Adventures & Nandroids - Chapter 14 - Zalloj (2024)

Chapter Text

The party wholed for the moment, scavenging the ‘dead’ robots that served as the NPCs and monsters for loot, scouring the wagons too. Or at least Avanon did. There was quite a bit of valuables, mostly vendor junk meant only to sell in towns, but there were a few more interesting ones such as magical runes and gems on the Trolls.

Avanon looked them over and found the poison one to be interesting. Meanwhile, Jacky and Nancy both seemed exctied.

“Oh boy oh boy this is gonna be so neato!” Said Jacky as she bounced up and down, bending her knees to do so as if she was an excited 8 year old that was just told she was going to Disneyland when it was still worth going to. “We got to play out a scenario never played before AND we beat it on our first try to boot?!”

“Yeah that was pretty neato, didn’t seem-”

“Like we were supposed to win, I know!!” Said Jacky excitedly as she interrupted Nancy.

Nancy read off her EDM. “Says there was a patch yesterday and it went into effect this morning… says they fixed a single line of code that enables the Quest. We’re the first to be pl-”

“FIRST! FIRST!! FIRST!!!” Said the Mohawked girlbot. If Nancy didn’t know any better, she would have assumed she was dealing with a normal kidbot. An severely under dressed kidbot that Nancy would not hesitate to clothe, for no child should be so borderline naked, especially when her rump occasionally clapped like that.

“We don’t know if we’re first or not, dear.” Said Nancy, tempering her galpal. “For all-”

“I checked the forums!” Jacky declared. “Quest was never mentioned anywhere!!”

“That fast?” Avanon asked the Robot with an internet connection who thinks at the speed of light, but thankfully won’t Skynet out on Mankind because she’s basically a Human Woman from the 1920s and doesn't care to Genocide the species… yet.

“You checked the forums!?” Nancy said with surprise. “Jacky you know better!”

“Yeah yeah, I know, against regulations, but I had to know for sure! We’re the first ones to play this encounter!”

“How do you know you’re the first?” Ask Avanon.

“Check the inventory, buckaroo!”

“And the logs.” Added Nancy.

Avanon checked his EDM, one of the item marked with !New!, which Avanon took a look at. It said “Noted Map” with the description of “Go te ambesh plays. Wayt fur wags. greb bods. Kam bak with thum.”

It was barely legible, at least according to the games description. On it was a map which showed a picture that lead up a stream to a waterfall. In front of it was a bunch of mushrooms… or trees? With an arrow that says “Pull”


“Go where?” Asked Nancy. “We’re not doing this right now, we nearly got TPK’d on that fight and you’re expecting us to get straight into the thick of it?!”

“Of course!” Said Jacky as she spun her head around like some kind of co*cksure Bison of confidence. “We handled those Trolls pretty good! So we can kick the tails of whatever we come across!”

“Nancy’s right, we nearly died!” Avanon rebuked. “We were one move away from losing that fight, we only survived because we played smart and built our characters properly!”

“That’s what I’m talkin about!” Cheered Jacky. “We’re well oiled and slick as can be! We bust through these bozo’s no problem!”

“No.” Nancy said sternly like a Mother saying no to a child wanting to go to Disneyland. “We go to the town first and then discuss what to do next.”

“But Nancy! Somebody else might finish the quest before we do! That ain’t fair!” Whined the Nandroid like a kid.

“Yeah we should go to the next town first and level up first.” Avanon agreed. “It’s a good-”

“NO!” Shouted Jacky as she stomped her hoof. “I wanna go NOW!! I wanna be FIRST!!!”

“Are you for real right now?” Asked Avanon. “What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal, bucko, is that this is virgin territory! An unexplored cranny nobody’s been to before! And I want to be the first to get there and see it! Cuz that’s what Adventure is all about! Where’s your sense of spirit!?”

“I think you’re just being foolhardy, honestly.” Avanon commented. “If you’re gonna threaten to throw a temper tantrum, it’s probably all the more reason to hold off on going.”

Jacky looked at the Man with a sly glare. “Oh, you want a Temper Tantrum do you?” She then took a box and used it to hop onto a plywood Barrel.

“Jacky, don’t be like that, you are old enough to be a Grandma’s Grandma!” Said Nancy, trying to dissuade the child sized Womanbot from acting like a spoiled Kidroid. “Don’t go actin like a child.”

“Why not?” Jacky asked. “Why do you get to say what we do?”

“Because you’re less petty and smarter than this?” Avanon offered.

“And as loath I am to say this, we are a Democracy in this case and it’s 2 out of 3 votes that say we go to the Town. So you have to listen.”

“Well Sister, this ain’t no Democracy! We’re a Constitution Federation of Sates, a Confederacy! Just as the Founding Fathers intended, so I’m filibustering!”

“You’re really doing this?” Asked Nancy with her annoyance on full display. “You’re going to act like a spazz and stomp your feet like a child until we go straight to the Waterfall?”

Jacky clacked her heel against the barrel with a sly look. “Maybe.” She clacked her heel again. “Or maybe I’m just having fun messin with ya!” She clacked her heels together. “But the point is.” She jumped up and down on the barrel. “We’re goin to the Waterfall Cave!” She jumped up higher and landed again, her weight coming back down with greater force. “One way or another!” She then jumped up even higher and then landed again heels first. She then crouched as she leaned over “Come Heck or Highwat-SNAP!”

The lid of the cheap prop barrel broke, the sheer force of her lower center of gravity tonnage was too much of a load to bear and she smashed through the lid, causing her to fall into the barrel itself, with only a silent wide-eyed look on her face as Nancy and Avanon laughed at her expense of being clearly stuck at the hips due to her lower cheeks.

“HAHAHA!” Nancy laughed like a duck followed by a snort.

“You-you okay?!” Asked Avanon as he chuckled, trying to not be too mean.

“SHUT YER PIE HOLES!” Jacky shouted as her cheeks lit up like a pair of bright-ligths. She tried to pull herself out of the barrel. “Cmon.” She whispered to herself as she tried to budge herself out. But she did not move a bit, the barrel held her dummy thicc cake in place, refusing to let her go all the while her companions laughed at her troubles.

“STOP LAUGHING!!” She shouted at them as her cheeks (on her face) glowed brightly, showcasing her obvious embarrassment.

“That’s what you get for-for HAHAAA…. For choosin that ridiculous rear!” Said Nancy.

“Do-do you need a hand or tw-o-o-ooo?” Said Avanon trying to not to laugh, but obviously failing.

“ERRRG, NO!” Grunted the Robot as she tried to unstuck herself. “I… GOT… IT. So… BUZZ OFF-AAAAAA!” Shrieked the bottom heavy Nan as the barrel tipped over, with her going face first towards her party, hitting the ground as she rolled onto her back, held in place by her backpack.

Nancy held in her laughter, only a few giggles getting out. She stared down at her galpal and enjoying the site of the bratty tombot getting her comeuppance.

“What are you smiling about?” Asked Jacky, her cheeks still aglow, her robot brow furrowed in annoyance.

“Your just desserts.” Answered the Nundroid. “It’s just nice to see you getting what you earned for being so childish like that. Maybe if you acted your age, you might not be in your current pickle.”

Jacky was crossed at the condescension. “Oh yeah?! Pickle this!!” Jacky raised her hands and double flipped her galpal the bird.

Nancy gasped, shocked by the rude gesture. “Jacky!! How dare you!!!”

“Oh I dare! I double dog dare! And if I had my attachment on, I’d triple dog dare!” Retorted the Tombot.

“Jacky if you don’t quit acting like a baby, I’m going to-”

“Nag me to death?! Oh please Nance, you can only scold me for so long before you do anything serious.”

Avanon felt like that comment was uncalled for and things were escalating for petty reasons. But between this and temper tantrum, he felt like there something harmless happening, like it was an act. Was it because they were robots and having trouble imitating Humans in an uncanny valley sense, or is this just their quirks of some kind?

“Oh yeah?” Nancy asked. “Well…”

“Well what? What are you gonna do? Cry about it? All ya do is be a spoil sport!”

“You’re stuck in a barrel!” Scolded Jacky.

“Yeah? So? Maybe I’m okay with that! I don’t need you to babysit me!”

Nancy felt frustrated, she felt irate when Jacky got like this. Being clearly obstinate and trying to turn the tables on her. It was usually for something funny Jacky did, normally an embarrassing mistake and trying to play it off all cool. Just for once, after all these years the two have been together, she just wanted Jacky to be mature about her moments of embarrassment and just ask for help.

Jacky wrong, she need Nancy to babysit her. In fact, it gave her an idea.

“Hey Jacky!” Asked Nancy with a mischievous face.

“What?” Asked the Mohawker expecting to be given another audioful of nagging Nancy.

Nancy turned around facing away, giving Jacky full upskirt of Nancy’s panties, which she liked, but was curious what she was up to.

“What? What are you doing?”


“...What? 321 wha-”

Nancy cut Jacky off by simply dropping herself onto Jacky’s face, planting her rump upon her friend’s cranium, pining her in place.

“PFFFT-AHAHAHA!!!” Avanon laughed loudly at the deadpan levels of slapstick. It was well executed at the sudden drop to cut off her subject, as far as he was concerned. It quite impressed him actually. Apparently Nancy did have a fun side to her.

Jacky however cussed out her friend, muffled from under her as she struggled to push Nancy off of her face. Thankfully she did not need air, but she still felt a need to escape. Jacky never liked being restrained much, even during funtime in the bedroom with Nancy or Klancy or any of their other Galpals.

“Yeah, since you don’t like being babysat, I’d thought I give a taste of your own medicine.” Said Nancy as she sat, then turning her gaze to Avanon. “Bit like how you gave our new pal a taste of it yesterday.” She then winked to him, mostly out of playfulness and not giving it much thought.

Avanon saw it and appreciated the gesture. Then realized what she meant and felt warm over it, his mind going through the implications of what she meant by it and felt even warmer, feeling a stirring in his throat, chest, stomach and loins. He smiled none-the-less, choosing to think of it as just friendliness from the robot.

“The more you struggle the longer you stay down there!” Said Nancy as Jacky tried to levy her robotics strength. But Nancy kept shifting her weight around.

“Had eno-OW!” Nancy yelped as Jacky slapped her rump. “JACKY YOU BRA-OW! QUIT Th-OW!!” Jacky simply kept giving her friend sharp slaps to her rump, cracks through the air telling how potent they were, making ripple of waves over the fleshy silicon, even with the fabrics softening them somewhat.

“OW! FINE! DAMMIT!” Nancy jolted forward and crawled away at a rapid pace. Avanon almost asked her if she was okay, but there was what looked like a smile on her face.

“That’s whatchya get, sister! Hehe!” Jacky smiled playfully. She then turned Avanon. “So… you enjoy the sho-” A bleeping sound went off from their EDMs, cutting her off. Jacky checked hers before giving a huff. “Aw crap, we gotta get goin! Game wants to reset this encounter for the next party!”

Avanon walked over to Jacky and offered her a hand up. “So we’re… goin to the place the Quest says to go or-” He asked before Jacky cut him off.

“Nah, we gotta go to the town first.” She replied as she took his hand, he pulled her up with the barrel still stuck to her.

“But you just threw a fit over wanting to do the Quest first.”

“Holy-Moly, I was just kiddin kiddo!” She said as she adjusted herself as best she could, remaining firmly unbudged “Wasn’t it obvious?”

“Not really, I thought you were being serious.” Avanon answered honestly. “You sure were convincing about how badly you wanted to go.”

“Well… you sure sound like you don’t get out much.”

“This is the first time I’ve gone out since goin to college, so about 5 years, at least. Had to save money… that doesn't matter anymore.” Avanon remembered the thing he was trying to forget for a while.

Jacky picked up on this and wanted to get his mind off of his predicament. “...How… how-how about you help me outta this thing, will ya?!” She stuttered as she offered a hand.

Avanon took it assuming she wanted him to pull her out, which did, or tried to. She did not budge, so he planted a boot on the edge of the barrel to gain more leverage and used his great Manly strength to pull her but stopped.

“Why’d you stop?” She asked.

“I don’t think you’re coming out of that thing that way and I won’t wanna pop your arms off or anything.” He answered.

She felt a little touched at his concern. “Sweetie, I’m a Nandroid and a War Veteran with the Purple Heart to prove it! I ain’t no girls toy! Gonna take more than you to yank me apart!” She said with confidence.

He felt at ease, believing what she said, having no reason to doubt her, until he remembered what she just did. “Wait, are you kidding about the Purple Heart thing?”

“Help me out and I just might tell ya!” She gave Avanon a playful wink, wanting to egg him on.

“Okay then.” He grabbed onto her, hands under her armpits and then planted a boot on the edge of the barrel, reading himself to pull with all of his might.

“STOP!” Shouted Nancy. “You are not going to get her out of that thing that way, you might rip her silicon keister doing that.”
“Oh dang, that’s a good point!” Jacky agreed, grateful for Nancy thinking it through. “We paid that Nan too much money to risk this thing of mine!”

Avanon released the girlbot, taking a step back. “Okay, so how are we gonna get you out then?”

“Try the bottom?” Nancy asked as she kicked the barrel.

“Good idea! Quick! Avanon! Knock me up!” Said Jacky with eagerness.

“...What?!” Avanon asked, hoping he heard her wrong.

“Knock me up bucko!” She shouted, eager to make it happen. Nancy then smacked her with her staff. “OW! What was that for?!”

“Knock her down, out the bottom!!” Nancy corrected.

“Oh.” Jacky & Avanon said together.

“That makes sense.” Avanon added.

“Hold up, lemme drop this!” Jacky removed her backpack, tossing it off. “Now hug me!”

“Okay!” Obeyed the Snakey Knight as he wrapped his arms around the relatively small robot. He liked hugging people, for so rare it was to have such contact with another within his life. It helped cover-up his loneliness. Never mind the puss*, motherf*cker needs a hug.

“Get your hands on my shoulders!” She commanded, which he obeyed, placing each hand on a shoulder in crisscross as he continued to hug her. “All right, now slowly start pulling me do-WN!”

She plopped into the barrel, unstucking the girl from the rim to make her disappear inside the wooden container, making her companions giggle from the sudden motion.

Avanon knew what was next and slowly tipped the barrel over, when it was its side, Jacky then started kicking the bottom. After few powerful strikes, her heeled hoof boots crashed through the lid of the barrel, knocking it off and exposing her lovely and juicy looking drumstick, causing a potent stir in Avanons loin at the sight of them like that, followed by her peachy loincloth covered scale armored rump.

She tried to squeeze all the way out but became stuck again due to having the same problem of being dummy thicc she had at the other end of the barrel and became stuck again. “Hey! Lil help?!” The souled Ginger demanded.

Avanon obeyed, grabbing her by the leg, raising them up so he could get a better grip on her ankles. For a moment he felt akward as he sort of wondered if it looked like he was plowing a sexy legged barrel.

Nancy smirked, trying to keep in a laugh while her cheeks were glowing from the embarrassing site, as it looked like he was plowing a sexy legged barrel.

He then planted a boot down on the lip of the container and started to gently pull on the Nandroid like he was helping a Horse give birth. At first she seemed like she was about to come out, but eventually she stopped moving entirely.

“STOP! STOP!” Shouted Jacky, Avanon obeying. “I’M STUCK!!!”

“Oh f*ck.” Said Avanon under his breath. “That ain’t good.”

“Yeah, that might have been a bad idea.” Added Nancy.

The legs of the barrel began flailing. “GEMME OUT!!” It shouted. Eventually she did a barrelroll and began to upright herself with the barrel over her, it was quite the struggle.

Avanon & Nancy started to chuckle. It was a rather amusing sight to obverse a big butted barrel try to get up, Nancy suppressing the urge to kick it in the rear.

Upon the barrel gaining it’s footing it skittered around in place humorously and then it did a 180 hop in place to turn around, revealing the majesty of the sexy legged barrel, in all it’s bottom heavy loinclothed majesty, making Avanon & Nancy break out into a hard laugh.

“STOP LAUGHING! IM STUCK! AND MAD!” Shouted the barrel. “I WANT OUT DAMMIT!!” The barrel then barreled forth at full charge towards those laughing at her, only to smash into a wagon, causing the cheap wooden barrel to crack open, all the laughs of her companions, though she was still trapped by the metal rings.

Jacky looked through the cracks of the barrel and spotted her friend enjoy her plight. “Oh laugh it up buckos, I’d like to see you in my shoes!” She said as she glared at them.

“So-sorry babe!” Said Nancy through her laughter, trying to keep herself from collapsing.

Avanon felt like she had enough and went over to Jacky to pry the wood apart to free the beleaguered Nan. He managed to pull most of the wood apart to the point she could get out.

“Finally. Thanks kiddo!” Said a relieved Jacky as Avanon helped her up.

“You learned lesson yet?” Asked a cheeky Nancy.

“You learned to… um… stuff it?” Retorted Jacky, or at least she tried to.

“Sure.” Answered Nancy, now extra cheeky.

Jacky just stuck her tongue out at her galpal. “Okay, let’s get going to town.” Said the Barbaranan as she picked up her axe and equipped her backpack again. “We gotta tell Klancy about all this… well the quest thing actually.”

“Yeah, can’t risk looking uncool in front of her, huh?” Said a still cheeky Nancy.

Jacky simply puffed up her glowing cheeks but said nothing.

“Got everything?” Asked Avanon, wanting to make sure they left nothing that was wanted. “EDM’s bugging us to get going.”

“Yup!” Said Jacky as she held picked up the barrel rings. “Lets go!”

“What are you gonna do with those things?” Asked the Serpentine Knight Ranger.

“I’m gonna some hips armor with these!” Answered Jacky. “Have these rings molded around my waist and have plates hang on the sides as armor for my hips! I think it’ll go great with my loincloth, don’t you think?” She said a she stroked her hand under loincloth, lifting it run over her hand before falling, giving a sly look.

Avanon felt a ping of sudden butterflies in his body in various places, he was certain if she was teasing him or not.

And she wasn’t sure if she was being too obvious.

“That’s a… a creative idea.” He answered. “It’s like using a pot lid for a buckler.”

Nancy simply scoffed at the idea of using junk like that for fashion, but it’s not the first time something like that was made into something cool in her eyes.

The party gathered up and did another check for items and moved on. As they became distant, the previously dead robots of the caravan ambush began to move, including the Trollbots. They collectively gathered up whatever was loose and placed the objects into the wagons and began making their ways back to their ‘spawning’ locations as per their program.

The party watched from a distance for a few minutes, impressed by the level of logistics that have gone into making this game work so well for so many people at once. After the moment, they returned to the road and made their way to the Town in earnest.

Adventures & Nandroids - Chapter 14 - Zalloj (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.