The program described here was part of an organized search for craters in the Canadian Shield. The survey found dimensions of the gulf to be consistent with the meteorite explosion hypothesis but found no striking geologic evidence of an explosion.

See also ref.14.


(Lat 28°30' N.; long 60°40' E. Category 5)

349 Dyer, R. E. H., 1921, The raiders of the Sarhad: London, H. F. and G. Witherby, p. 85-86.

The author relates how he was shown the crater first in 1916. At that time it measured 150 feet long, 120 feet wide, and 50 feet deep.

350 Heybroek, W., 1933, Der Meteorkrater von Gwarkuh [The Gwarkuh meteor crater]: Sterne, 1933, p.134--136.

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Ref. 351 Sirrine, C. P., 1931, The highlands of Persian Baluchistan: Geog. Jour.

[London], v. 78, no. 4, p. 328.

See ref.100. Spencer has examined writings and photographs of Dyer (ref. 349) and

Skrine (ref. 351) and does not consider this feature a likely meteorite crater.


(Lat 81 °45' N.; long 28°15' W. Category 6)

352 Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, K., 1954, Meteoric shower in North East Green­land? : Dansk Geol. Foren. Meddel., v. 12, no. 4, p. 43~35; al,so in Copenhagen Univ. Mus. Mineralogie et Geologie Commun. Geol., no. 63, p. 433-435.


(Lat 37°35' N.; long 99°10' W. Category 1)

353 Hay, Robert, 1893, Additional note on the Brenham meteorite: Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 13, p. 75.

354 Heybroek, W., 1950, Der Haviland-Meteor-Krater in USA [The Haviland meteor crater, U.S.A.] : Sterne, v. 26, p. 32.

355 Huntington, 0. W., 1891, The Prehistoric and Kiowa County pallasites: Am. Acad. Arts Sci. Proc., v. 26, p.1-12.

356 Kunz, G. F., 1890, On the group of meteorites recently discovered in Bren­ham Township, Kiowa County, Kansas: New York Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 9, p. 186-194.

357 Monnig, 0. E., 1948, Some real meteorite finds at Brenham Township, Kiowa County, Kansas: Pop. Astronomy, v. 56, p. 47-48; reprinted in Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., v. 4, no. 2, p. 92-94.

358 Nininger, H. H., 1938, Further notes on the excavation of the Haviland, Kiowa County, Kansas, meteorite crater [abs.]: Pop. Astronomy, v. 46, p. 110; Geol. Soc. America Proc. 1937, p. 313; reprinted in Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., v. 2, no.1, p.13-14.

These notes ,supplement Nininger and Figgins (ref. 359).

359 Nininger, H. H., and Figgins, J. D., 1933, The excavation of a meteorite crater near Haviland, Kiowa County, Kansas: Colorado Mus. Nat. His­tory Proc., v.12, p. 9-15.

Meteorites were first discovered in the Haviland area in 1885, and sub­se~uently examined by Kunz (ref. 356), Winchell and Dodge (ref. 360), and Hay (ref. 353). Nininger first drew attention to the crater in 1925; here he and Figgins discuss distribution of fragments within the crater.


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Ref. 360 Winchell, N. H., and Dodge, J. A., 1890, The Brenham, Kiowa County,

Kansas, meteorites: Am. Geologist, v. 5, no. 5, p. 309-312; v. 6, no. 6, p. 370-377.


(see Merewether Crater)


(Lat 24°34' S.; long 133°10' E. Thirteen craters. Category 1)

361 Alderman, A. R., 1932a, The Henbury (central Australia) meteoric iron: South Australian Mus. Rec., v. 4, no. 4, p. 555-563.

362 ---1932b, The meteorite craters at Henbury, central Australia, with addendum by L. J. Spencer: Mineralog. Mag. [London], v. 23, no. 136, p. 19-32 ; reprinted in Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1932, p. 223-234.

This article reports the first scientific expedition to Henbury. Alder­man describes the locale and meteoritic material found there, points out similarities and differences between these craters and Meteor Crater, and suggests directions future study should take.

363 Bartrum, C. 0., 1932, The meteorite craters at Henbury, central Australia: British Astron. Assoc. Jour., v. 41, no. 4, p. 263-264.

364 Bedford, R., 1934, Surface markings of the Henbury meteorites: Nature, v. 133,no.3363,p.575.

365 Goel, P. S., and Kohman, T. P., 1962, Cosmogenic carbon-14 in meteorites and terrestrial ages of "finds" and craters : Science, v. 136, no. 3519, p. 875-876.

Mea'Surements show the Henbury irons to have a terrestrial age of ~7000 years.

366 Milton, D. J., and Michel, F. C., 1964, Geology of Crater no. 3, Henbury, Australia, in Astrogeologic studies annual progress report, July 1, 1963, to July 1, 1964: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., pt. B, p. 146-162.

367 Rayner, J. M., 1938, The Henbury meteorite craters and geophysical pros­pecting: Australian Jour. Sci., v.1, p. 93-94.

368 ---1939, Examination of the Henbury meteorite craters by the methods of applied geophysics: Australian and New Zealand Assoc. Adv. Sci. Rept., v. 24, p. 72-78.

A magnetic survey of 12 craters is discussed. It appears, from the ab­sence of magnetic anomalies of a type that would arise from large meteor­ites at likely depth, that the craters were formed by excavating action of an explosive impact.

369 ---1939?, Geophysical report on the Henbury meteorite craters, central Australia: Austr'alia Aerial Geol. and Geophys. Survey of Northern Australia, Rept., Northern Territory, no. 42, 7 p.

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Ref. 370 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 1934, The Henbury meteorite craters

in Australia: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 28, p. 277-278.

371 Spencer, L. J., 1932, Meteoric iron and silica-glass from the meteorite craters of Henbury (central Australia) and Wabar (Arabia), with chemical analysis by M. H. Hey: Mineralog. Mag. [London], v. 23, no. 142 p. 387-404.

"At Henbury there is a much better development of the meteoric iron, while at Wabar the silica-glass predominates."

372 Taylor, S. R., and Kolbe, P., 1964, Henbury impact glass-parent material and behavior of volatile elements during melting: Nature, v. 203, no. 4843, p. 390-391.

See also ref. 73.


(Alternate names: Faugeres Craters, Le Clot, Montagne Noire. Lat 43°32' N.; long 3°08' E. Six craters. Category 6)

373 Beals, C. S., 1964, A re-examination of the craters in the Faugeres· Cabrerolles region of southern France: Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 2, p. 85-91; reprinted in Ottawa Dominion Observatory Contr., v. 4, no. 11, p. 85--91.

Comparison of five of the six known craters in this region, including Le Clot, with four craters of established meteoritic origin provided insufficient evidence to consider them as impact structures.

374 Dewhirst, D. W., 1952, More meteorite craters: British Astron. Assoc. Jour., v. 63, p. 51-52.

375 Geze, Bernard, and Cailleux, Andre, 1950, Existence probable de crateres meteoriques a Cabrerolles et a Faugeres (Herault) [Probable exist­ence of meteoritic craters at Cabrerolles and Faugeres (Herault)]: Acad. Sci. [Paris] Comptes Rendus, v. 230, no.17, p.1534-1586.

Two surveyors report and favor a meteoric origin for six depressions in southern France. The largest, Le Clot, was first noticed on an aerial photograph.

376 HofHeit, Dorrit, 1952, More meteor craters : Sky and Telescope, v. 11, no. 6, p.134.

377 Irish Astronomical Journal, 1952, Meteor craters in France : Irish Astron. Jour., v. 2, p. 53-54.

378 Janssen, C. L., 1951, The meteor craters in Herault, France: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 45, p.190-198.

Janssen, an astronomer, finds it reasonable to ascribe origins of Le Clot and the Faugeres crater to fragments from one meteorite. He includes here a translation of the Geze-Cailleux article previously cited (ref. 375).

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Ref. 379 Sternenwelt, 1952, Meteor-Krater in Siidfrankeich [Meteor craters in

southern France]: Sternenwelt, v. 4, p.174-178.

380 Urania K~benhavn, 1951, Meteorkraterne ved Faugeres [Meteor craters at Faug·eres] : Urania K~benhavn, v. 8, p. 1-5.


(Lat 44°47' N.; long 76°30' W. Category 2)

381 Beals, C. S., 1957a, A probable meteorite crater of great age: Sky and Tele­scope,v.16,no.11,p.526-528.

382 ---1957b, Results of drilling operations at the Holleford crater: Astron. Jour., v. 62, no.1249, p.137-138.

383 ---1960, A probable meteorite crater of Precambrian age ·at Holleford, Ontario: Ottawa Dominion Observatory P11ib., v. 24 no. 6, p. 117-142.

Studies of aerial photographs and seismic and diamond-drill data indi­cate a circular depression with a depth and profile close to those predicted for a meteorite crater of the observed diameter. Below the Paleozoic sediments which fill the crater are several hundred feet of shattered, pui­verized rock for which the only adequate explanation is meteorite impact and explosion. The crater is dated at about 500,000,000 years.

384 Beals, C. S., Ferguson, G. M., and Landau, A., 1956, The Holleford crater in Ontario: Sky and Telescope, v. 15, no. 7, p. 296.

Discovery of the New Quebec Crater stimulated Canadian interest in searching aerial photos for other craters in the Canadian Shield. This reports finding the Holleford Crater and preliminary reasons for suspect­ing its meteoritic origin.

See ref. 129.

Nonmeteoric subsurface materials from the Barringer and Holleford Craters are compared.

385 Bunch, T. E., and Cohen, A. J., 1962, Precambrian coesite [abs.]: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 67, no. 4, p. 1630-1631.

Coesite discovered in selected drill-core material from the Holleford Crater constitutes the oldest known coesite.

386 ---1963, Coesite and shocked quartz from Holleford Crater, Ontario, Canada: Science, v.142, no. 3590, p. 379-381.

387 Dawson, K. R., 1961, The origin of the Holleford crater breccia: Canadian Mineralogist, v. 6, pt. 5, p. 634-646.

Results of petrographic and geochemical study of three drill cores from the Holleford Crater show no meteoritic material was found; however, results do not refute the meteoritic impact theory.

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388 Sky and Telescope, 1959, Shattered rocks beneath meteorite craters com­pared: Sky and Telescope, v.19, no. 2, p. 94.

See also refs. 7, 14, 64.


(Lat 35°15' N.; long 86°35' W. Category 4)

389 Born, K. E., and Wilson, C. W., Jr., 1939, The Howell structure, Lincoln County, Tennessee: Jour. Geology, v. 47, no. 4, p. 371-388.

In their summary of events in the Howell area, the authors include "an explosion, blowing out a crater at least 100 feet in depth and 1 mile in diameter, and piling up limestone debris around the crater." The Howell structure is identified as an example of the cryptovolcanic structures. (See ref. 20.)


(Lat 47° N.; long 21 o E. Category 5)

390 Kaljuvee, J., 1933, Die Grossprobleme der Geologie [Major problems in geology]: Tallinn, Estonia, F. Wassermann, 162 p.

The author suggests that the Hungarian Plain is a huge meteorite crater, rimmed by the Transylvanian Alps.

See also ref. 89.


(Lat 57°58' N.; long 27°23' E. Three craters. Category 6)

391 Aaloe, A. A., 1960, Ilumetsaskie krater' Estonskoi SSR [The Ilumets:a Craters, Estonia] : Meteoritika, no.18, p. 26-31.

Three depressions, the largest 50 meters in diameter, are discussed. Extensive explorations disclosed no meteoritic material but small magnetic anomalies. Volcanic origin is discounted.

See also ref. 397.


(See Wells Creek area)


(Lat38°06' N.; long85°06' W. Category 4)

392 Bucher, W. H., 1925, Geology of Jeptha Knob: Kentucky Geol. Survey, ser.6,v.21,p.193-237.

"The purpose of this report is to give a detailed description of the stratigraphy, structure, and topography of the Knob and by the observa­tions to test these conclusions of Limney." Limney (ref. 393) had de­scribed the disturbed nature of the area.

393 Limney, W. M., 1889?, Reports on the geology of Henry, Shelby, and Oldham Counties: Frankfort, Kentucky Geol. Survey, 70 p.

See also ref. 20.

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(Lat 20°55' N.; long 156°53' W. Category 6) Ref. 394 Buddhue, J. D., 1947, A possible meteorite crater in the Hawaiian Islands:

Pop. Astronomy, v. 55, p. 553; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no.1, p. 82.

K. P. Emory wrote in 1924 of a "pit in the sand" on the Island of Lanai called Ka-imu-hoku or "the place where a meteor fell."


(Alternate name: Osel Craters. Lat 58°24' N.; long 22°40' E. Seven craters. Category 1)

395 Aaloe, A. A., 1958a, Kaalijarve meteoriidikraatri nr. 5 uurimisest 1955 aastal [Investigation of meteorite crater no. 5 of the Kaalijarv group in 1955]: Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy, no. 2, p. 105-117.

396 ---1958b, Novye dannye o meteoritiykh kraterakh na ostrove Saarema [New data on the meteorite craters on the Island of Saarema, Estonian SSR]: Meteoritika, no.16, p.108-114.

Aaloe continues a line of investigation initiated by Reinwald and Krinov. In two articles listed here, he reports on partial excavation of crater no. 5.

397 ---1963a, Novyye dannyye o stroyenii Ilumetsaskikh kraterov [New data on the structure ot the llumetsa Craters]: Akad. Nauk Eston, SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy, no. 11, p. 35-43 [with Estonian and English summaries].

398 ---1963b, Ob istorii izucheniya Kaaliskikh meteoritnykh kraterov [On the history of the study of the Kaali meteorite craters]: Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy, no. 11, p. 25-34. [with Estonian and English summaries].

399 Alksnis, A., 1961, Meteoritu krateri Saremas sala [Meteorite crater on Saarema Island]: Zvaigznota Debess, 1961, p. 4-11.

400 Bronshten, V. A., 1962, Ob obstoyatelstvakh padeniya Kaaliyarvskogo me­teorita [Circ*mstances of the fall of the Kaalijarv meteorite]: Meteo­ritika, no. 22, p. 42-46.

401 Bron.shten, V. A., 'and Stanyukovich, K. P., 1963, 0 krateroobrazuyushchikh meteoritakh [On the crater-forming meteorites]: Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy, no. 11, p. 73-83. [with Estonian and English summaries].

402 Fisher, Clyde, 1936, The meteor craters in Estonia: Nat. History, v. 38, no. 4, p. 292-299.

403 ---1938, The Estonian meteor craters: Am. Astron. Soc. Pub., v. 9, p. 120-121.

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Ref. 404 Giere, W., 1934, Der Meteoritenkrater von Sall auf Oesel [The Sall

meteorite crater on Osel]: Petermann.s Mitt., v. 80, p. 372.

405 Kranz, w~alter, 1937, "Krater von Sall" auf Osel, wahrscheinlich "Meteor­krater" [Sall Crater, on Osel, a probable meteor crater]: Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik, v. 51, no. 1, p. 50-55.

406 Kraus, E., Meyer, R., and Wegener, Alfred, 1928, Untersuchungen uber den Krater von Sall auf Osel [Investigations of the Sall Crater on Osel] : Beitr. Geophysik, v. 20, p. 312-378, 428-429.

407 Krinov, E. L., 1945, Meteorite craters on the island of Oesel: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv., ser. geog. i geofiz., v. 9, no. 4, p. 409-414 [in Russian, with English summary].

408 ---1960a, The Kaalijlirv craters: Priroda, v. 49, no. 7, p. 55-60 [in Russian].

409 ---1960b, Die meteoritischen Krater Kaalijlirv auf der Insel Saarema, Estnische SSR [The Kaalijlirv meteorite crater on the island of Saarema, Estonia]: Chemie der Erde, v. 20, no. 4, p. 199-216.

410 ---1961, The Kaalijlirv meteorite craters on Saarema Island, Estonian SSR: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 259, no. 6, p. 430-440.

This group of seven craters was investigated in some detail, morphologi­cally and as to content of meteoritic fragments. The largest crater is bc~lieved due to an explosion which destroyed the meteorite; the small craters, which contain meteoritic fragments, are to be considered impact craters from members of the same meteorite show.er.

411 Kulik, L.A., 1940, The meteorite crater Kaalijlirv in USSR: Priroda, v. 29, no. 2, p. 63-65 [in Russian].

412 La Nature, 1960, Les seuls crateres de meteorite connus en Europe [The only known meteorite craters in Europe]: Nature [Paris], v. 88, p. 503.

413 Pobul, E., 1958, Kaalijlirve meteoriidikraatri, nr. 3 [The Kaalijlirv meteor­ite crater, no. 3]: Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy, No.2, p. 119-132.

414 ---1963, Primeneniye geo:fizicheskikh metodov pri issledovanii meteorit­nykh kraterov Estonskoy SSR [The use of geophysical methods in the investigation of meteorite craters in the Estonian SSR]: Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy, no. 11, p. 45-51 [with Estonian and English summaries].

415 Pokrovskiy, G. I., 1963, 0 raschete parametrov meteorita po obrazovannoy im voronke [On the calculation of the parameters of a meteorite from the crater formed by it]: Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy, no. 11, p. 61-71 [with Estonian and English summaries].

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Ref. 416 Reinwald, I. A., 1933, Kaali jarv-The meteorite craters on the island of

Oesel, Estonia: Tartu Univ., Lood. Seltsi, Aruand., v. 39, no. 3-4, p. 183-202; also, Tartu Univ., Geol.-Inst. Toimetused, no. 30, 20 p.

In the references given here, Reinwald details his researches on the Kaalijarv Craters between 1928 and 1941. In this paper he describe.s the craters and explains their formation by comparison with similar craters in the United States and Australia.

417 ---1938, Der Krater von Sall (Kaali jarv), ein Meteorkrater-Feld in Estland [The San Crater (Kaalijarv), a meteor crater field in Estonia]: Natur und Volk, v. 68, no. 1, p. 16--24.

418 ---1940, The Kaalijarv meteor craters (Estonia)-supplementary re­search of 1937-discovery of meteoric iron: Tartu Univ., Lood. Seltsi, Aruand., v. 45, no. 1-4, p. 81-99; 1939, Tartu Univ., Geol.-Inst. Toimetused, no. 55, 19 p.

419 Reinwald, I. A., and Luha, A., 1928, Bericht uber geologische Untersuch­ungen am Kaalijarv (Krater von Sall) auf Osel [Comment on geo­logical investigation of Kaalijarv (Sail Crater on Osel)] : Tartu Univ., Geol.-Inst. Toimetused, no.ll, p. 30-42.

420 Spencer, L. J., 1938, The Kaalijarv meteorite from the Estonian craters: Mineralog. Mag. [London], v. 25, no. 161, p. 75-80.

421 Treuman, Kh. M., 1963, Dva risunka Kalliskikh meteoritnykh kraterov [Two pictures of the Kaali meteor craters]: Akad. Nauk Eston. SSR Inst. Geologii Trudy, no. 11, p. 85-89. [with Estonian and English summaries].

See also refs. 73, 100.


(Lat 32°30' S.; long 24°35' E. Category 6)

422 Blignaut, J. J. G., Rossouw, P. J., Villiers, J. de, and Russell, H. D., 1948, Kalkkop, in The geology of the Schoorsteenberg area, Cape Province : South Africa Dept. Mines Expl. of Sheet no. 166, p. 17-22.

See ref.14.


(Lat 54°54' N.; long 108°08' W. Category 6)

No real investigation of this feature had yet been done. The diameter of Keeley Lake is given as 8 miles.


(Lat 40°45' N.; long 87°25' W. Category 4)

423 Cohen, A. J., Reid, A. M., and Bunch, T. E., 1962, Central uplifts of ter­restrial and lunar craters, 1-Kentland and Serpent Mound structures [abs.]: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 67, no. 4, p. 1632-1633.

Discovery of trace amounts of coesite in the St. Peter sandstone of the Kentland structure is cited as evidence of impact origin.

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KOFELIS :SITE, AUSTRIA 51 Ref. 424 Dletz, R. S., 1947, Meteorite impact suggested by the orientation of shat­

tercones at the Kentland, Indiana, disturbance : Science, v. 105, no. 2715, p. 42-43.

The author speculates on the arrangement of shatter cones as an indi­cation of Kentland as a "root" structure of the crater, formed after the late Paleozoic and eroded before the Pleistocene.

425 Gutschick, R. C., 1961, The Kentland structural anomaly, Indiana, in Geology from Chicago to Cincinnati: Geol. Soc. America Guidebook for field trips, 1961, no. 2, p. 12-17.

426 Shrock, R. R., and Malott, C. A., 1933, The Kentland area of disturbed Ordovician rocks in northwestern Indiana: Jour. Geology, v. 41, no. 4, p. 337-370.

The only known area in Indiana exhibiting intense crustal deformation, covers less than 1 square mile and is believed to result from "crypto­volcanic" activity. See also ref. 20.


(Lat 33°30' N.; long 89°33' W. Category 4)

427 Butler, M. D., 1962, The meteor crater in Mississippi: Mississippi Acad. Sci. Proc., v. 8, p. 51-52.

428 Priddy, R. R., 1946, Kilmiehael dome, an unusual uplift in north-central Mississippi [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 57, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1273.

429 Priddy, R. R., and McCutcheon, T. E., 1943, Montgomery County mineral resources: Mississippi Geol. Survey Bull. 51, 116 p.


(Lat 47°13' N.; long 10°58' E. Category 6)

430 Ampferer, Otto, 1939, Die geologischen Hypothesen fiber die Formung des Talraumes zwischen Umhausen und Langenfeld in Otztale [Geologic hypotheses on the formation of the valley <between Umhausen and Langenfeld in Otztal] : Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Sit­zungsber., Abt.l, v.148, rp.123-140.

431 Ascher, Hans, 1952, Neuer Sachbestand und neue Erkenntnisse fiber das Bergsturzgebiet von Kofels [New data and new understanding of the landslide area of Kofels]: Geologie and Bauwesen, v. 19, no. 2, p. 128-134.

432 Hammer, Wilhelm, 1937a, Nachtrag zur Kritik der Suesschen Meteorkrater­deutung von Kofels in Nr. 9-10 der "Verhandlungen" ['Supplementary note to the critique of the ·Suess meteor crater interpretation of the Kofels in no. 9-10 of the "Verhandlungen"]: Austria Geol. Bund. Verh., no.12,p.268-269.

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Ref. 433 Hammer, Wilhelm, 1937b, Ueber einen neuen Versuch zur LOsung des Kofel~

ser Problems [On a new attempt at solution of the Kofels problem] : Austria Geol. Bund. Verh., no. 9-10, p.195-206.

434 Heissel, Warner, and Ladurner, Otto, 1959, Funde von Gesteinsgllisern in Tirol [Finds of rock glasses in Tyrol], in Janetschek, H., ed., De Na~ tura Tiroliensi (Prenn~Festschrift), II: Innsbruck, p. 46-53.

435 Kranz, Walter, 1939, Beitrag zum Kofels~Problem-Die Bergsturz-Hebungs~ und Sprengtheorie [A contribution to the Kofels problem-the land­slide, uplift and fracture theory]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geologie und PaUi.ontologie, Beilage-Band 80, .A:bt. B., p.113-138.

436 Milton, D. J., 1964, Fused rock from Kofels, Tyrol: Tschermaks Mineralog. Petrog. Mitt., ser. 3, v. 9, no.1-2, p. 86-94.

Quartz grains are partially melted 'but not dissolved in the matrix glass. The structure at Kofels is compared to a crater produced •by a nuclear de­vice detonated under a steep hillside.

437 Schmidt, Walter, 1937, Bemerkung zur Arbeit von F. E. 'Sues~, I>er Meteor~ krater von Kofels bei Umhausen in Otztale, Tirol [Remarks on the work of F. E. Suess, The Kofels meteor crater near Umhausen in Otztal, Tyrol]: Zentralbl. Mineralogie, v. 2, no. 5, p. 221-222.

438 Senarclens-Grancy, Walter, 1956, Zur Glazialgeologie des Oetztales und ·Seiner Umgebung [Glacial geology of the Otztal and vicinity]: Geol. Gesell. Wien Mitt., v. 49, p. 256-313.

The author dates the Kofels event as about 8150 B.C., on the basis of glacial chronology.

439 •Stutzer, Otto, 1936, Die Talweitung von Kofels im Otztal (Tirol) als Mete­orkrater [The Kofels valley in Otztal (Tyrol) as a meteor crater]: Deutsche Geol Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 88, p. 523-525.

440 Suess, F. E., 1936a, Zur Deutung des "Bimssteinv,orkommens" von Kofels im Otztale [On the significance of "pumice occurrence" at Kofels in Otztal]: Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.~naturw. Kl., Anz., v. 73, p. 77-80.

441 ---1936b, Der Meteor-Krater von Kofels bei Umhausen im Otztale, Tirol [The Kofels meteor crater near Umhausen in Otztal, Tyrol]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geologie und Paliiontologie, Beilage-Band 72, .A:bt. A., p. 98-155.

This is ·a detailed exposition of the impact crater 'hypothesis for Kofels.


(See Merewether Crater)

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(Lat 60°08' N.; long 75°20' W. Category 6) Ref.

442 Beals, C. S., Dence, M. R., and Cohen, A. J., 1964, Evidence suggesting a meteorite origin for Lac Couture, Quebec [abs.]: A.stron. Jour., v. 69, no. 2, p. 134.

"The evidence as a whole suggests an ancient and eroded meteorite crater of approximately 12 km diameter, of which the circular fringe of islands and peninsulas represents the remains of the rim, formerly several hundred meters in height."


(Alternate name: -Ashanti Crater. Lat 6°32' N.; long 1 °23' W. Category 2)

443 Bampo, S. 0., 1963, Kumasi conference on the Lake Bosumtwi crater: Nature,v.198,no.4886,p.1150-1151.

This reports a meeting of the West African Science Association in which the Bosumtwi was the central theme.

444 Gentner, W., Lippolt, H. J., and Muller, 0., 1964, Das Kalium-Argon-Alter des Bosumtwi-Kraters in Ghana und die chemische Beschaffenheit seiner Glaser [The potassium-argon age of the Bosumtwi Crater in Ghana and the chemical composition of its glasses] : Zeitschr. Natur­forschung, v.19a, no.l, p.150-153.

Potassium-argon dating of two glasses gives an average value of 1.3±0.3 million years for the crater, suggesting a common origin with the Ivory Coast tektites and an analogy with an earlier proposal for an impact origin of the Ries Crater and moldavites.

445 Ooresy, Ahmed El, 1964, Die Erzmineralien in den Ries- und Bosumtwi­Krater-GHisen und ihre genetische Deutung [Ore mineralogy of the Ries- and Bosumtwi-crater glasses and their genetic interpretation] : Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v. 28, no.12, p.1881-1891.

446 .runner, N. R., 1933, Lake Bosumtwi: Gold Coast Geol. Survey Rept. 1932-1933, p. 4-7.

447 ---1934, Lake Bosumtwi: Gold Coast Geol. Survey Rept. 1933-1934, p. 2-6.

448 ·---1937, The geology of the Bosumtwi caldera and surrounding coun­try: Gold Coast Geol. Survey Bull. no. 8, p. 5-38.

449 Kitson, A. E., 1916, The Gold Coast-Some considerations of its structure, people, and natural history: Geog. Jour. [London], v. 48, no. 5, p. 378.

450 :Littler, Janet, Fahey, J. J., Dietz, R. S., and Chao, E. C. T., 1962, Coesite from the Lake Bosumtwi crater, Ashanti, Ghana, in Astrogeologic studies semiannual progress report, February 26, 1961, to August 24,

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Ref. 1961: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., p. 79-86; abs. in Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 68, p. 218.

The fourth natural occurrence of coesite was found in a sample of breccia taken from the crater by N. R. Junner. In the first article, the authors give X-ray diffraction data and make a case for impact origin.

451 Maclaren, Malcolm, 1931, Lake Bosumtwi, Ashanti: Geog. Jour. [London], v.78,no.3,p.270-276.

The author notes that the only genetic theory which appears to fit all observed facts is origin by meteoritic impact.

452 Rohleder, H. P. T., 1934, Uber den Fund von Vergriesungerscheinungen und Drucksuturen am Kesselrand des kryptovulkanischen Bosumtwi-Sees, Ashanti [On the finding of granulation phenomena and pressure sutures on the basin rim of the cryptovolcanic Lake Bosumtwi, Ashanti] : Zentralbl. Mineralogie Geologie und PaUi.ontologie, Abt. A, no. 10, p. 316-318.

Rohleder reports here the discovery of shatter or "percussion" cones in Precambrian quartzite and compares them to cones from the Steinheim Basin, Germany.

453 Rohleder, H. P. T., 1936, Lake Bosumtwi, Ashanti: Geog. Jour. [London], v. 87, no. 1, p. 51-65.

Rohleder discusses and a.scribes the origin of Lake Bosumtwi to volcanic activity ; a comparison with the Rieskessel is made.

454 Smit, A. F. J., 1962, The origin of Lake Bosumtwi and some other prob­lematic structures: Ghana Jour. Sci., v. 2, no. 2.

455 ---1964, Origin of Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana): Nature, v. 203, no. 4941, p. 179-180.

456 Uhden, Richard, 1933, Das Ratsel de.s Bosumtwi-Sees [The mystery of Lake Bosumtwi]: Umschau, v. 37, no. 8, p. 136-138.

See also ref. 100.


(Lat 61 °50' N.; long 16°45' E. Category 6)

457 Fredriksson, Kurt, and Wickman, F. E., 1963, Meteoriter [Meteorites]: Svensk Naturvetensk., 1963, p. 121-157.


(Lat 67°30' N.; long 172'0 30' E. Category 6)

458 Nekrasov, I. A., 1958, Ekspeditsiya na ozero El'gytkhyn [An expedition to Lake El'gytkhyn] : Problemy Severa, no. 1, p. 360-370; 1960, translated in Problems of the North, no. 1, p. 365--376.

459 ---1963, 0 proiskhozhdenii i istorii kotlovini ozera El'gigitgin [On the origin and history of the basin of Lake El'gigitgin] : Akad. Nauk SSSR, Si:birskoe Otdelenie, Inst. Geologii i Geofiziki, Trudy, no. 1, p. 47-59.

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LONAR LAKE, INDIA 55 Ref. 460 Nekrasov, I. A., and Raudonis, P. A., 1963, Meteor craters: Priroda, 1963,

no.1, p.102-104 [in Russian]; translated abs. titled "Coesite considered specific indicator of meteor crater.s": Soviet-bloc Research in Geo­physics, Astronomy, and Space, no. 56, p. 36-37; abs. in Magnolia, L. R., 1964, Interplanetary matter, a bibliography-1963 supplement, Redondo Beach, Calif., Space Technology Labs., Inc., Research Bibli­ography, no. 50, p. 154-155.

On the basis of detailed petrographic investigation, Nekrasov concludes that this structure i.s of tectonic, rather than meteoritic, origin.


(Lat 57°24' N.; long 16°12' E. Category 6) See ref. 457.


(Lat 54°34' N.; long 64°27' W. Category 6) .See ref. 14.

A circular structure about 3lh miles in diameter, with a stratified appearance, may be seen on an aerial photograph of the area.


(Lat 56°25' N.; long 14°55' E. Category 6)

461 Hogbom, A. G., 1910, [note]: Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forb., v. 32, no. 1, p. 482-483.

Hogbom suggests a comparison between Lake Mien and Meteor Crater.

See also ref. 457.


(Lat 60°55' N.; long 14°50' E. Category 6)

462 Hedstrom, Herman, 1894, Geologiska notiser fran Dalarne [Geological notice.s from Dalarna] : Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forb., v. 16, no. 6, p. 585-593.

Hedstrom describes dikes of what is apparently pseudotachylite.

463 Thorslund, Per, 1960, Notes on the geology and stratigraphy of Dalarna: Internat. Geol. Cong., 21st, Copenhagen 1960, Guide to Excursions nos. A23 and C18, p. 23-26.

464 Thorslund, Per, and Jaanusson, V., 1960, The Siljan district, road-log: Internat. Geol. Cong., 21st, Copenhagen 1960, Guide to Excursions nos. A23 and C18, p. 27-35.


(See Herault craters)


(Lat.19°59' N.; long 76°51' E. Category 3)

465 Arogyaswany, R. N. P., 1962, The Lonar Lake: Indian Minerals, v. 16, no.1, p. 9-11.

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Ref. 466 Blanford, W. T., 1868, Notes on the route from Poona to Nagpur via

Ahmednuggur, Jalna, Loonar, Yeotmahal, Mangali, and Kingunghat: India Geol. Survey Records, v.1, p. 62.

See ref. 162. In this famous paper, Gilbert supports a cryptovolcanic interpretation for

Lonar, by drawing a comparison with Meteor Crater, Ariz.

467 Lafond, E. C., and Dietz, R. S., 1964, Lonar Crater, India, a meteorite crater?: Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 2, p.111-116.

"Lonar Crater is probably a meteorite crater on the basis of morphology and structure but the degree of certainty is less than either Ashanti Crater or the New Quebec Crater." A chronology of opinions about Lonar Lake is given.

468 LaTouche, T. H. D., and Christie, W. A. K., 1912, The geology of Lonar Lake: India Geol. Survey Records, v. 41, p. 266-285.

469 Medlicott, H. B., and Blanford, W. T., 1879, A manual of the geology of India, pt. 1: Calcutta, India Geol. Survey, p. 379-380.


(Lat 48°52' N.; long 79°01' W. Category 6) See ref.lO.


(Lat 15°06' N.; long 26°15' E. Category 5)

470 Col,chester, G. U., 1927, Malha crater, Darfur: Sudan Notes and Records, v. 10, p. 233-235.

471 LaPaz, Lincoln, 1947, Note on a supposed meteorite crater in North Africa: Pop. Astronomy, v. 55, p. 49; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no.l, p. 9-10.

LaPaz answers H. H. Nininger (ref. 472) with the information that Dr. L. J. Spencer has referred to this structure as the "explosion volcanic crater of Malha, Sudan."

472 Nininger, H. H., 1943, A possible new meteorite crater in North Africa: Pop, Astronomy, v. 51, p. 96; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 3, no. 2, p. 72.

473 Sandford, K. S., 1935, Geological observations on the northwest frontiers of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and the adjoining part of the southern Libyan desert: Geol. Soc. London Quart. Jour., v. 91, pt. 3, p. 323-381.

Sandford points out (p. 360) that the Malha crater is a known volcanic explosion crater.


(Lat 51 °28' N.; long 68°37' W. Category 4)

474 Berard, Jean, 1962, Summary geological investigations in the area border­ing Manicouagane and Mouchalagane Lakes, Saguenay County : Quebec Dept. Nat. Resources Prelim. Rept. no. 489,14 p.

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Ref. 475 Hoflleit, Dorrit, 1955, Quebec geological feature explored: Sky and Tele­


476 Kitsh, Leslie, 1962, Preliminary report on the Lower Hart-Jaune River area, Saguenay County: Quebec Dept. Nat. Resources Prelim. Rept. no.486, 9p.

477 Rose, R. R., 1955, Manicouagan Lake-Mushalagan Lake area, Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Paper 55-2, map.

Geologic studies of ~the Manicouagan Lake feature indicate a central mountain of igneous origin in an area largely covered by flat-lying lavas of somewhat different character.

478 W"illmore, P. L., 1963, The seismic investigation of the Manicouagan­Mushalagan Lake area in the province of Quebec: Ottawa Dominion Observatory Pub. v. 27, no. 6, p. 325-336.

See also refs.14, 29.


{Lat 42°35' N.; long 94°31' W. Category 4)

479 Hoppin, R. A., and Dryden, J. E., 1958, An unusual occurrence of pre­Cambrian crystalline rocks beneath glacial drift near Manson, Iowa : Jour. Geology, v. 66, no. 6, p. 694-699.

See ref.14.


(Lat 50°50' N.; long 59°22' W. Category 6)

Mecatina is cited as an example of a crater filled with sediments suffi­ciently consolidated to retain their identity while the surrounding rock suffered severe erosion. An aerial photograph is included.


(Lat 76°40' N.; long 109°00' W. Two craters. Category 6)


(Lat 53°42' N.; long 66°40' W. Two craters. Category 6)

See ref.14.

Aerial photographs reveal two circular structures which exhibit a stratified appearance somewhat similar to the Holleford Crater.


{Alternate names: Hebron Crater, Labrador Crater, Wetherbee Crater. Lat 58°02' N.; long 64°02' W. Category 6)

480 Gillett, J. M., 1960, The flora of the vicinity of the Merewether Crater, northern Labrador: Canadian Field-Naturalist, v. 74, no. 1, p. ~27.

See ref. 73. Krinov places this structure-under Hebron, its location name-in the

list of "probable meteorite craters."

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Ref. 481 Meen, V. B., 1957, Merewether Crater-A possible meteor crater: Geol.

Assoc. Canada Proc., v. 9, p. 49-67.

Meen compares this crater with other lake-filled depressions in the vicinity and suggests a meteoritic origin, despite an inconclusive magne­tometer survey and lack of meteoritic material.

See ref. 24.


(Approx lat 58° N.; long 65° W. Category 6)


(See Barringer Crater)


(Lat 36°37' N.; long 83°44' W. Category 4)

482 Englund, K. J., 1964, Geology of the Middlesboro South quadrangle, Tennessee-Kentucky-Virginia: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ-301.

483 Englund, K. J., and Roen, J. B., 1963, Origin of the Middlesboro Basin, Kentucky; in Short papers in geology, hydrology, and topography: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 450-E, p. E20-E22.

Recent geologic mapping, the authors feel, does not substantiate previous theories of a tectonic origin for this basin.

484 Englund, K. J., Roen, J. B., and DeLaney, A. 0., 1964, Geology of the Mid­dlesboro North quadrangle, Kentucky ; U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. MapGQ-300.


(See Herault Craters)


(Lat 52°29' N.; long 16°54' E. Category 6)

485 Pokrzywnicki, J., 1964, Meteoryty Polski, 6-Meteoryt Morasko [Meteorites of Poland, 6-Meteorites of Morasko]: Studia Geol. Polonica, v. 15, p. 49-70; English summary, p.139-140.

Maps and profiles are given for eight craters; the two largest, about 60 meters in diameter, lie in close association with the find sites of several large iron meteorites.


(Lat 23° S.; long 133° E. Category 5)

486 Sangster, R. L., 1957, Another meteorite crater in Australia? : Sky and Telescope, v. 16, no. 9, p. 429.

Included here is an aerial photo of a large crater, located in salt-en­crusted claypan, in an almost inaccessible area.

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Ref. 487 Sangster, R. L., 1959, Letters: Sky and Telescope, v. 18, no. 8. n. 423.

Sangster reports that H. H. Nininger has seen the Mount Doreen struc­ture from the air and determined that it is not a meteorite ~rat~l' ..


(Alternate name: Pamir Craters. Lat 38°05' N.; long 76°16' E. Two craters. Category 6)

488 Bacharev, A. M., 1952, The Murgab meteorite crater: Astron. Tsirk., no. 122, p. 8-10 [in Russian].

489 ---1964, Second expedition to investigate the Murg:rb meteorite craters in eastern Pamir: Astron. Tsirk, no. 145, p. 21-22 [in Russian].

490 ---1956, Vtoraya Murgabskaya ekspeditsiya [The second Murgab ex­pedition]: Meteoritika, no.14, p. 110-112.

491 Hoflleit, Dorrit, 1952, Murgab meteorite craters: Sky and Telescope, v. 12, no.1, p. 8.

This review tells of the existence ·of two craters in the East Pamir high­lands, one reported in 1926, one discovered by the expedition described by A.M. Bacharev (ref. 488).

492 S:acharov, S. A., and Bacharev, A.M., 1953, The meteorite crater in eastern Pamir: Akad. Nauk Tadzhik. SSR Doklady, no. 6, p; 3-8 [in Russian].


(Lat 57°40' N.; long 80°02' W. Category 6) See ref.14.

The striking parallel between this feature and Mare Crisium on the Moon is noted. Further investigation is indicated.


(Lat 10°35' N.; long 1 °40' W. Category 6)

493 Rohleder, H. P. T., 1937, The Nebiewale caldera, Gold Coast: Geog. Jour. [London],v.90,no.6,p.546-549.

The author suggests that the caldera is of "cryptoplutonic" origin.


(Lat 36° N.; long 105° W. Category 6)

494 Heybroek, W., 1950, Der Meteoritenfall von New Mexico im Jahre 1933 [The New Mexico meteor fall of 1933]: Sternenwelt, v. 2, p. 15.

495 Hoflleit, Dorrit, 1949, A possible meteorite crater: Sky and Telescope, v. 8, no. 7, p.165.


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Ref. 496 LaPaz, Lincoln, 1949, A possible meteorite crater in northeastern New

Mexico: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57, p. 136-137; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 3, p.186-l87.

A 30-foot crater was observed and photographed in 1948, during an air search for another meteoritic fall. Specimens taken from the crater are typically from an explosion crater of recent origin.


(Alternate names: Chubb Crater, Ungava Crater. Lat 61 °17' N.; long 73°40' W. Category 3)

497 Alter, Dinsmore, 1950, A possible large meteoritic crater in Canada : Griffith Observer,v.14,no.10,p.110-112.

498 Carr, W. K., 1952, Ungava crater from the air: Sky and Telescope, v. 11, no. 3, p. 61-62.

499 Currie, K. L., 1964, Rim structure of the New Quebec crater: Nature, v.201,no.4917,p.385.

500 Currie, K. L., and Dence, M. R., 1963, Rock deformation in the rim of the New Quebec crater, Canada: Nature, v.198, no. 4875, p. 80.

501 Garstang, R. H., 1954, The Ungava crater: British Astron. Assoc. Jour., v.64,no.6,p.255-256.

502 ---1957, The New Quebec crater: British Astron. Assoc. Jour., v. 67, no. 3, p. 116.

503 Griffith Observer, 1950, A possible meteorite crater: Griffith Observer, v. 14,no.9,p.105,107.

504 Hargreaves, J., 1958, The Ungava meteorite crater: British Astron. Assoc. Jour., v. 68, no.1, p. 33-34.

505 Harrison, J. M., 1954, Ungava (Chubb) Crater and glaciation: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 48, p.16-20.

Harrison presents evidence of continental glaciation about the crater, asserting that glaciation has obscured evidence of meteoritic origin; LaPaz and Leonard (ref. 514) maintain further evidence from the crater's interior is necessary.

506 Heide, Fritz, 1952, Ein neuer Meteoritenkrater in Nordkanada? [A new meteorite crater in northern Canada?] : Sterne, v. 28, p. 91-95.

507 Ho:flleit, Dorrit, 1950, Huge crater possibly of meteorite origin: Sky and Telescope, v. 9, no. 11, p. 273.

508 ---1953, On the origin of Chubb Crater: Royal .A:stron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 47, p.126.

509 ---1954, Ungava crater origin: Sky and Telescope, v. 13, no. 7, p. 220.

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Ref. 510 Irish Astronomical Journal, 1950, The largest meteor crater: Irish Astron~

Jour., v.1, p.104.

511 ;ranssen, C. L., 1957, Nye Meteorkratere [A new meteor crater]: Urania K~benhavn, v.14, p. 1-3.

512 Krause!, Richard, 1952, Vulkan-oder Meteor-Krater? [Volcanic or meteor crater?]: Natur und Volk, v. 82, no. 3, p. 73-76.

513 Kretz, Ralph, 1960, Geological observations in northern New Quebec, 34 and 35 (parts of) : Canada Geol. Survey Paper 60-12, 17 p., 1 map.

514 l~aPaz, Lincoln, and Leonard, F. C., 1954, Notes on the Ungava crater of Quebec, Canada : Meteoritics, v. 1, no. 2, p. 228-229.

~~ee ref. 505.

515 r ... eonard, F. C., 1950a, The ECN of the Chubb crater of Quebec, Canada ( +737,613): Pop. Astronomy, v. 58, p. 469; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, p. 309-310.

516 ---1950b, A recently discovered pos.sible meteorite crater in Quebec, Canada: Pop. Astronomy, v. 58, p. 410-411; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, p. 295-296.

517 Massalskaya, K. P., 1951, A large meteorite crater in northern Canada: Priroda, v. 40, no. 9, p. 41-42 [in Russian].

518 Meen, V. B., 1950, Chubb Crater, Ungava, Quebec: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 44, no. 5, p. 169-180.

The New Quebec Crater was first sighted and photographed from the .air by the U.S. Air Force in 1943; in 1950, a prospector, F. W. Chubb, brought it to the attention of Dr. Meen, Director of the Royal Ontario Museum of Geology and Mineralogy. It was on Meen's 1950 and 1951 E~xpeditiona to Ungava, described in the nine references cited here, that most of the early data regarding the feature was secured.

519 ---195la, The Canadian meteor crater: Sci. Am., v. 184, no. 5, p. 64-69.

520 ---1951b, Chubb Crater, Ungava, Quebec: Geo.J. Assoc. Canada Proc., v. 4, p. 49-59.

521 ---195lc, Chubb Krateret, Ungava, Quebec [Chubb Crater] : Urania K~benhavn, v. 8, p. 49-58.

522 ---1952a, Chubb Crater, Toronto, Canada : Earth Sci. Digest, v. 6, no. 1, p. 15-19.

523 ---1952b, Solving the riddle of Chubb Crater: Natl. Geog. Mag., v. 101, no. 1, p. 1-32.

524 ---1956, The origin of Chubb Crater: Internat. Geog. Cong., 17th, Washington, D.C., 1952, Proc., p. 357-363.

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Ref. 525 Meen, V. B., 1957, Chubb crater-A meteor crater : Royal Astron. Soc~

Canada Jour., v. 51, p. 137-154.

526 ---1963, The mystery of Chubb Crater, in Great adventures· with National Geographic: Washington, D.C., Natl. Geog. Soc., p. 252-255.

527 Millman, P. M., 1956, A profile study of the New Quebec Crater: Ottawa Dominion Observatory Pub., v. 18, no. 4, p. 61-82.

Millman finds that the New Quebec Crater agrees well with the standard form of explo.sion craters of comparable size; he feels that this conclusion strengthens the theory of a meteoritic origin.

528 Nature, 1951, Expedition to Chubb crater in northern Canada: Nature, v. 168, no. 4265, p. 145.

529 Noe-Nygaard, A., 1951, Chubb-krateret in Ungava [Chubb crater in Ungava]: Nordisk Astron. Tidsskr., 1951, p. 127-128.

530 Polar Times, 1962, Meteoritic origin is seen for craters: Polar Times, no. 55, p. 22.

531 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 1951, Chubb crater, Ungava : Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 45, p. 93.

532 ---1954, Chubb crater, Ungava: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 46, p. 27-28.

533 Shoemaker, E. M., 1962a, Exploration of the Moon's surface: Am. Scienti.st, v. 50, no. 1, p. 99-130.

534 ---1962b, Geological reconnaissance of the New Quebec Crater, Canada, in Astrogeologic studies semiannual progress report, February 26, 1961, to August 24, 1961: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file .rept., p. 74-78.

535 Tandberg-Hanssen, Einar, 1952, Chubb-krateret, verdens st~rste meteoritt­krater [Chubb Crater, world's largest meteorite crater] : Naturen, v. 76, p. 98-104.

536 Vega, 1954, Ungava crater and glaciation: Vega, no.16/17, p. 70.

See also refs. 6, 29, 65, 73,181,374,505.


(Lat 31 °48' N.; long 102°30' W. Two craters. Category 1)

537 Barringer, D. M., Jr., 1928, A new meteor crater: Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- · phia Proc., v. 80, p. 307-311.

Arthur B.. Bibbins discovered a siderite weighing several pounds near Ode~a in 1921. Prompted by a further letter from Bibbins (ref. 540) Bar­ringer investigated; here he likens the Odessa Crater to the Meteor Crater of Arizona.

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ODESSA CRATERS, TEXAS 63 Ref. 538 Barringer, D. M., Jr., 1930, Ein neuer Meteorkrater [.A. new meteor crater] :

Weltall, v. 29, p. 54-56.

This is a translation of ref. 537.

539 Beck, C. W., and LaPaz, Lincoln, 1951, The Odessa, Texas, siderite (ECN=1025, 318) : Pop. Astronomy, v. 59, p, 145-151; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 5, no.1, p. 27-33.

540 Bibbins, .A.. B., 1926, .A. small meteor crater in Texas: Eng. Mining Jour.­Press,v.121,no.23,p.932.

541 Boon, J. D., and Albritton, C. C., Jr., 1939, Possibility of an additional meteorite crater near Odessa, Texas: Field and Laboratory, v. 8, no. 1, p. 11-17.

542 Evans, G. L., 1941, Ector County unit, in Final report covering the period from March 4, 1939, to Sept. 30, 1941, for the state-wide paleontologic­mineralogic survey in Texas: Austin, Texas Univ. Bur. Econ. Geology, p. 30-34.

543 ---1961, Investigations at the Odessa meteor craters, in Pro­ceedings of the Geophysical Laboratory /Lawrence Radiation Labora­tory Cratering Symposium, ·washington, D.·c., March 28-29, 1961: California Univ., Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept. UCRL-6438, pt. 1, paper D, 11 p. (Report prepared for U.S·. Atomic Energy Commission.)

Evans presents some new maps of the Odessa Craters, along with a his­tory of investigations and new data obtained in 1958 and 1960 drillings.

544 Lord, J. 0., 1941, Metal structures in Odessa, Texas, and Canyon Diablo, Arizona, meteorites: Pop. Astronomy, v. 49, p. 493-500.

545 Merrill, G. P., 1922, Meteoritic iron from Odessa, Ector Co., Texas: .A.m. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., v. 3, no. 17, p. 335-337.

546 Monnig, 0. E., 1935, The Odessa, Texas, meteorite crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 43, p. 34-37; 1936, reprinted in Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., fascicule 1, p. 1-4.

547 Nininger, H. H., 1934, The Odessa, Texas, meteorite crater: Pop. Astron­omy, v. 42, p. 46-47.

Nininger voices his conviction that Odessa is a meteorite crater. He mentions magnetometer tests which indicate a sizeable magnetic material buried at about 400 feet.

548 Roach, C. H., Johnson, G. R., McGrath, J. G., Merritt, V. M., and Sterrett, T. S., 1963, Thermoluminescence investigations at the Odessa meteorite craters, Texas, in Astrogeologic studies annual progress report, Au­gust 25, 1961, to August 24, 1962: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., pt. B, p. 107-117.


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Ref. 549 Sellards, E. H., 1927, Unusual structural features in the plains region of

Texas [abs.] : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 38, no. 1, p. 149.

This abstract is the first description of the Odessa structure.

550 ---1940, Odessa meteor crater [abs.] : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 51. no.12,pt.2,p.1944.

551 ---1941, Odessa meteor craters [abs.] : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 52, no.12, pt. 2, p. 2007.

552 Sellards, E. H., and Barnes, V. E., 1940, Meteor crater of Ector County, Texas: Geol. 'Soc. America 53d Ann. Mtg. Excursions, p. 129-130.

553 ---1943, Progress in excavating the Odessa, Texas, meteorite crater [abs.] :Pop. Astronomy, v. 51, p. 224-225; reprinted in Soc. Research on Meteorites Contr., v. 3, no. 2, p. 83.

554 Sellards, E. H., and Evans, G. L., 1941, Statement of progress of investiga­tion at Odessa meteor craters: Austin, Texas Univ. Bur. Econ. Geology, 12 p., addenda on p. 13.

Sellards and Evans were participants in a University of Texas expedi­tion to Odessa between 1929 and 1941. Mapping, sampling, ~core drilling, and extensive excavations resulted in the discovery of numerous meteorites and several small craters.

See also refs. 73, 365.


(See Kaalijarv Craters)


(See Murgab Craters)


(Lat 36°05' N.; long 117°22' W. Category 5)

555 Dietz, R. S., and Buffington, E. C., 1964, Panamint crater, California-Not meteoritic: Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 2, p. 179-181.

This crater is likely a collapse pit. Results of a more intensive investiga­tion by L. E. Humiston and colleagues of the Naval Ordnance Test Station are forthcoming.


(Lat 48°56' N.; long 2°30' E. Category 6)


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(Lat 45°22' N.; long 79°55' ,V. Category 6) Ref.

556 McKean, F. K., 1964, A meteoritic crater in the Pre-Cam1brian Shield : Meteoritics, v. 2, no. 3, p. 243-248.

Some evidence for the meteoritic origin of this feature, 1.5 miles in di­ameter, is given.

See also ref. 3.


(Lat 55°00' N.; long 116°58' E. Category 6)

557 Portnov, A.M., 1962, Krater na Patomskom nagore [A crater on the Patom Plateau]: Priroda, 1962, no. 11, p. 102-103; abs. in Magnolia, L. R., 1963, Interplanetary matter, a bibliography-1962 supplement, Re­dondo Beach, Calif., Space Technology Labs., Inc., Research Bibliog. no. 46, p. 157.

It is postulated that this crater was formed 150-200 years ago. The presence of a raised rim and a central hillock composed of fragmented bed­rock are cited as evidence of explosive origin.

558 ---1964, 0 kratere na Patomskom nagor'ye [On the crater on the Patom plateau]: Meteoritika, no. 25, p.194-107.

The crater, 86 meters in diameter, is described as having a ring wall and central hill and shattered but not altered rocks.


(Lat 60°19' N.; long 111 °01' W. Category 6) See ref. 24.


(Lat 25°30' S.; long 28°00' E. Category 3)

559 Rohleder, H. P. T., 1933, The Steinheim basin and the Pretoria Salt Pan­Volcanic or meteoric origin?: Geol. Mag. [London], v. 70, no. 833, p. 489-498.

The outstanding features of the Salt Pan are the circular depression and shattered rocks on the bottom of the depression and in the vicinity. Noth­ing suggests volcanic origin, but the parallelism with a meteor crater is obvious.

560 Wagner, P. A., 1922, The Pretoria Salt-pan-A soda caldera: South Africa Geol. Survey Mem. 20, 136 p.


(Lat 21 °09' N.; long 11 °24' W. Category 2)

561 Cailleux, Andre, Guillemaut, Armel, and Pomerol, Charles, 1964, Presence de coesite, in dice de ha utes pressions, dans I' accident circulaire des Richa.t (Adrar Mauritanien) [Presence of coesite, index of high pres­sures, in the circular irregularity of the Richa.t (Mauritanian Adrar)] : Acad. Sci. [Paris] Comptes Rendus, v. 258, no. 22, p. 5488-5490.

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R.ef. 562 Richard-Molard, Jacques, 1948, La boutonniere du Rich:it en Adrar

Mauritanien [The Richfit buttonhole at Adrar, Mauritania}: Acad. Sci. [Paris] Comptes Rendus, v. 227, p.142-143.

The author considers the Richfit "buttonhole" to be the result of a lac­colithic thrust.

563 ---1952, La pseudo-boutonniere du Richat [The Richfit pseudobutton­hole]: French West Africa Dir. Mines Bull., no. 15~ p. 391-401.

See also ref. 113.


(Lat 48°53' N.; long 10°37' E. Category 2)

564 Ackermann, W., 1958, Geologisch-petrographische Untersuchungen im Ries [Geologic-petrographic investigations in the Ries] : Geol. Jahrb., v. 75, p.135-182.

565 Ahrens, Wilhelm, 1929a, Geophysikalische Probleme des Rieses [Geo­physical problems of the Ries]: Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 81, p. 99-109.

566 --- 1929b, Die Tuffe des Nordlinger Rieses und ihre Bedeutung fiir das Gesamtproblem [Tuffs of the Nordlingen Ries and their bearing on the whole problem]: Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 81, p. 94-99.

567 Bentz, Alfred, 1925, Die Entstehung der "Bunter Breccie", das zentral Problem im Nt)rdlinger Ries und Steinheimer Becken [Origin of "bunter breccia", the central problem in the Nordlingen Ries and the Steinheim Basin]: Zentralbl. Mineralogie, Abt. B, p. 97-104, 141-145.

568 ---1927, Geologische Beobachtungen am westlichen Riesrand [ Geolog­ical study of the western rim of the Ries]: Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 79, p. 405-438.

569 --- 1928, Das Nordlinger Riesproblem und seine Deutungen: [The prob­lem of the Norcllingen Ries and its interpretation] : Preuss. Geol. Landesanstalt und Bergakad. Sitzungsber., no. 3, p. 72-86.

570 Branco, Wilhelm, 1902, Das vulkanische Vorries und seine Beziehung zum vulkanischen Ries bei Nordlingen [The volcanic Vorries and its rela­tion to the volcanic Ries near Nordlingen] : Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys.­math. Kl., Abh.1, p.1-132.

571 Chao, E. C. T., and Littler, Janet, 1962, The petrography of impactites and tektites, with special reference to a dense impactite glass from the Ries crater [abs.]: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 6·7, no. 9, p. 3548-3549.

572 --- 1963, Dense glass from the Ries crater of southern Germany, in Astrogeologic studies annual progress report, August 25, 1961, to August 24, 1962: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., pt. C, p.103-114.

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573 Cotta, Bernhard. 1834, Geognostische Beobachtungen im Riesgau 'ilnd des­sen Umgebungen [Geognostic observations in the Ries and its en­virons]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geoguosie Geologie tmd Petrefak­tenk., p. 307-318.

574 Dehm, Richard, 1932, Geologische Untersuchungen im Ries-Das Gebiet des Blattes Monheim [Geological study of the Ries-Monheim map area]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geologie and PaHiontologie, Beilage­Band 67, Abt. B, p.139'-256.

575 --- 1962, Das Nordlinger Ries und der Meteortheorie [The Nordlingen Ries and the meteoritic theory] : Bayerische Staatssamml. Palii.ont. Hist. Geol. Mitt., v. 2, p. 69-72.

576 Dorn, Cornelius von, 1942, Beitrage zur Geologie des Rieses [Contributions to the geology of the Ries] : Zentralbl. Mineralogie Geologie und PaHiontologie, Abt. B, p. 115-116, 145-159, 161-187, 311-328, 329-348.

577 Dorn, Paul 1950, Ein Jahrhundert Riesgeologie [A century of the geology of the Ries] : Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 100, p. 348-365.

This is a concise history and bibliography of the Ries prO'blem to 1948.

578 Engelhardt, Wolf von, and Horz, Friedrich, 1964, HochdruckgUiser im Nordlinger Ries [High pressure glasses in the Nordlingen Ries]: Naturwissenschaften, v. 51, no.11, p. 264.

579 Gentner, W., Lippolt, H. J., and Schaeffer, 0. A., 1963,. Argonbestimmung am Kaliummineralien, XI-Die Kalium-Argon-Alter des GHiser der Nordlinger Rieses und der bohmischmahrischen Tekite [Argon deter­mination on the potassium minerals, 11-The potassium-argon age of the Nordlingen Ries and of the Bohemian-Moravian tektites]: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v. 27, no. 2, p.191-200.

On the basis of potassium-argon dates obtained from seven suevite sam­ples from the Ries and six tektites from Czechoslovakia, it is suggested that the tektites may have originated from the explosion that formed the Ries Crater.

580 Gerstlauer, K., 1940, Geologische Untersuchungen im Ries-Das Gebiet des Blattes Offingen [Geological study of the Ries-The Offingen map area]: Bavaria Oberbergamt Geol. Land. Abh. no. 35.

581 Gumbel, C. W., 1870, Uber den Riesvulkan und uber vulkanisch Er­scheinungen im Rieskessel [On the Ries Volcano and evidence of volcanism in the Ries Basin] : Akad. \Viss. Mlinchen Sitzungsber., Abt. 1, p. 153-200.

582 Holder, H., 1962, Zur Geschichte der Ries-Forsch:ung [History of research on the Ries]: Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wlirttemberg Jahresh., v. 117, p. 10-17.

583 Johnson, G. G., Vand, Vladimir, and Dachille, Frank, 1004, Additional rims around the Ries Kessel meteorite crater: Nature, v. 201, no. 491H, p. 592-593.

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Ref. 584 Knebel, Walther von, 1902, Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Ueberschiebungen

am vulkanischen Ries bei Nordlingen [Study of volcanic phenomena in the Nordlingen Ries]: Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 55, p. 236-295.

585 Kranz, Walter, 1911, Das Nordlinger Riesproblem [The Nordlingen Ries problem]: Oberrheinischer Geol. Ver. Jahresber. und Mitt., new ser., v. 1, p. 32-35.

586 --- 1912, Das Nordlinger Riesproblem, II [The Nordlingen Ries prob­lem, II]: Oberrheinischer Geol. Ver. Jahresber. und Mitt., new ser., v. 2, p. 54-65.

587 --- 1928, Vulkanexplosionen, Sprengtechnik, prak>tische Geologie und Ballistik [Volcanic explosions, blasting practice, practical geology, and ballistics] : Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 80, p. 257-307.

588 ---1934, Fiinfte F.ortsetzung, der Beitrage zum Noordlinger Ries­problem [Contribution to the Nordlingen Ries problem, part 5]: Zen­tralbl. Mineralogic, Abt. B., no. 7, p. 262-271.

589 ---1937a, Sechste Fortsetzung der Beitrage zum Nordlinger Ries­problem [Contribution to the Nordlingen Ries problem, part 6] : Zentralbl. Mineralogic, Abt. B, no. 5, p. 215-221.

590 ---1937b, Steinheimer Becken, Nordlinger Ries und "Meteorkrater" [The Steinheim Basin, Nordlingen Ries and Meteor Crater] : Peter­manns Geog. Mitt., v. 83, no. 7/8, p. 198-202.

591 ---1945-1948, Siebte Fortsetzung der Beitrage zum Nordlinger Ries­problem [Contribution to the Nordlingen Ries problem, part 7] : Neues Jahrb. Mineralogic Geologie und Palaontologie, Monatsh., Abt. B, no. 9-12, p. 336-361.

592 ---1949a, A.chte Fortsetzung der Beitrage zum Nordlinger Riesproblem [Contribution to the Nordlingen Ries problem, part 8]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogic Geologie und PaUiontologie. Monatsh., Abt. B, no. 4-6, p. 154-173.

593 ---1949b, Zur Geophysik und Geologie des Riesgebietes nach H. Reich, A.. Roll und L. Wegele [On the geophysics and geology of the Ries area, by H. Reich, A. Roll, and L. Wegele]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogic Geologie und Palaontologie, Monatsh., Abt. B, no. 10, p. 289-294.

594 ---1950, Vorkommen, Lagerung, Herkunft und Alter der Vorries-Braun­kohlen und ihre Bedeutung fur das Riesproblem [Occurrence, deposi­tion, origin, and age of Vorries brown coals and their bearing on the Ries problem]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogic Geologie und Palliontologie, Monatsh., no.~. p. 357-374.

595 ---1952, Neunte Fortsetzung der Beitra.ge zum Nordlinger Riesproblem [Contribution to the Nordlingen Ries problem, part 9]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogic Geologie und PaUiontologie, Monatsh., no. 2, p. 49-65.

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Ref. 596 LOftier, Richard, 1912, Die Zusammensetzung des Grundgebirges im Ries

[Nature of the basem*nt in the Ries] : Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem­berg Jahresh., v. 68, p. 107-145.

597 ---1925, Beitrage zur Riesentstehungshypothese [Contribution to the hypothesis of the origin of the Ries]: Oberrheinischer Geol. Ver. Jahresber. und Mitt., new ser., v. 14, p. 26-83.

598 --1939, Zum Riesproblem [On the Ries problem]: Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. WiirttembergJahresh., v. 95, p.127-134.

599 Moos, August, 1925, Die Triimmerhohen im siidlichen Vorries und ihre Bedeutung fiir das Riesproblem [The height of debris in the southern Vorries and its relation to the Ries problem]: Oberrheinischer Geol. Ver. Jahresber. und Mitt., new ser., v. 14, p. 99-147.

600 --- 1928, Kommen die Trummergesteine-Griese und Bunte Breccien­im siidlichen Vorries aus dem Ries? [Does the rubble-gray and colored breccia-in the southern Vorries come from the Ries?]: Zen­tralbl. Mineralogie, Abt. B, p. 417-428.

601 Nathan, Hans, 1925, Geologische Untersuchungen im Ries-Das Gebiet des Blattes Mottingen [Geological investigation of the Ries---tbe Mottingen map area]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geologie und Paliiontologie, Beilage-Band 53, Abt. B, p. 31-97.

602 ---1935, Geologische Untersuchungen im Ries--Das Gebiet des Blattes Ederheim [Geological study of the Ries--The Ederheim map area]: Bavaria Oberbergamt Geol. Land. Abh., no. 19, 42 p.

603 ---1957, Wasserbohrungen im Ries [Water drilling in the Ries] : Geol. Jahrb., v. 74, p. 135--146.

604 Oberdorfer, Richard, 1905, Die vulkanischen Tuffe des Rieses bei Nord­lingen [Volcanic tuffs of the Ries near Nordlingen]: Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg Jahresh., v. 61, p.1-40.

605 Preuss, Ekkehard, 1964, Das Ries und die Meteoritentheorie [The Ries and meteoritic theory]: Fortschr. Mineralogie, v. 41, no. 2, p. 271-312.

606 Reich, Hermann, 1929, Geophysikalische Probleme des Rieses [Geophysical problems of the Ries]: Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 81, p. 99-109.

607 Reuter, Lothar, 1925, Die Verbreitung jurasischer KalkblOcke aus dem Ries in siidbayerischen Diluvial-gebiet [Distribution of the Jurassic lime­stone blocks from the Ries in the southern Bavarian glacial region]: Oberrheinischer Geol. Ver. Jahresber. und Mitt., new ser., v. 14, p. 191-218.

608 Sc:hroder, Joachim, and Dehm, Richard, 1950, Geologische Untersuchungen im Ries [Geological studies in the Ries]: Naturwiss. Ver. Schwaben und Neuberg (e.v.) Augsburg Abh., no. 5,147 p.

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Ref. 609 Schuster, Mattheus, 1925, Neues zum Problem des Rieses [New data on the

Ries problem]: Oberrheinischer Geol. Ver. Jahresber, und Mitt., new ser., v. 14, p. 280-291.

610 Schutte, K., 1927, Das Ergebnis der Schweremessungen im Ries [ Result of gravity measurements in the Ries]: Bayerische Akad. ·wiss. Sitzungs­ber., p. 133-144.

611 Seeman, Reinhold, 1939, Versuch einer vorwiegend tektonischen Erklarung des Nordlinger Rieses [Attempt at a predominantly tectonic explana­tion of the Ries]: Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie Geologie und PaUionto­logie, Beilage-Band 81, Abt. B, no. 1, p. 70-166; no. 2, p. 169-214.

612 ---1943, Das ratselhafte Ries [The enigmatical Ries]: Schwaben, no. 251, 16 p.

613 Seidl, Erich, 1932, Nordlinger Ries, eine typische Zerreib-Zone, entstanden durch tektonische Spannungen der Erdrinde [Nordlingen Ries, a typical fracture zone, caused by tectonic strain of the Earth's crust]: Deut­sche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 84, p. 18-23.

614 Shoemaker, E. M., and Chao, E. C. T., 1961, New evidence for the impact origin of the Ries Basin, :Bavaria, Germany: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 66, no. 10, p. 3371-3378; also in Proceedings of the Geophysical Labo­ratory/Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Cratering Symposium, Wash­ington, D.C., March 28-29, 1961, California Univ., Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept. UCRL-6438, pt. 1, paper B, 13 p. (Report pre­pared for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.)

See ref. 245.

The author contends that the Ries is a meteorite crater, not a crypto­volcanic structure as believed by many.

615 Treihs, ·walter, 1950, Geologische Untersuchungen im Ries-das Gebiet des Blattes Otting [Geological study of the Ries-The Otting map area]: Geol. Bavadca, no. 3, 52 p.

616 Vand, Vladimir, 1003, The meteoritic craters of Ries Kessel and Steinheim Basin and their relation to tektites: Pennsylvania State Univ., Mineral Industries, v. 32, no. 4, p.1-5, 7.

617 Vand, Vladimir, Dachille, Frank, and Simons, P. Y., 1964, Qualitative dating of glasses, applied to tektite-like objects from the Ries Kessel meteor­itic craters: Nature, v. 201, no. 4919, p. 597-598.

618 ·wagner, Georg, 1962, Das Ries, kein 1\feteorkrater [The Ries, not a mete­orite crater]: Ver. Vaterl. Naturk, \Vi.irttemberg Jahresh., v. 117, p. 17-18.

619 Weiskirchner, Walter, 1962, The origin of the Ries: Oberrheinischer Geol. Yer. Jahresber. und Mitt., v. 94, p.17-30.

Evidence on the origin of the "crater" is reviewed. A meteoritic impact, followed by a period of volcanic activity, is suggested.

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Ref. 620 Weltraumfahrt, 1961, Das Nordlinger Ries-Ein Meteorkrater? [N(h·dlin­

gen Ries-A meteor crater?]: Weltraumfahrt, v. 12, p. 143.

621 \Verner, E., 1904, Das Ries in der schwabisch-frankischen Alb. [The Ries in the Swabian-Franconian Alb.] : Blatter der Schwab. Albvereins, v. 16, p. 153-167.

This is about the first suggestion that the Rie.s is an impact structure.

See also ref. 22.


(See Crestone Crater)


(Lat 49°17' N.; long 70°05' W. Category 6) See ref. 14.

Plate 11 illustrates this circular feature, 7 miles in diameter, which to date has been examined only on aerial photographs.


(Lat 53°45' N.; long 93°10' E. Category 6)

622 Voroshilov, 1\II. V., 1962, Meteoritnyi krater v zapadnom Sayana [Meteor­itic crater in western Sayan]: Priroda, 1962, no. 3, p. 107-109; a,bs. in Magnolia, L. R., 1963, Interplanetary matter, a bibliography, Redondo Beach CaUf., Space Technology Labs., Inc., Research Bibliog., no. 42, p. 486.

This elliptical crater, partially lake-filled and overgrown with forest, measures 370--4:00 meters at the major axis, 250-350 meters at the minor axis.


(Lat 21 °01' N.; long 11 °50' W. Category 5) See ref.l13.

Monod considers this structure to be, without a doubt, a dome.


(Lat 39°02' N.; long 83°25' W. Category 4)

623 Bucher, \V. H., 1933, Ueber eine typische kryptovulkanische StOrung im sudlichen Ohio [A typical cryptovolcanic disturbance in southern Ohio] : Geol. Rundschau, v. 23A., p. 65-80.

See ref. 423. Coesite is reported to have been found in the shatter cones of the Lilley

Dolomite of the Serpent Mound structure.

See also refs. 20, 27, 36.

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(Lat 30°36' N.; long 102°55' D. Category 4) Ref. 624 Adkins, W. S., 1927, The geology and mineral resources of the Fort Stockton

quadrangle: Texas Univ. Bull. 2738, 166 p., 5 pls.

See ref. no. 18.

On the basis of P. B. King's interpretation (ref. 627), Boon and Albritton suggest an impact origin for the Sierra Madera and Vredefort structures.

625 Eggleton, R. E., and Shoemaker, E. M., 1961, Breccia at Sierra Madera, Texas, in Short papers in the geologic and hydraulic sciences: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424-D, p. D151-D153.

The breccia at Sierra Madera is tentatively identified as a great lens, 1% miles across and possibly as much as 2,800 feet thick; it may have once underlain a crater two miles in diameter.

626 Geyer, R. A., and Van Lopik, J. R., 1963, Reconnaissance geophysical survey of the Sierra Madera, Texas "dome" and its lunar implications [abs.]: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 44, no. 1, p. 76.

627 King, P. B., 1930, The geology of the Glass Mountains, Texas-Pt. 1, Descriptive geology: Texas Univ. Bull. 3038, 167 p.

King compares the Sierra Madera uplift with the Vredefort dome.

628 Shoemaker, E. M., and Eggleton, R. E., 1964. Re-examination of the stratig­raphy and structure of Sierra Madera, Texas, in Astrogeologic studies annual progress report, August 25, 1962, to July 1, 1963: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file rept., pt. B, p. 98-106.

629 Van Lopik, J. R., and Geyer, R. A., 1963, Gravity and magnetic anomalies of the Sierra Madera, Texas "dome": Science, v. 142, no. 3599, p. 45-47.

"A geographical traverse across the Sierra Madera 'dome' indicates a negative gravity anomaly of 1% milligals over the zone of brecciation in the center and a residual positive anomaly of lh milligal associated with a positive anomaly of 25X10-5 oersted to the southeast of the zone of brecciation."

630 West Texas Geological Society, 1952, Road logs, Sierra Madera: West Texas Geol. Soc. Guidebook, 1952 Spring field trip--Marathon Basin, Brewster and Pecos Counties, Trans-Pecos Texas, p. 8-11, 44.

631 ---1959, Road log to Sierra Madera: West Texas Geol. Soc. Guidebook, Geology of the Val Verde basin and field trip guidebook, 1959, p. 8-11.

See also ref. 36.


(Lat 46°10' N.; long 134°39' E. 122 craters. Category 1)

632 Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Komitet po Meteoritam, 1959-1963, Sikhote-Alin­skii zheleznyi meteoritnyi dozhd' [ Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite shower] : Moscow, Izdat. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 2 vols.

These are the definitive volumes on Sikhote-Alin.

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Ref. 633 Astronomie, 1948, La gigantesque meteorite de Sihote-Aline (U.R.S.S.) [The

huge Sikhote-Alin meteorite] : Astronomie, v. 62, p. 294-295.

634 Divari, N. B., 1948a, Determination of the path of the Sikhote-Alin meteor­ite from eyewitness accounts: Astron. Zhur., v. 25, p. 66-73 [in Russian].

635 --- 1948b, First expedition to the Sikhote-Alin meteorite: Astron. Kalendar' Gorkiy, p. 119-125 [in Russian].

636 ---1958, Okonchatel'nye elementy atmosfernoy traektoriy Si<:hote­Alinskogo meteorita [Final results of establishing the atmosphere tra­jectory of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite]: Meteoritika, no. 16, 37-38.

637 --- 1962, Otsenka skorosti padeniya nekotorykh ekzemplyarov Sikhote-Alinskogo meteoritnogo dozhdya [Estimate of the impact ve­locities of some specimens of the Sikhote-Alin multiple fall]: Meteor­itika, no. 22, p. 31-41.

638 Fessenkov, V. G., 1947a, Preliminary results of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite investigations: Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR Vestnik, v. 4, no. 3, p. 28-30 [in Russian].

639 ---1947b, The Sikhote-Alin meteorite: Astron. Zhur., v. 24, p. 302-317 [in Russian].

640 ---1947c, The Sikhote-Alin meteorite crater: Astron. Zhur., v. 24, p. 361-371 [in Russian].

641 ---1948, Circ*mstances of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite fall : Astron. Zhur., v. 25, p.192-200 [in Russian].

642 ---1951, Orbit of the Sikhote-Alin mete-orite: Meteoritika, no. 9, p. 27-31 [in Russian].

643 ---1955, Sikhote-Alin meteorite, in Kaiser, T. R., ed., Meteors (a sym­posium on meteor physics): Jour. Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Spec. Supp., no. 2, p.179-183.

644 ---1958, Nekotonye soobrazheniya ob energiy obrazovaniya kraterov i skorosti padeniya Sichote-Alinskogo meteorita [A few thoughts on the energy of crater-formation and the fall velocity of the Sikhote­Alin meteorite]: Meteoritika, no.16, p.147-155.

645 Fireman, E. L., 1961, Uranium in the Sikhote-Alin meteorite and its rela­tion to the lead method of age determination: Nature, v. 192, no. 4803, p. 644-645.

646 Fisher, D. E., 1961, Cosmic ray ages of the Treysa and Sikhote-Alin meteorites: Nature, v. 190, no. 4772, p. 225-227.

647 ---1963, "Ages" of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite: Science, v. 139, no. 3556, p. 752-753.

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Ref. 6±8 Fonton, S. S., 1949, Second expedition to investigate the Sikhote-Alin me­

teorite fall: Meteoritika, no. 6, p. 13-25 [in Russian].

649 Krinov, E. L., 1947, An iron meteorite: Priroda, v. 36, no. 12, p. 3-13 [in Russian].

650 ---1948a, Character of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite shower: Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady, v. 59, p. 459-462 [in Russian].

651 ---1948b, The Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite shower : Astron. Kalendar' Gorkiy 1948, p.113-118 [in Russian].

652 ---1948c, The Sikhote-Alin meteorite shower: Moscow Akad. Nauk SSSR, 64 p. [in Russian].

653 ---1949a, On the Sikhote-Alin meteorite shower: Meteoritika, no. 5, p. 14-22 [in Russian].

654 ---1949b, Structure of the melted crust of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite: Akad Nauk SSSR Doklady, v. 64, p. 475-478 [in Russian].

655 ---1950a, Form and surface structure of the fusion crust of in­dividual specimens of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteoritic rain: Meteori­tika, no. 8, p. 78-99 [in Russian].

656 ---1950b, Some characteristic features of the Sikhote-Alin (Ussuri) iron-meteorite shower (of the U.S.S.R., :IDCN=±1347,462): Pop, Astronomy, v. 58, p. 298-302; reprinted in 1\Ieteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, p. 264-269.

657 --- 1952, Results of four years of field work and study of specimens of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteoritic rain: Meteoritika, no. 10, p. 83-99 [in 1Russian].

658 ---1956a, Der Eisenmeteoritenregen von Sichote-Alin [The Sikhote­Alin iron meteorite shower] : Chemie der Erde, v. 18, no. 1-2, p. 56--87.

659 --- 1956b, The Siberian meteorite fall of February, 19-!7: Sky and !Telescope, v.15, no. 7, p. 300-301.

660 --- 1958a, Obstanovka nadeniya Sichote-Alinskogo zheleznogo meteorit­nogo dozhdya [Circ*mstances of the fall of the Sikhote-Alin meteoritic iron rain] : Meteoritika, no. 16, p. 39-41.

661 --- 1958b, Some peculiar characteristics of the meteorite fall in Sikhote­Alinsk: Pop. Astronomy, v. 58, p. 129-132.

662 ---1960, The Tunguska and Sikhote-Alin meteorites, in Principles of meteoritics, translated from the Russian by Irene Vidziunas and edited by Harrison Brown: London, Pergamon Press, p. 12-154.

This chapter relates the Tunguska and Sikhote-Alin falls to the whole problem of meteoritics.

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Ref. 663 Krinov, E. L., 1963, The Tunguska and Sikhote-Alin meteorites, in Middle­

hurst, Barbara, and Kuiper, G. P., eds, The Moon, meteorites, and comets-The solar system, vol. ·!: Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago Press, p. 208--234.

The Tunguska and Sikhote-Alin impacts were witnessed falls. Scientific study of the 1908 Tunguska event was begun 19 years later; Sikhote-Alin was thoroughly investigated and analyzed before 1956. Krinov inter­prets conditions of fall and meteoritic material gathered from the sites.

664 Krinov, E. L., and Fonton, S. S., 1952, Discovery of meteoric dust at the place of fall of the S'ikhote-Alin shower of iron meteorites: Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady, v. 8.5, p. 1227-1230 [in Russian]; 1956, translated by D. Kraus in Am. Meteorolog. Soc. Contr. AF19(604)-1364, 10 p.

665 ---1954, Meteornaya pyl's mesta nadeniya Sichote-A.linskogo zheleznogo meteoritnogo dozhdya [Meteoric dust from the site of fall of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteoritic rain] : Meteoritika, no. 11, p. 122-131.

666 Kvasha, L. G., 1958, Mineral'nyy sostav i struktura Sichote-Alinskogo zheleznogo meteorita [Mineral composition and structure of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite] : l\feteoritika, no. 16, p. 49-58.

667 LaPaz, Lincoln, 1949, The reported crater-producing meteoritic fall of 1947 February 12 in eastern Siberia: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57, p. 88--92; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 3, p. 179~183.

This paper records Russian news releases and summarizes important information by E. L. Krinov, before May 1947.

668 Leonard, F. C., 1956, On the weights of the Cape York, West Greenland, and Sikhote-Alin, East Siberia, falls : Meteoritics, v. 1, no. 4, p. 495-497.

669 Levin, B. J., 1947a, The fall of a meteorite in the Far East: Astron. Tsirk., no. 60, p.lO [in English and Russian].

670 ---1947b, Some additional data concerning Far East meteorite of 12 February 1947: Astron. Tsirk., no. 61, p. 4 [in Russian].

671 Miserov, A. V., 1947, Additional notes on the Sikhote-Alin meteorite fall: Priroda, v. 36, no. 9, p. 51-52 [in Russian].

672 Nature, 1949, A giant meteorite: Nature, v. 163, no. 4132, p. 92.

673 Observatory, 1947, A large Russian meteorite: Observatory, v. 67, p. 76.

674 Popular Astronomy, 1947, New meteorite craters in eastern Siberia re­ported: Pop. Astronomy, v. 55, p. 329; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 1, p. 56-57.

675 ---1950, The meteoritic fall at Sikhote-Alinsk, U.S.S.R. (EON = ±1347, 462) : Pop. Astronomy, v. 5S, p. 40; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 4, p. 244.

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Ref. 676 Schilling, J. H., 1948, The Russian meteorite of 1947 February 12: Pop.

Astronomy, v. 56, p. 389-390.

677 Schipulin, E. K., 1947, The Sikhote-Alin meteorite: Vladivostok, 40 p. [in Russian].

678 Yakonova, M. I., 1958, Khimicheskiya sostav Sichote-Alinskogo meteorita [Chemical composition of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite]: Meteoritika, no. 16, p. 42-48 [in Russian].

679 Yavnel', A. A., 1948, Structure of the 'Sikhote-Alin meteorites: Akad Nauk. SSSR Doklady, v. 60, p. 1381-1384 [in Russian].

680 ---1950, Metamorphism phenomena in the structure of the Sikhote­Alin meteorite : Meteoritika, no. 16, p. 175-178 [in Russian].

681 ---1954, Otnositelyno odnorodnosti khimicheskogo sostava Sichote· Alinskogo zheleznogo meteorita [On the hom*ogeneity of chemical composition of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite] : Meteoritika, no. 11, p. 107-116.

682 ---1956, 0 primesyakh v nekotorykh Sichote-Alinskogo zheleznogo meteorita [Impurities in some minerals of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite]: Meteoritika, no. 14, p. 87-91 [in Russian].

683 Yavnel', A. A., and Fontov, S. S., 1958, 0 mekhancheskoy prochnosti Sichote­Alinskogo meteorita [Mechanical strength of the Sikhote-Alin meteor­ite]: Meteoritika, no.16, p.175-178.

See also ref. 276. SOCOTRA CRATER, SOCOTRA

(Lat 12°36' N.; long 53°40' E. Category 5)

684 Moore, Patrick, 1958, A meteor crater in Socotra: British Astron. Assoc. Jour., v. 68, no. 5, p.195.

Moore reports correspondence, and one photograph, from a Mr. C. Brett who describes having seen this crater in 1942.

685 Urania Krakow, 1959, Odkrycie krateru meteorytowego na Sokotrzel [Meteor crater on Socotra] : Urania Krakow, v. 30, p. 65.


(Lat 48°02' N.; long 10°04' E. Category 3)

686 Branco, Wilhelm, and Fraas, E., 1905, Das kryptovulkanische Becken von Steinheim [The cryptovolcanic Steinheim Basin]: Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Phys.-math. Kl., Abh. 1, 64 p.

In this article the authors coin the word "cryptovolcanic" to designate a structure type.

See ref. 590.

The author offers evidence that the Steinheim Basin and the Ries are not meteor craters but are of volcanic origin.

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Ref. 687 Kranz, Walter, 1937, Zum Problem des Steinheimer Beckens und ahnich­

licher nordamerikanischer Bildungen [The problem of Steinheim Basin and similar North American formations]: Zentralbl. Mineralogie Geo­logie und Paliiontologie, Abt. B, no. 8, p. 305-315.

Kranz describes the deposits of the Steinheim Basin and advocates an explosive origin for this cryptovolcanic structure.

688 Schwinner, Robert, 1934, Das Steinheimer Becken ein Meteor-Krater? [Is the Steinheim Basin a meteor crater?]: Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeit­schr., v. 85, p. 801-802.

689 Silbiger, A., and Weiser F., 1951, Das Steinheimer Becken [The Steinheim Basin] : Meteorbeobachter, 1951, no. 8, p. 3.

See also refs. 235,559,616.


(Lat 46°30' N.; long 81 °01' W. Category 6)

690 Dietz, R. S., 1962, Sudbury structure as an astrobleme [abs.]: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 43, no. 4, p. 445-446.

691 --- 1964, Sudbury structure as an astrobleme: Jour. Geology, v. 72, no. 4, p.412-434.

The Sudbury structure is interpreted as a 1.7-billion-year-old asteroid impact structure or "astrobleme," and the terrestrial analog of a lunar mare.

692 Dietz, R. S., and Butler, L. W., 1964, Shatter-cone orientation at Sudbury, Canada: Nature, v. 204, no. 4955, p. 280-281.

693 Thomson, J. E., 1956, Geology of the Sudbury Basin : Ontario Dept. M·ines Ann. Rept., no. 65, pt. 3, p. 1-56.

694 Williams, Howe!, 1956, Glowing avalanche deposits of the Sudbury Basin: Ontario Dept. Mines Ann. Rept., no. 65, pt. 3, p. 57-89.


(Lat 33°20' N.; long 4°00' E. Category 3)

695 Brady, L. F., 1954, The crater of Talemzane in Algeria: Sky and Telescope, v.13,no.9,p.297-298.

See ref. 112.

No meteoritic material has been found in this vicinity. The author reviews and rejects several nonimpact theories of origin.

696 Karpoff, Roman, 1954, Un cratere de "meteorite" a Talemzane dans le sud algerien [A meteorite crater at Talemzane in southern Algeria]­with discussion : lnternat. Geol. Cong., 19th, Algiers 1952, Comptes rendus, sec.13, pt.14, p. 233-241.

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(Lat 24°15' N., long 9°39' ,V. Category 6) Ref.

See ref.113.

This appears to the author to be an explosion crater.

See al,so ref. 2.


(Lat 22°55' N.; long 10°25' ,V. Category 6) 697 Allix, Andre 1951, Note et correspondance a propos des crateres meteoriques

[Note and correspondence concerning some meteor craters]: Rev. Geog. Lyon,v.26,no.3,p.357-359.

698 Richard-Molard, Jacques, 1948, Le cratere d'explosion de Tenoumer et !'ex­istence probable d'une grande fracture rectiligne au Sahara occidental [The explosion crater of Tenoumer and the probable presence of a large rectilinear fracture in the western Sahara] : Acad. Sci. [Paris] Comptes Rendus, v. 227, no. 3, p. 213-214.

The fault on which the Tenoumer Crater lies, if prolonged northeast and southwest, lines up with two other known faults of the region, suggesting that they form a single great fault.

See ,also ref.113.


(Lat 41 °48' N.; long 91 °41' W. Category 5)

699 Buddhue, J. D., 1938, Chemical tests of "oxide" from the Tiffin hole: Pop. Astronomy, v. 46, p. 222-224.

700 Wylie, C. C., 1937, A peculiar hole near Tiffin, Iowa: Pop. Astronomy, v. 45, p. 445-449.

701 --- 1938, A peculiar hole near Tiffin, Iowa, second paper : Pop. Astron­omy, v. 46, p. 221-222.


(Lat 60°55' N.; long 101 "57' E. Category 5)

702 Astapovitsch, I. S., 1934, New data concerning the fall of the great Tungus meteorite on June 30, 1908, in central Siberia: Astron. Zhur., v. 10, p. 465-486 [in Russian]; 1940, Pop. Astronomy, v. 48, p. 433-443, trans­lated by Lincoln LaPaz and Gerhard Wiens, vi'ith critical commentaries by Lincoln LaPaz.

A brief resume of previous research is given here, but most attention is directed to new testimony collected between 1928 and 1932 from eyewitnesses and to sound phenomena and meteorological conditions of the day of fall collected from Siberian stations. Character of the explosion and geocentric velocity of the mass is estimated.

703 --- 1936, New investigation into the fall of a giant meteorite in Siberia on the 30th of June, 1908: Priroda, v. 24, p. 70-72 [in Russian].

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Ref. 704 Astapovitsch, I. S., 1938, On the fall of the great Siberian meteorite, June 30,

1908: Pop. Astronomy, v. 46, p. 310-317.

705 Bobrovnikoff, N. T., 1928, The Podkammenaya Tunguska meteorite : Astron. Soc. Pacific Pub., v. 40, no. 234, p. 143-145.

706 Bronshten, V. A., 1961, K voprosu o dvizhenii v atmosfere Tungusskogo meteorita [On the problem of the motion of the Tunguska meteorite through the atmosphere]: Meteoritika, no. 20, p. 72-86.

707 Burns, G. J. C., 1933, The great Siberian meteor of 1908: Pop. Astronomy, v. 41, p. 477-479.

708 Cleminshaw, C. H., 1962., Two great Siberian meteorites: Griffith Observer, v.26,no.9,p.121-125.

709 Fessenkov, V. G., 1961, On the cometary nature of the Tunguska meteorite: Astron. Zhur., v. 38, no. 4, p. 577-592 [in Russian]; 1962, Soviet Astron.­AJ, v. 5, no. 4, p. 441-451, translated.

As evidence of cometary nature, Fessenkov cites the radial character of the forest around the fall site, and the abnormally bright nights subsequent to June 30 which could be attributed to small dust particles in the atmosphere.

710 --- 1962, Ne meteorit, a kometa [A comet, not a meteorite]: Priroda, 1962,no.8,p.24-31.

711 ---1963, A note on the cometary nature of the Tungus meteor­ites, in Symposium on the astronomy and physics of meteors, Cambridge, Mass., 1961: Smithsonian Contr. Astrophysics, v. 7, p. 305-307; also in U.S. Air Force Cambridge Research Labs. Geophys. Paper no. 75, 305-307.

712 Fessenkov, V. G., and Krinov, E. L., 1960, News of Tunguska meteorite: Akad. Nauk SSSR Vestnik, no. 12, p. 32-35 [in Russian]; 1961, Los Angeles, Calif., Space Technology Labs., Inc., 8 p., translated by Z. Jabukski.

713 Florenskiy, K. P., 1963, Problema kosmicheskoi pyli i sovremennoe sostoy­anne izucheniya Tungusskogo meteorita [Problem of cosmic dust and the present state of the investigation of the Tungus meteorite]: Geo­khimiya, 1963, no. 3, p. 284-296; Geochemistry [English translation], 1~3,no.3,p.301-315.

714 Florenskiy, K. P., Vronskiy, B. I., Emel'yanov, Yu. M., Zotkin, I. T., and Kirova, 0. A., 1960, Predvrietel'nye rezul'taty rabot Tungusskogo meteoritnoi ekspeditsii 1958 g [Preliminary results of investigations by the Tunguska Meteoritic Expedition of 1958] : Meteoritika, no. 19, p.103-134.

715 Florenskiy, K. P., and Zotkin, I. T., 1962, New exploration, new results (1961 Tunguska expedition) : Priroda, no. 8, p. 31-39 [in Russian];


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Ref. Redondo Beach, Calif., Space Technology Labs., Inc., Translation 71, translated by Z. Jakubski.

Results obtained from processing and analyzing new data are discussed; they appear to support a southeast trajectory for the meteorite. A map drawn in 1961 is included.

716 Hogg, H. S., 1962, The Tunguska meteoric event: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 56, p.174-179.

717 Idlis, G. M., and Karyagina, Z. V., 1961, 0 kometnoi prirode Tungusskogo meteorita [On the cometary nature of the Tunguska meteorite]: Meteo­ritika, no. 21, p. 32-43.

718 Ivanov, K. G., 1961, Ob energii vzryva Tungusskogo meteorita [On the energy of the explosion of the Tunguska meteorite] : Meteoritika, no. 21, p.44-45.

719 --- 1963, On the height of the explosion of the Tungus meteorite: Astron. Zhur., v. 40, no. 2, p. 329-331 [in Russian, with English summary] : Soviet Astron.-AJ, v. 7, no. 2, p. 251-252, translated.

720 Kirova, 0. A., 1961, 0 mineralogicheskom izuchenii prob pochb iz raiona padeniya Tungusskogo meteorita, sobrannykh ekspeditsili 1958 g [Mineralogical study of soil samples collected by the 1958 expedition to the area of fall of the Tunguska meteorite]: Meteoritika, no. 20, p. 32-39.

721 Krinov, E. L., 1958, Der Tungusker Meteorit [The Tungus meteorite]: Chemie der Erde, v. 19, no. 3, p. 207-229; 1960, Internat. Geology Rev., v. 2, no. 1, p. 8-19, translated by Sonia and Brandon Barringer; Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 6, no. 2, p. 8-19.

See ref. 663.

Krinov reviews research made and data collected and again states his preference for the comet theory of origin.

722 Kulik, L. A., 1933, Resultats preliminaires des expeditions meteoriques des annees 1921-1931 [Preliminary results of the meteorite expeditions of 1921-1931]: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Lomonosovskogo Inst. Geokhimii Kris­tallographii i Mineralogii, Trudy, v. 2, p. 73-81.

Kulik headed the first expedition, in 1927, to study the Tunguska site, 19 years after the meteorite fall.

723 --- 1935, On the fall of the Podkamennaya Tunguska meteorite in 1908, translated from the Russian: Pop. Astronomy, v. 43, p. 596-599.

724 --- 1937, The question of the meteorite of June 30, 1908, in central Siberia: Pop. Astronomy, v. 45, p. 273-275.

725 --- 1939, Data on the Tungus meteorite as available towards 1939: Akad. Nauk SSSR Comptes Rendus, Doklady, new ser., v. 22, no. 8, p. 515-519.

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Ref. 726 Kulik, L. A., 1960, The Tunguska meteorite, with commentary by E. L.

Krinov, in Shapley, Harlow, ed., Source book in astronomy, 1900-1950: Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ. Press, p. 75-81.

This is a translation of a paper read in Denver, Colo., 1937.

727 Levin, B. J., 1954, K voprosy o skorosti i orbite Tungusskogo meteorita [On the problem of the velocity and the orbit of the Tunguska meteorite] : Meteoritika, no.11, p.132-134.

728 Obashev, S. 0., 1961, 0 geomagnitom effekte Tungusskogo meteorita [On the geomagnetic effect of the Tunguska meteorite]: Meteoritika, no. 21, p. 49-51.

729 Sawyer, H. S., 1962, The Tunguska meteoric event: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 56, p.174-179.

730 Stanyukovich, K. P., and Bronshten, V. A., 1961, 0 skorosti i energii Tun­gusskogo meteorita [Velocity and energy of the Tungusk meteorite]: Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady, v. 140, no. 3, p. 583--586; 1962, U.S. Natl. Aeronautics and Space Adm. Tech. Translation F-89, 7 p.

731 Sytinskaya, N. N., 1955, K voprosy o traektoriy Tungusskogo meteorita [On the problem of the trajectory of the Tunguska meteorite] : Meteoritika, no. 13, p. 86-91.

732 Treskov, A., 1935, On seismic waves which accompanied the fall of the meteorite on June 30, 1908: Astron. Zhur., v. 11, p. 597-599 [in Russian, with English summary].

733 Whipple, F. J., 1934, On phenomena related to the great Siberian meteor: Royal Meteorolog. Soc. Quart. Jour., v. 60, p. 505-512.

Whipple was the first to favor a cometary origin for the Tunguska event.

734 Zolotov, A. V., 1961, Some recent data on the Tunguska catastrophe of 1908: Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady, v. 136, no. 1, p. 84-87 [in Russian]; 1962, Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady, Earth Sci. Sec., v. 136, nos. 1-6, p. 160-162, translated.

735 Zotkin, I. T., 1961, Ob anomal'nykh opticheskikh yavleniyakh v atmosfere, sryazannykh s nadeniem Tungusskogo meteorita [The fall of the Tunguska meteorite and related optical phenomena in the atmosphere]: Meteoritika, no. 20, p. 40-53.

See ref. 457.

See ref. 13.


(Lat 58°46' N.; long17°25' E. Category 6)


(Lat 60°00' N.; long 67°20' \V. Category 6)


(See New Quebec Crater)

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(Lat 38°27' N.; long 109°56' W. Category 5)

See ref. 2. "A highly dissected cryptovolcanic structure with a central dome about

1% miles across."

736 McKnight, E. T., 1940, Geology of area between Green and Colorado rivers, Grand and San Juan counties, Utah: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 908, 147 p.

See also ref. 20.


(Lat 38°02' N.; long 84°45' W. Category 4)

737 Black, D. F. B., 1963, Geologic and structure map of a cryptoexplosion structure near Versailles, Kentucky: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file map.

738 --- 1964, Cryptoexplosion structure near Versailles, Kentucky: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 501-B, p. B9-B12.

The author describes a circular structure, nearly 1 mile in diameter, with a highly brecciated central dome and a rim structure which might indicate a meteoritic origin.


(Lat 27°28' S.; long 27°29' E. Category 4)

739 Bishopp, D. W., 1941, '.rhe geodynamics of the Vredefort dome: Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans., v. 44, p.1-18.

The paper reviews some earlier theories of the Vredefort "dome" and the question of centrifugal or centripetal pressure in arching up the central circular region with its flanking ring of overturned sediments.

740 --- 1962, The Vredefort Ring-A further discussion: Jour. Geology, v. 70, no. 4, p. 500-'502.

741 Bisschoff, A. H., 1962, The pseudotachylite of the Vredefort Dome: Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans. and Proc., v. 65, pt. 1, p. 207-226; discussion by ·w. I. Manton, p. 227-228; author's reply to discussion, p. 228-230.

7 42 Brock, B. B., 1951, The Vredefort ring : Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans. and Proc., v. 53, p.131-157.

743 Daly, R. A., 1947, The Vredefort ring-structure of South Africa: Jour. Geology, v. 55, no. 3, p.125-145.

Daly summarizes five explanations attributing the deformation of the Vredefort to terrestrial forces, then seriously considers the Boon and Albritton suggestion (ref. 18) of a meteorite of asteroid dimensions.

744 Dietz, R. S., 1961, Vredefo:rt Ring structure-Meteorite impact scar?: Jour. Geology, v. 69, no. 5, p. 499-516.

The author suggests that the Vredefort Ring, with its crater diameter of 40 km, is the result of an impact similar in force to that which created Tycho or Copernicus on the Moon.

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Ref. 745 Dietz, R. S., 1962, The Vredefort Ring-A reply: Jour. Geology, v. 70, no. 4,

p. 502-504.

A reply to D. W. Bishopp, ref. 740.

746 Ellis, J., 1945, Discussion of a paper by B. D. Maree, "The Vredefort struc­ture as rev€aled by a gravimetric survey": Geol. Soc. South Africa Proc. [v. 48], p. 55-57.

747 Hall, A. L., and Molengraaff, G. A. F., 1925, The Vredefort Mountain Land in Southern Transvaal and northern Orange Free State: Nederlandse Akad. "\Vetensch. Verb., sec. 2, pt. 24, no. 3, p.1-183.

748 Hargraves, R. B., 1961, Shatter cones in the rocks of the Vredefort Ring: Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans. and Proc., v. 64, p. 147-154; discussions by B. B. Brock, R. S. Dietz, J. G. Ramsay, A. B. A. Brink, and K. Knight, with reply by the author, p. 155-161.

Hargraves finds shatter cones abundant in almost all rocks of the Vrede­fort ar€a and concludes that the radial orientation of cones found in Wit­watersrand quartzites points to a shock locus situated approximately in the center of the ring.

7 49 ---1962, Review of geologic evidence, opmwn, and current re­search relevant to the impact origin of the Vredefort ring [abs.]:

Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 67, no. 9, p. 3563.

750 Maree, B. D., 1944, The Vredefort structure as reveal€d by a gravimetric survey: Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans., v. 47, p.183-196.

Gravitational anomalies reveal that the Vredefort structure is pear­shaped, its smaller end, the covered portion, pointing to the southeast. l\faree uses this information to explain a new theory of origin.

751 Molengraaff, G. A. F., 1904, Geology of the Transvaal, translated from th€ French by J. H. Ronaldson: Edinburgh, T. and A. Constable, 90 p.

752 Nel, L. T., 1927, The geology of the country around Vredefort-An explana­tion of the geological map: Pretoria, South Africa Geol. Survey, 134 p.

753 Polder·mart, Arie, 1962, Notes on the Vredefort dome: Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans. and Proc., v. 68, pt. 1, p. 231-247; discussion by A. A. Bisschoff, p. 249-251 ; author's reply to discussion, p. 251.

754 Shand, J. S., 1916, The pseudotachylyte of Parijs (Orange Free State), and its relation to "trap-shotten gneiss" and "flinty crush-rock" : Geol. Soc. London Quart. Jour., v. 72, p.198-221.

755 Truter, F. C., 1941, Discussion on the paper by D. W. Bishopp, "The geo­dynamics of the Vredefort Dome": Geol. Soc. South Africa Proc., v. 44. p. 84-89.

756 Weiss, Oscar, 1949, Aerial magnetic survey of the Vredefort dome in the Union of South Africa: Mining Eng., v. 1, no. 12, p. 433-438.

See also refs.18, 22, 38, 79.

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(Alternate name: Al Hadida Craters. Lat 21 °30' N.; long 50°28' E. One to four craters. Category 1)

Ref. 757 Bartrum, C. 0., 1932, Meteorite craters in Arabia and Ashanti : British

Astron. Assoc. Jour., v. 42, no. 9, p. 398-399.

758 Chao, E. C. T., Fahey, J. J., and Littler, Janet, 1961, Coesite from Wabar crater, near Al Hadida, Arabia: Science, v. 133, no. 3456, p. 882-883.

This reports the third natural occurrence of coesite, the high pressure polymorph of silica. Wabar is the smallest of three craters where coesite has been found.

759 Halbfass, William, 1933, Ein Meteoritenkrater in Siidarabien [A meteorite crater in Saudi Arabia]: Petermanns Mitt., v. 79, no. 3-4, p. 72.

760 Holm, D. A., 1962, New meteorite localities in the Rub' al Khali, Saudi Arabia: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 260, no. 4, p. 303-309.

Of 16 localities in which meteoritic material has been found, only cen­trally located Al Hadida has craters. This article summarizes investiga­tions made in the Rub' al Khali and adds notes taken from the exploration file of the Arabian American Oil Co.

761 Philby, H. St. J., 1932, Rub' al Khali: Royal Central Asian Soc. Jour., v. 19, pt. 4, p. 569-586.

762 --- 1933a, The empty quarter, with appendix by L. J. Spencer: New York, Henry Holt, p.157-180, 365-359.

763 --- 1933b, Rub' al Khali-An account of exploration in the Great South Desert of Arabia: Geog. Jour. [London], v. 81, no.1, p.1-26.

See also refs.141, 372.


(Alternate names: Cave Spring Hollow, Indian Mound. Lat 36°23' N. ; long 87°40' W. Four structures. Categories 4, 6)

764 Wilson, C. W., Jr., 1953, Wilcox deposits in explosion craters, Stewart County, Tennessee, and their relations to origin and age of Wells Creek Basin structure: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 64, no. 7, p. 753-768.

It is concluded that four craters had a common post-Eutaw, pre-Wilcox age and common origin by the impact and resulting explosions of fragments of a meteor. A 2,000-foot core drilled in the center of Wells Creek Basin is summarized.

See also refs. 20, 22.

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(Lat 49°46' N.; long 95°12' W. Category 6)


765 Halliday, Ian, and Griffin, A. A., 1963a, Evidence in support of a meteoric origin for West Hawk Lake, Manitoba, Canada: Jour. Geophys. Re­search,v.68,no.18,p.5297-5306.

Gravity readings from the lake ice indicate a residual negative anomaly of 6 milligals associated with this feature. The authors suggest an original rim diameter of 12,000 feet, modified by glaciation and erosion.

766 --- 1963b, West Hawk Lake-Manitoba's ancient crater and modern resort: Royal Astron. Soc. Canada Jour., v. 57, no.1, p. 24.

See also ref. 50.


(See Merewether Crater)


(Lat 33°50' N.; long 99°15' W. Category 6)

767 Hughes, U. B., 1932, Shallow salt-type structure in Permian of north-central Texas: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 16, no. 6, p. 577-583; abs. in Pan-Am. Geologist, v. 57, no. 4, p. 305.

768 Monnig, 0. E., 1963, A probable small astrobleme in north Texas: Meteor­itics, v. 2, no.1, p. 71.

Hughes had attributed disturbance in this area to movement of gypsif­erous shales; Monnig is convinced that a meteoritic origin is more likely.


(Lat 71 o S.; long 140° E. Category 6)

769 Schmidt, R. A., 1962, Australites and Antarctica: Science, v. 138, no. 3538, p. 443-444.

"A meteorite crater in the Wilkes Land region of Antarctica has been postulated as an explanation of the origin of australites. Geophysical data suggest that such a feature may have been located."

770 Scientific American, 1962, Tektite crater: Sci. Am., v. 207, no. 12, p. 68-69.


(Lat 39°29' N.; long 96°49' W. Category 6) Seeref.3.


(Lat 19°18' S.; long 127°46' E. Category 1)

771 Cassidy, W. A., 1954, The Wolf Creek, Western Australia, meteorite crater (CN=-1278,192): Meteoritics, v.1, no. 2, p.197-199.

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Ref. 772 Guppy, D. J., and Matheson, R. S., 1950, Wolf Creek meteorite crater,

Western Australia: Jour. Geology, v. 58, p. 30-36; 1951, reprinted in Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept.1950, p. 317-325.

The Wolf Creek Crater is the second largest crater known to be of meteoritic origin. Its age is here considered to be Pleistocene or Recent.

773 Holmes, C. H., 1948, The hidden crater of ·wolf Creek: Walkabout, v. 14, no.13, p.10-16.

774 --- 1949, The hidden crater of Wolf Creek: Sky and Telescope, v. 8, no. 7, p.163-164.

775 LaPaz, Lincoln, 1954, Meteoritic material from the Wolf Creek, Western Australia, crater (ON =1278,192) : Meteoritics, v. 1, no. 2, p. 200-203.

This report describes two masses of meteoritic material recovered by ,V. A. Cassidy (ref. 771) and analyzed by the Institute of Meteoritics.

776 Leonard, F. C., 1949, Further evidence concerning the Wolf Creek, Western Australia, crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57, p. 405-406; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 3, p. 214-215.

777 -- 1949b, Is the crater of Wolf Creek, Western Australia ( -1278,192) meteoritic?: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57, p. 138-140; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 3, p.188-190.

778 --- 1949c, More about the ·wolf Creek, Western Australia crater: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57, p. 345-346; reprinted in Meteorit. Soc. Contr., v. 4, no. 3, p. 205-206.

779 --- 1949d, Wolf Creek Crater, Australia: Pop. Astronomy, v. 57, p. 337-338.

780 Nininger, H. H., 1949, ["Wolf Creek Crater]: Sky and Telescope, v. 8, no. 12, p.298.

781 Preuss, Ekkehard, 1951, Der ·wolf Creek Meteoritenkrater in Westaus­tralien [The Wolf Creek meteorite crater in ·western Australia]: Sternenwelt, v. 3, p. 113.

782 Reeves, Frank, and Chalmers, R. 0., 1949, Wolf Creek crater: Australian Jour. Sci., v.11, p.154-156.

Reeves, a ge.ologist, "\vas in a party of three who spotted the crater from the air in June 1947. He describes their original theory of volcanic origin and subsequent reasons for change to the impact hypothesis.

See also ref. 73.

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A Ref.

Aaloe, A. A---------------- 391, 395-398 Ackermann, VV------------------- 564 Adkins, W. S--------------------- 624 Adler, Isidore____________________ 118 Ahrens, VVilhelm ____________ 245, 565...--566 Akademiya Nauk, SSSR, Komitet po

1\fetMl"itam ---------- fi32 Albritton, C. C., Jr_ ________ 1, 17-19, 541 Alderman, A. R----------------- 361-362 Alexander, J. A___________________ 301 Alksnis, A_______________________ 399 Allen, V. T_______________________ 322 Allix, Andre______________________ 697 Almo~ F________________________ 119 Alter, Dinsmore___________________ 497 Alvarez, Antenor__________________ 264 Ampferer, Otto___________________ 430 Amstutz, G. C _______________ 320-321, 329 Arogyaswamy, R. N. P ------------- 465 Ascher, Hans_____________________ 431 Astapovitsch, I. S-------------- 702-704 Astronomie ---------------------- 633


Bacharev, A. M _____________ 488-490, 492 Baker, Marcus____________________ 163 Baldwin, R. B____________________ 2

Bampo, S. 0--------------------- 443 Barnes, V. E ___________________ 552-553

Barnes, VV. C--------------------- 120 Barringer, Brandon_______________ 269 Barringer, D. l\L ___________ 121-126, 250 Barringer, D. M., Jr ____ 127-128, 537-538 Barringer, R. VV ------------------ 3 Bartrum, C. 0------------------ 363, 757 Beals, C. S------------------- 4-14, 129,

262,311,373,381-384,442 Beck,A.E________________________ 261

Beck, C. VV ----------------------- 539 Bedford, R----------------------- 364 Bentz, Alfred _______________ 245, 5,67-569 Berard, Jean_____________________ 474 Bergstrom, R. E _________________ 335-3!37

Bibbins, A. B--------------------- 540 Biehler, Shawn___________________ 343 Bingham, VV. F___________________ 130

Bishopp, D. W ------------------ 739-740

Ref. Bisschoff, A . .!. __________________ 741, 753

Bjork, R. L---------------------- 131 Black D. F. B------------------ 737-738 Blackwelder, Eliot_ _________ 132-135, 168 Blanford, VV.T------------------ 466,469 Blignaut, J. J. G__________________ 422 Bobrovnikoff, N. T----------------- 705 Boon, J. D----------------- 1,15-19,541 Boo~ D. H----------------------- 138 Born, K. E _____________________ 345,389

Boutwell, VV. D------------------- 137 Boyce, S. G---------------------- 307 Brady, L. F---------------------- 695 Branco, Wilhelm ________________ 570, 686

Bret~ S. E----------------------- 313 Brink, A. B. A-------------------- 748 Brock, B. B-------------------- 74,2, 74,8 Brock, M. R______________________ 324 Bronshten, V. A------------ 401,706,730 Brown, L C----------------------- 339 Bucher, W. H ____________ 2Q-22, 392, 623

Buddhue, J. D---------- 138-140, 394, 699 Buffington, E. C------------------- 555 Biilow, Kurd von_________________ 23 Bunch, T. E--------- 27, 141, 385-386, 423 Burns, G. J. C-------------------- 707 Buschbach, T. C------------------ 346 Butler, L. W --------------------- 692 Butler, M. D--------------------- 427

c Cailleux, Andre _________________ 375, 561

Campbell, W. W ------------------ 142 Canadian Scientific Committee for

Upper l\Iantle, Inter­national Upper l\fantle Project -------------- 24

Carr, W. K----------------------- 498 Cassidy, W. A_____________________ 771 Chalmers, R. 0------------------- 782 Chao, E. C. T--------------- 25., 143_..:144,

200, 450, 571-572, 614, 7'58 Christie, W. A. K__________________ 4,68 Clark, J. F ----------------------- 263 Cleminshaw, C. H----------------- 708 Cohen, A. J__ 26-27, 141, 385-386, 423, 442 Colchester, G. U ------------------ 470 Collin~A.F______________________ 28


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Ref. Colvocoresses, G. M--------------- 145 Conant, L. C--------------------- 340 Cooke, C. W -------------------- 270-274 Cotta, Bernhard------------------ 573 Currie, K. L____________ 29, 313, 499-500


Dachille, Frank ___________ 30, 69, 583, 617

Dake, H. C----------------------- 230 Daly, J. W ----------------------- 180 Daly, R. A----------------------- 743 Darton, N. H------------------- 146-147 Davison, J. M-------------------- 148 Dawson, K. R-------------------- 387 Dehm, Richard _____________ 574-575, 608

Delaney, A. 0-------------------- 484 Dellenbaugh, F. S----------------- 149 Dence, M. R------------ 31, 311, 442, 500 Dewhirst, D. W ------------------- 374 Dickey, D. D--------------------- 150 Didco*ck, H. R-------------------- 32 Dietz, R. S---------- 33-39, 424, 450, 467,

55, 690-692, 744-745, 748 Diggelen, J. van__________________ 40

Divari, N. B------------------- 634-637 Dodge, J. A---------------------- 360 Dodge, N. N---------------------- 151 Dorn, Cornelius von _____________ 576-577

Drejsin, R. L--------------------- 41 Dryden, J. E--------------------- 479 Dublin, J________________________ 152

Dwornik, E. J -------------------- 118 Dyer, R. E. H-------------------- 349


Eade, K. E----------------------- 313 Eggleton, R. E--------------- 97, 625, 628

Ekern, G. L---------------------- 347 Ellis, J-------------------------- 746 Ellltsgaard-Rasmussen, K---------- 352 Elvey, C. T---------------------- 338 Emel'yanov, Yu. M---------------- 714 Emrich, G. H------------------- 335-337 Engelhardt, Wolf von_____________ 578 Englund, K. J __________________ 482-484

Eskola, PenttL------------------- 42 Evans, G. L---------------- 542-543, 554 Explorers JournaL---------------- 312

p Fahey, J. J ________________ 143,450,758

Fahrig, W. F --------------------- 309 Fairchild, H. L----------------- 153-156 Ferguson, G. M---------------- 9-10, 384 Fessenkov, V. G-------- 638-644,709-712 Figgins, J. D--------------------- 359 Fireman, E. L-------------------- 645 Fisher, Clyde _______________ 157, 402-403

Fisher, D. E------------------- 646-647 Fisher, W. J --------------------- 43-44 Flammarion, G. C----------------- 45 Florenskiy, K. P ---------------- 713-715 Fonton, S. 8----------- 648,664~665,683

Ref. Foore, A. E-------------------- 158-159 Foster, G. E-------------------- 160-161 Fox, J. H------------------------ 322 Fraas, E------------------------- 686 Fredriksson, KurL---------------- 457


Gale, S. L----------------------- 46 Garstang, R. H-------------- 47, 501-502 Gentner, W. von ________________ 444, 579

Gerstlauer, K--------------------- 580 Geuer, J. W ---------------------- 334 Geyer, R. A-------------------- 626,629 Geze, Bernard--------------------- 375 Giere, W ------------------------- 404 Gilbert, G. K------------------- 162-163 Gillett, J. 111---------------------- 480 Goel, P. 8------------------------ 365 Goguel, Jean_____________________ 48 Goresy, Ahmed EL--------------- 445 Grant, Chapman________________ 275-276 Griffin, A. A----------------- 50, 765-766 Griffith Observer__________________ 503

Guild, F. N----------------------- 164 Guillemaut, ArmeL--------------- 561 Gumbel, C. w --------------------- 5,31 Guppy, D. J ---------------------- 772 Gutschick, R. C------------------- 425


Hack,J.T________________________ 165 Hager, Dorsey-------------- 166-169, 224 Halbfass, William_________________ 759

Hall, A. L------------------------ 747 Halliday, Ian _____________ 49-50, 765-766 Hammer, Wilhelm______________ 432-433 Harding, Norman__________________ 170

Hardy, C. T ----------------- 51, 168, 171 Hargraves, R. B---------------- 74.8-749 Hargreaves, J____________________ 504

Harrison, E. R-------------------- 52 Harrison, J. M___________________ 505

Hastings, J. B-------------------- 172 Hawkins, G. 8-------------------- 53 Hay, Robert______________________ 353

Heald, W. F ---------------------- 173 Healy, P. W --------------------- 54 Hedstrom, Herman________________ 462 Heide, Fritz__________________ 55-57, 506 Heinrich, Ross------------------- 322 Heissel, Werner__________________ 434

Henderson, E. P------------------ 185 Hendricks, H. E------------------ 323 Hennig, Edwin-------------------- 245 Hennig, R----------------------- 58 Hey, M. H------------------- 59, 89, 115 Heybroek, W------------ 60,350,354,494 Heyl, A. V ----------------------- 324 Heywood, W. W ------------------- 31;3 HofHeit, DorriL_ 61-62, 110, 174-177, 277,

376, 475, 491, 495, 507-509 Hogbom, A. G-------------------- 461 Hogg, H. 8----------------------- 716

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Holder, H------------------------ 582 Kutscher, 1\L--------------------­Holland, L. F. 8------------------ 178 Kvasha, L. G--------------------­

Ref. 186 666

Holm, D. A---------------------- 760 Holmes, C. H------------------- 773-774 Holwerda, J. G------------------- 109 Hoppin, R. A--------------------- 479 Horz, Friedrich------------------- 578 Hughes, U. B-------------------- 767 Huntington, 0. W ----------------- 355 Huss, G. 1--------------------- 325,327


Idlis, G. M----------------------- 717 Inglis, S. L---------------------- 63 Innes, M. J. 8------------------- 11-14,

64-65,262-263,311,331-334 Irish Astronomical JournaL------- 66-67,

377, 510 Ivanov, K. G------------------- 718-719

J Jaanusson, v_____________________ 464 Jakosky, J. J ___________________ 179-180

Janssen, C. L------------------ 378,511 Johnson, D. W ------------------ 278-280 Johnson, G. 0-------------------- 583 Johnson,G.R------------------- 232,548 Johnson, G. W -------------------- 181 Johnson, R. B-------------------- 150 Johnson, W. R., Jr________________ 281 Jones, W. H---------------------- 282 Junner, N. R------------------- 446-448


Kaljuvee, J ----------------------- 390 Karpof[, Roman ________________ 112, 696

Karyagina, Z. V------------------ 717 Kelly, A. 0--------------- 68-69, 2S3, 318 Keyes, C. R-------------------- 182-183 Kilsgaard, T. H------------------- 324 King, P. B----------------------- 627 Kirova, 0. A------------------- 714,720 Kish, Leslie______________________ 476 Kitson, A. E---------------------- 449 Knebel, Walther von_______________ 584 Knetsch, G----------------------- 117 Knight, K----------------------- 748 Kohman, T. P -------------------- 365 Kolbe, P------------------------- 372 Kornhauser, MurraY--------------- 70 Kranck, S. H------------------- 314-315 Kranz, Walter ______ 405, 435, 585-5.95, 687 Kraus, E------------------------- 406 Krause!, Richard------------------ 512 Kreins, E. R---------------------- 184 Kretz, Ralph--------------------- 513 Krinov, E. L------------- 71-74, 407-410,

649-665, 712, 721, 726 Krishnaswamy, D. 8--------------- 329 Ksanda, C. J_____________________ 185

Kulik, L. A---------------- 411, 722-726 Kunz, G. F ----------------------- 356


Ladurner, Otto___________________ 434 Lafond, E. C--------------------- 467 Landau, A-------------------- 9,10,384 LaPaz, Lincoln __ 54, 75-76, 111, 187-190,

471,496,514,539,667,702,775 Larson, T. E--------------------- 337 Lassovszky, K-------------------- 191 LaTouche, T. H. D---------------- 468 LeGrand, H. E------------------- 284 Leonard, F. c __ 54. 77, 192-193, 285, 319,

514-516, 668, 776-7,79 Levin, B. J. ________________ 669-670, 727

Lewis, W. 8---------------------- 194 Ley, WillY----------------------- 78 Liberty, B. A--------------------- 263 Limney, W. M-------------------- 393 Lippolt, H. L------------------ 444, 579 Littler, Janet __ 143,200,450,571-572,758 Loffier, Richard _________________ 596-598 Logis, z_________________________ 261

Longwell, C. R-------------------- 195 Lord, J. 0------------------------ 544 Luh~ A------------------------- 419 Lundberg, Hans__________________ 196 Lutskiy, Valeriy ------------------ 310


McCall, G. J. H------------------- ;79 l\IcCutcheon, T. E---------------- 429 McGrath, J. 0------------------ 232, 548 Mcintyre, D. B------------------- 316 McKean, F. K--------------------- 556 McKnight. E. T------------------- 736 MacCarthy, G. R---------------- 286, 301 Maclaren, Malcolm________________ 451 Madigan, C. T ------------------ 259-260 Madsen, B. M--------------------- 144 Magie, W. F ---------------------- 197 Mallet, J. W ---------------------- 198 Malott, C. A--------------------- 426 Manton, W. L-------------------- 741 Maree, B. D---------------------- 750 Margerie, Emmanuel de------------ 199 Massalskaya, K. P ---------------- 5L1. 7 l\Iatheson, R. 8------------------- 772 Mead, C. W---------------------- 200 Medlicott, H. B------------------- 469 Meen, V. B----------------- 481, 518-526 Meinecke, Franz__________________ 201 Melton, F. A------------------- 287-292 Merriam, Richard----------------- 109 Merrill, G. P --------------- 202-205, 545 Merritt, V. M--------------------- 548 Meyer, R------------------------ 406 Michel, F. C---------------------- 366 Miller, Roswell, 3d---------------- 170 Millman, P. M-------------- 129, 263, 527 Milton, D. J_ ___________ 143, 265, 366, 436

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Ref. Miserov, A. V -------------------- 671 Molengraa:II, G. A. F ------------- 74,7, 751 Monnig, 0. E----------- 206, 357, 546, 768 Monod, Theodore _______________ 113-114 Moore, Patrick___________________ 684 Moos, August_ __________________ 599-600 Mulder, M. E_____________________ 207

Muller, 0------------------------ 444


Nagera, J. J_____________________ 266 Namba, MunetosL________________ 208 Nathan, Hans __________________ 601-603

Nature ------------ 80, 209-210, 528, 672 Nature [Paris]___________________ 412 Nekrasov, I. A--------------- 81, 458-460

Ne~ L. T------------------------ 752 Newton, A. M____________________ 211

Niermeyer, J. F ------------------- 212 Nininger, H. H ___________ 82-86, 213-22:5,

326-327,358-359,47~. 547,780 Noe-Nygaard, A___________________ 529

Norton, 0. R--------------------- 226

Obashev, S. 0-------------------- 728 Oberdorfer, Richard_______________ 604

Observatory --------------------- 673 Odum, H. T---------------------- 293 Opik, E. J, ____________________ 54, 87-88


Parish, Woodbine__________________ 267 Pearson, W. J____________________ 334 Philby, H. St. J. B ______________ 761-763 Pickering, W. H__________________ 227

Pobul, E. A-------------------- 413-4:14 Pokrovskiy, G. I__________________ 415 Pokrzywnicki, J ------------------- 485 Polar Times______________________ 530 Poldervaart, Arie_________________ 753 Pomerol, Charles__________________ 561 Popular Astronomy _____________ 674-675 Portnov, A. 1\L----------------- 55,7-558 Pourqui~ A______________________ 114 Preuss, Ekkehard _______________ 605, 781

Priddy, R. R------------------- 428-429 Prior, T. E----------------------- 89 Prouty, W. F ------------------- 294-302


Ramsey, J. G_____________________ 748 Raudonis, P. A __________________ 81, 460 Rayner, J. J\L __________________ 367-369

Redman, R. 0--------------------- 90 Reeves, Frank____________________ 782 Reich, Hermann___________________ 606

Reid, A. 1\f---------------------- 27, 423 Reinwald, I. A _________________ 416-419 Reuter, Lothar___________________ 607 Richard-Molard, Jacques _____ 562-563, 698 Rinehar~ J. s ____ 91-92,228-231,30~338

Ref. Roach, C. H ____________________ 232, 548

Robertson, E. C------------------- 303 Robie, E. H---------------------- 233 Roddy, D. J ____________________ 341-343

Roen, J. B--------------------- 483-484 Rogers, A. F_____________________ 234

Rohleder, H. P. T-- 235, 4,52-453, 493, 559 Rose, R. R----------------------- 477 Rosickj'r, Vojtech__________________ 93 Rossouw, P. J____________________ 422 Rostoker, Norman_________________ 94 Rottenberg, J. A __________________ 13-14

Royal Astronomical Society of Can-ada----------------- 304,370,531-532

Rubin de Celis, MichaeL___________ 268 Russell, H. D--------------------- 4·22 Russell, H. N --------------------- 236 Ryan, Robert_____________________ 346

s Sacharov, S. A___________________ 492

Sandford, K. S-------------------- 473 Sandner, W---------------------- 95 Sangster, R. L __________________ 486-487

Sawyer, H. S--------------------- 729 Schaeffe~ 0. A------------------- 579 Schefller, H---------------------- 96 Scheidegger, A. E_________________ 348 Scililling, J. H-------------------- 676 Schipulin, E. K------------------- 677 Schmidt, R. A-------------------- 769 Schmidt, Walter__________________ 437 Schriever, William __________ 291-292, 305 SchrHde~ JHachim_________________ 60S Schuster, Mattheus______________ _ 609 Schutte, K----------------------- 610 Schwinner, Robert________________ 688 Scientific American ________ -------- 770 Seemann, Reinhold ______________ 611-612 Seidl, Erich______________________ 613 Sellards, E. H __________________ 549-554 Senarclens-Grancy, Walter_________ 438 Shand, J. S---------------------- 754 Shepard, E. l\f___________________ 330 Shoemaker, E·.M _________________ 97, 144,

237-239,533-534,614,625,628 Shrock, R. R--------------------- 426 Silbiger, A----------------------- 689 Simon, R------------------------ 98 Simons, P. y_____________________ 617 Simpson, E. S____________________ 328

Sinclair, G. W -------------------- 315 Sjogren, Hjalmar__________________ 240 Skerrett, R. G-------------------- 241 Skrine, C. P ---------------------- 351 Sky and Telescope_ _________ 242, 317, 388

Smit, A. F. J ------------------- 45.4-455 Smith, H. F ----------------------- 337 Smith, W. C--------------------- 115 Spencer, L. J__ 99-101, 362, 371, 420, 762 Stanyukovich, K. p _____________ 401,730

Sternenwelt --------------------- 379 Sterrett, T. S ___________________ 232, 548

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (99)


Ref. Straley, H. W., 3d ___________ 281, 302, 306 Straley, H. W., 4th________________ 281 Straley, WilL____________________ 306 Struve, Otto ____________________ 243, 24 7 Stutzer, Otto _______________ 244-245,439

Suess, F. E--------------------- 440-441 Suter, Max_______________________ 337

S\vanson, V. E-------------------- 340 Sytinskaya, N. N__________________ 731 Szczepkowsld, B__________________ 103


Tandberg-Hanssen, Einar__________ 535 Tassin, Wirt______________________ 204 Taylor, S. R--------------------- 372 Thomas, Kirby___________________ 246 Thomson, Elihu___________________ 247 Thomson, J. E____________________ 693 Thorslund, Per _________________ 463-464 Thurmond, F. L___________________ 248 'l'hwaites, F. T___________________ 347 Tilghman, B. C------------- 126, 249-250 Treibs, Walter-------------------- 615 Treskov, A----------------------- 732 Treuman, Kh. M__________________ 421 Trusheim, F______________________ 104 Truter, F. C--------------------- 755

u Uhden, Richard __________________ _

Urania Kpbenhavn----------------456 380

Ref. Voroshilov, l\:1. V ------------------ 622 Vronskiy, B. L------------------- 714

w Wagner, Georg____________________ 618

'Vaguer, P. A-------------------- 560 Walton, 1\Iatt--------------------- 251 Walton, ,V, C-------------------- 337 'Vashburne, C. W----------------- 105 Watson, Fletcher, Jr_______________ 252 Wegener, Alfred__________________ 406

Wells, B. W --------------------- 307 Weiskirchner, Walter-------------- 619 Weiss, Oscar--------------------- 756 Weltraumfahrt ------------------- 620 Werner, E------------------------ 621 West Texas Geological Society ___ 630-631 Whipple, F. J -------------------- 733 Wickman, F. E------------------ 457 Wieser, F ------------------------ 68{) Williams, HoweL_________________ 694 Willmore, P. L _____________ 263, 348, 478

Wills, R. G----------------------- 106 Wilson, A. F --------------------- 116 Wilson, C. H------------------- 180, 253 Wilson, C. W., Jr _______ 344-345, 389, 764 Winchell, N. H-------------------- 360 Wylie, c. c ____________________ 107-108,

254-257, 308, 700-701


Urania Krak6w __________________ _ 685 Yakonova, M. r___________________ 678 Yavnel', A. A __________________ 679-683

v Vand, Vladimir _____________ 583, 616-617 z Van Lopik, J. R _________________ 626, 629 Zimmerman, W. W ---------------- 258 Vega --------------------------- 536 Zolotov, A. V --------------------- 734 Villiers, J. de_____________________ 422 Zotkin, I. T---------------- 714-715, 735


[See "Contents" for other names]

Al Hadida Craters----------------Ashanti Crater_ _________________ _

Cave Spring Hollow---------------Chubb Crater ____________________ _ Faugeres Craters _________________ _

Hebron Crater--------------------Indian Mound ___________________ _

Laborador Crater ________________ _

Page 84 Le ClOt--------------------------53 Meteor Crater--------------------84 Montagne Moire __________________ _ 60 Osel Craters _____________________ _ 4 5 Pamir CraterS--------------------57 San Luis Maria Baca Grant Crater __ 84 Ungava Crater--------------------57 Wethebee Crater _________________ _


Page 45 22 45

48 59 38 60 57

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (100)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (101)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS· The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (102)

Terrestrial Impact - USGS · The compilation of a bibliography on terrestrial impact structures ... Malha Crater, Sudan Mount Doreen Crater field, Australia Panamint Crater, Calif. - [PDF Document] (2024)
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